找知乎最大的旁系富二代(之一)Thiel 他輔導過的都去了top 20,收費也不貴。美國學生應該向他學習,多輔導國內本科生來美國轉學。這樣,許多三本學生就會多一條出路,而不是留在城鄉結合部裝逼
美本野雞大學狗怒答,GPA&>curriculum&>推薦信&>轉學的理由&>SAT/ACT/TOEFL和課外活動。如果題主明年入學,deadline應該是三月份。final考完了,前兩項應該已成定局。建議題主在寫essay時著重突出轉學的理由(最好不要僅僅是XX學校排名更高),其次可以寫寫自己intern,實驗室打雜的經歷,能和自己的專業聯繫起來。對於轉學,課外活動並不重要。題外話,聽說Cornell 對於轉學有比較嚴格的prerequisite,申請之前最好能上官網去對下,2016sp 還有彌補的機會。
1. 一篇好的轉學申請作文往往對需要轉學的原因有清晰而明確的陳述。
6. 你認為在第一所學校里沒有得以發展的興趣愛好能在新的學校得到更加全面的開發嗎?
第5款:你未來想做什麼/ 想成為什麼樣的人 /想從事什麼樣的研究?(又名:你的夢想是什麼?)
你想在這裡做什麼?如何做到這一點:通過做夢。問問自己,夢想的工作是什麼 -即使它是不是你唯一的夢想的工作,即使你不是100%肯定這是你想要做什麼
1. Core values:experiential learning, multiculturalism, embracing differences
Before I could even walk, my parents instilled in me alove for history. And thanks to their passion for travel, much of my earlyeducation was experiential. At eight, I could not only recite knowledge ofCorrie Ten Boom, I"d visited the house where she"d hidden Jews in her homeduring WWII. By 10 I』d seen the Roman Ruins just outside Paris and by 11, I』dvisited Rome and Florence, and begun to develop a passion for Michelangelo. By14 I』d climbed the caverns of Mykonos and by 16 I』d walked barefoot throughIndia and jogged along the Great Wall of China.
Though moving around wasn』t always easy, travel gave me the opportunity tobecome more adaptable and resourceful, and I came to embrace differences as notonly normal but exciting. My passion for cultural experiences and historycontinued in high school, and I looked forward to more experiential learningopportunities in college.2. Why sheinitially chose X school
One of the things that initially attracted me to BiolaUniversity was the Torrey Honors program. I also appreciated the welcomingattitude of its students, and, initially, its emphasis on Judeo-Christianvalues. But the past year and a half has given me time for introspection, and Ihave begun to see that Biola and I are not the best match.
3. A politearticulation of why she and the school are not the best match
I believe, for example, in the freedom to express love forwhomever one chooses. But on at least one occasion at Biola I』ve been reportedto my resident director for displaying physical affection toward another girland have been told I could risk expulsion if we were 「caught」 in the act. Ialso believe that one should be free to express her spiritual beliefs in anyway she chooses. At Biola, however, students are required to attend a minimumof 30 chapel events, and must pay upwards of $300 if this requirement is notmet. I』m also interested in a diversity of perspective, but faculty arerequired to teach through a Biblical lens, and over 90% of the students in mydepartment (Anthropology) are seeking to do missionary work followinggraduation. Finally, I didn』t feel the Torrey Honors Program provided the kindof experiential learning environment I was looking for.
4. How she made thebest of things--and learned some great lessons and skills!
Two highlights of my time at Biola included debate, andthe experience of founding BQU, a safe, but underground group for queerstudents. Working with the debate team has taught me how to be accountable formy own work and more humble in my losses. Working with BQU has shown me notonly the necessity of being vulnerable with others, but has also taught meskills in creating a group constitution, designing a website, and advertisingour cause in a non-inflammatory way.
5. What she wantsto do (a.k.a.: the dream)
I』ve always been interested in psychological orenvironmental root of motives, and I see myself one day working in publicpolicy. I』m seeking science and social science departments that offer bothexcellent research facilities and opportunities for practical application.
