而有些世界地圖裡,則沒那麼大 這是為什麼?
They"re just using different map projections.
The first one seems to be Mercator projection
or one of its variations. In fact the major disadvantage of Mercator
is, as you said, that it does not preserve the ratio of areas. Area in
higher latitude will be projected to be larger. However, Mercator is the
easiest projection to draw (as all lines of longitude are vertical, and all lines of latitude are horizontal). That"s why all
Internet maps use Web Mercator, a variation of Mercator that is even easier to handle than standard Mercator.
The second one seems to be Robinson projection. It is not an equal-area projection either. But it is a compromise that does not change the area ratios so severe as Mercator.
What are map projections, and why do we need different projections? When projecting the surface of theearth onto a plane, the following properties are usually desired:
- Conformal: Preserves angles locally, implying that locally shapes are not distorted.
- Equal Area: Ratios of areas are conserved.
- Equidistant: Ratios of distances from one (or two) specific points are preserved.
- Gnomonic: All great circles are straight lines.
你可以看一下兩張地圖的緯度線。 上圖的緯度線不是均勻分布的,緯度越高,一緯度對應的長度越大,所以格陵蘭島是被拉長了。 下圖的緯度線是平均分布的,這個就是小時候用的地球儀的皮展開那樣的。 這就是個大意,還是小時候哥哥教我的。