coordination, cooperation, collaboration三個單詞有什麼區別?
角色:委託方A、被評估單位H、券商B、審計事務所C、評估公司D、律師E、財務顧問F、技術顧問G etc.
【圖渣(劃掉/五芒星的力(C)量(P)/劃掉)】包括但不限於:審計與評估進行被評估單位的現場工作(site inspection),法律與技術顧問對被評估單位的盡職調查(due diligence),評估對法律意見書、審計報告、技術報告的引用,財務顧問對被評估單位提供給評估的預測數據的審核,五家機構對企業資料的共享etc. 此時機構間是為完成共同目標而進行的【協同collaboration】,可參考Collaboration中的project management。此外,日語中的コラボ(collaboration的簡稱)通常用在【兩個名演員共同出演某作品「XXとXX、夢のコラボ/共演」】【兩個名歌手共同製作某首歌「XXX feat.XXX」】等場合cooperation:C1&<=&>C2&<=&>C3&<=&>C4&<=&>C5
【其實本來上面那個栗子是打算當cooperation的解釋的,但看了一些網頁和釋義,感覺更符合collaboration的定義】個人感覺cooperation適用於下面兩種場合:Teamwork"Please put your baggage through the security machine. Thank you for your cooperation."coordination |kō??rdn?āSH?n|
1 the organization of the different elements of a complex body or activity so as to enable them to work together effectively: both countries agreed to intensify efforts at economic policy coordination.
? cooperative effort resulting in an effective relationship: action groups work in coordination with local groups to end rain forest destruction.
2 the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently: changing from one foot position to another requires coordination and balance.
3 Chemistry the linking of atoms by coordinate bonds.
ORIGIN mid 17th cent. (in the sense 『placing in the same rank』): from French or from late Latin coordinatio(n-), based on Latin ordo, ordin- 『order.』
協調 (不同人事之間的矛盾)cooperation |kō??p??rāSH?n|
the process of working together to the same end: they worked in close cooperation with the AAA.
? assistance, especially by ready compliance with requests: we would like to ask for your cooperation in the survey.
? Economics the formation and operation of cooperatives.
ORIGIN late Middle English: from Latin cooperatio(n-), from the verb cooperari (see cooperate); later reinforced by French coopération .
collaboration |k??lab??rāSH?n|
1 the action of working with someone to produce or create something: he wrote on art and architecture in collaboration with John Betjeman.
? something produced or created by collaboration: his recent opera was a collaboration with Lessing.
2 traitorous cooperation with an enemy: he faces charges of collaboration.
collaborationist |-nist| noun adjectivecollaboration ( sense 2)
ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from Latin collaboratio(n-), from collaborare 『work together.』
I coordinate.... (不見得是自己做), I cooperate 和別人合作 (有種協商後就範的感覺,官方冰冷范兒), I collaborate (和諧一起玩耍,)
coordination 協調 ,偏交談商量,討價還價。
cooperation, 配合,偏契約精神,比如還需你幫忙的意思。collaboration,合作,共同完成,一起儘力。洛杉磯老司機的答案You coordinate to bring order and organization. Both working with others, you cooperate because you have to; you collaborate because you want to.
(It can be far more productive and successful to collaborate. Looked at another way, it』s an inclusive and expansive means by which you co-create the future together with others and make a bigger pie for everyone.