6. How she』llpursue her interests at her new school: a mini 「Why us」 essay
I am interested in the debate team at Fordham because itsJesuit tradition inspires an intellectually rigorous environment. Whilemy current team is very skilled, it does not fulfill my intellectual values; Iwant classmates who want to explore controversial topics despite their personalstances, and who want to take debate as seriously as their social lives. Mydesire to explore diversity is also reflected in my major (Anthropology), anddraws me to the Irish Studies department. I am personally looking to revive mycultural heritage, and I am also interested in helping oppressed culturesthrive. I see a need to promote how Celtic culture shaped currentAmerican society, and want to explore the gender roles of early Celtic culture.
7. And we』re out.
Although my time at Biola has been challenging, it hasgiven me time to discover my own values, ethics, and priorities. I am ready tofind a place where I can feel at home, and Fordham is a place where I canpicture myself reading Nietzsche in my dorm room or working on progressivedebate resolutions with the squad. I hope to contribute my interests and valuesto the Fordham tradition.
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所以真正的Transfer Essay和美國申請的核心理念是一致的:Be Your Personal Best!
其實在申請中,寫出一篇好Essay並不是特別難,但是申請不是考寫作,學校不是看你Essay寫得多漂亮,學校更重要的是通過Essay了解申請人作為「人」的一面。所以在寫Transfer Essay的時候,只有我們能夠一直本著「Be Your Personal Best」這個理念,去展現自己,那麼才能將Why Transfer,Academic Interest,Career Plan,Experience Ability,Why XXX College這些核心問題進行很好的串聯起來。例如Mary的申請,我們通過Essay向學校講述了她因為自己在做community service和社團活動中對自己的能力和興趣有了了解(對錢不感冒),在學習中發現目前學校的教育無法滿足自己(生物,歷史,數學這些學科自己都感興趣,希望能夠有一個自主性大的教育,更全面的接觸這些領域,而目前學校只能提供更多偏商科的課程),通過講述自己希望未來進行什麼樣的學習,讓學校明白Mary對自己的選擇是經過深思熟慮的,同時對於要申請的學校也是有著全面和深入的料及的。
經過並不算漫長的等待(因為申請得比較晚),Mary陸續拿到了Denison和St. Lawrence的錄取,並分別是16000和10000刀的獎學金。
? 如何向學校解釋你的轉學動機?
? GPA低,該如何向學校解釋?
? 如何積極「吐槽」目前的學校?
水嫂教你申美本 - 知乎專欄
這是我室友寫的一篇為什麼轉學到約翰霍普金斯的文章。 他從美國一所普通文理學院轉到約翰霍普金斯,也同時收到布朗,賓大Offer. 文章里有一些轉學建議,有興趣的同學可以看看。
Why Hopkins? Typing this question really reminds me of the Common App essays, and yes, this kind of memory is in the 『don』t you dare talk about that』 category.
Before transferring, I was in a small liberal college in Reading, Pennsylvania. I did pretty well and had a lot of fun. Life was easy—too easy and I started hating it. I』m not saying that I am the kind of guy that needs to study 24 hours a day to avoid feeling guilty, but what I』ve realized is that your undergraduate years are the best, and it』s the only time you are given the greatest freedom and guidance to explore whatever you want. So you know there must be something wrong if you describe your undergraduate life as 「boring.」 At that time, my current curriculum, the learning atmosphere, my peers, and many other things made me realize that I needed a new start.
And so in the start of my sophomore year, I began thinking about transferring, took my SAT (Hopkins does not require it, though), and looked into different schools. To be very honest, like most, or at least some of you, Johns Hopkins University was one of the schools on my Common App list, and the main reasons were its reputation and its abundant research opportunities. I really didn』t know much about the institution when I was deciding between it and my other offers.
As an Economics major, what finally brought me to Hopkins were the school』s spirit, flexible curriculum, and the research opportunities. But it was not until I arrived here that I realized how amazing Johns Hopkins fitted me.
The first myth I would like to clarify is: Johns Hopkins is not only for science students. In fact, Hopkins was best known for its strong humanities programs before the launch of the medical school. The writing seminars major, international studies, history, and basically all other departments are all regarded as one of the strongest in the nation. Here you will find the brightest people in which ever field you are interested in.
Therefore, not being biochemistry major or a pre-med is not the reason to block you from Hopkins. Instead, Hopkins really encourages students to explore their academic interest to the widest extent. And as Hopkins students, we are given an edge, being able to do just that thanks to the flexible distribution requirement. At Hopkins, graduating on time and taking the classes you actually enjoy are never in conflict.
I serve as the best example. In my first semester, I only took 2 major classes. I even took a neuroscience class just to get a taste of it, and it tasted real bad. But it was the possibility to explore that allowed me to discover my passion in international relations. Now, I am double majoring in economics and international studies, and this would never be achievable for a transfer student not under the Hopkins spirit.
The relatively flexible curriculum, however, does not imply a laid-back life here. Saying Hopkins is easy is like a girlfriend saying she is not mad. Lie. There is certainly a level of academic intensity. Before, I was the last person you will expect to see in the library. But at Hopkins, you just really have to work hard. At Hopkins, everyone is real passionate about what they are doing. Studying here is not solely about tests and exams; it』s about passion and exploration. The study atmosphere at Hopkins is thus the quality that I found myself best fitted into. At Hopkins, studying is no longer limited to the read text, but it intrigues and trains you to think. The method of thinking is what I regarded as my biggest gain—a gain is awarded to every Hopkins student.
This winter break, I enrolled in an intersession course that explores the trend of globalization. We visited the headquarters of United Nation, Bloomberg (FYI Michael Bloomberg is an alumnus and the biggest donor of Johns Hopkins and many other BIG organizations). We also had a lot of great speakers, and the most interesting thing I have discovered is their current career seems completely unrelated to their bachelor degree. For example, three alumni who now work on Wall Street were in fact all history majors at Hopkins. When I asked about this phenomenon, I was answered with a quote that I think best represent Johns Hopkins University:
「Johns Hopkins does not simply make you a scholar in your field, she makes you the thinker of the world.」
It wasn』t until now that I knew I had made a great choice. The more I am at Hopkins, the more I realize what she can offer. I was panicked to death before I came here. I worried about everything. I worried about my future, my friends, and of course, like most of you, the city. There is one joke that I always tell my friend: One day, when I was still in Reading, PA I received a call from my mum. She somehow, and finally, realized Reading is the most dangerous and the poorest city in the United States and told me to get out of there. I did…and I am now in Baltimore. But in the end, it is really just a joke. Baltimore is a wonderful city, diverse and energetic, and really has everything you need (and more). You are just 20 minutes away from Inner Harbor, the most beautiful and delicious place I have ever been to. I mean, who doesn』t love Phillip』s Seafood and The Cheesecake Factory!
The Hopkins student body is also greatly diversified. The background, interests, activities, and opportunities here are so diverse that you will find your jackpot for sure and make tons of friends. And the social life at Hopkins is actually fun—don』t believe the rumors!
I will let Google do the rest of the tour guiding since I know you can』t wait to see my tips (some of you might even just skip all the above). Finally, here is my advice to future transfer students:
1. Come visit the campus and ask for more information. The information online is never enough for you to decide if a school is a good fit. Visiting often confirms your interest.
2. The essays: You really want to show you』ve done your research on Johns Hopkins and why it will fit your interests. (Coming for a visit is definitely beneficial as it offers you information that other candidates don』t have, and thus makes your essays stand out.)
3. The essays, pt2: You also want to show why you are a good fit for Hopkins. Do not repeat all your experiences that are already on the application. Mention those that make you a good fit for Hopkins.
4. Pay full attention to the requirements and ask if you have any uncertainty.
5. If you get in, congratulations! Be as open-minded as possible and you will find unlimited opportunities here.
Good luck to you all!
Man Yik 「Eric」 Lau
轉學得看運氣 有些學校滿了也是沒辦法
文書轉學的理由一定要 detailed 很general的就別寫了
GPA 得至少3.8把 我還知道top 15 4.0申 top10一個沒錄取的 不過被哈佛面了 因為那人essay特別糟糕轉學文書注重學術研究,興趣方面的東西,高中生申本科課外活動比較重要,需要代寫的話可以私信
※哥倫比亞大學 (Columbia University) 附近有哪些好的慢跑路線?
TAG:斯坦福大學StanfordUniversity | 留學 | 加州大學伯克利分校UCBerkeley | 哥倫比亞大學ColumbiaUniversity | 康奈爾大學CornellUniversity |