985 cs本科畢業,三年相關工作經驗,家境一般,出國讀研選歐洲還是北美?

大家好,本人女,畢業於top10 985 的cs專業,績點3.3。畢業後在一家世界五百強的金融公司下的it子公司當了三年程序員,期間發了三個專利,並在第三年開始帶團隊,做的內容技術含量一般,就是普通的java開發。其實本科一直想出國,但是家境一般所以只是想想沒有付出行動。現在工作三年賺了一些錢,所以辭職準備出國,但是賺的錢只夠美國研究生一年的學費加加生活費。本來想走威斯康星麥迪遜,uiuc,cmu ini kobe這種有可能拿獎的項目,但是目前gt考出的成績不高,g 319,t 95,感覺申請美研獎學金無競爭力。最近在知乎上看到好多說歐洲留學特別是北歐花費不多且就業也不錯,最近已經開始申請Erasmus Mundus的項目,所以請知友幫忙看看我這種情況申請歐洲學校是否有競爭力,否拿到獎學金?還是應該堅定申請美國學校,借錢自費?或者各位知友可否推薦一些性價比高的項目?





謝謝你的問題! 很高興看到你的問題!

You should consider the return on investment (ROI) of your degree to make this decision. Let"s use Cornell Tech"s 1-year M.Eng in Computer Science as an example. The estimated cost of this program is approximately $66,189 per year, and if you took out private loans to pay tuition, your interest rate might be around 7%. After graduation, what boost would you anticipate to your salary? Would it be enough to justify making payments on student loans? In many fields, this makes a lot of sense: investing $200,000 in a strong 2-year MBA program makes a lot of sense if it leads to a lucrative promotion. In other words, the ROI can be good.

I"d carry out this calculation for yourself under several different scenarios. How much would you have to make per year in the United States, if you choose to remain for up to 3 years on OPT, to pay off your loans? How long would it take while working in China to do the same? What would be your expected earnings over 5, 10 or 20 years both with and without a masters degree? The math could go either way, depending on where you plan to work and live, and whether you willing to put up with less financial flexibility over the short term.

I suggest carrying out similar ROI calculations about each program you"re considering, whether it"s in the United States, Japan, Europe, or China. Find out how much these programs cost and see how it would affect your earnings and opportunities. You may also decide that the chance to live and work abroad for several years is also worth some financial sacrifices--that"s entirely reasonable, too, as long as you make that choice in an informed way. I feel that less expensive European programs can offer a significant value as long as you choose a country that supports your desire to live and work abroad for a period of time after you graduate. Countries like Germany, France and the Netherlands all offer opportunities to remain and work either for a company, or even for yourself under an entrepreneurship visa, which may also influence your decision.

A graduate education is much more than money, of course--it"s also about personal growth and developing a skillset that will make you a more well-informed and creative within a subject you enjoy. That said, it"s important to ask hard questions about cost and ROI to avoid a financial headache in the future and to be realistic about your outcomes from each type of program, so I"m glad to see that you"re approaching this problem in a methodical way.

And we"d love to provide you with a further consultation based on your situation if you want to connect with our mentors who had been there and can help you with your application, feel free to connect me on Zhihu or We Chat ;)

Remember: Dyad is always here for you


Greg Nance

CEO of Dyad Mentorship

加拿大試試Waterloo吧?名聲在那裡 就業很不錯的

如果是想讀CS相關的專業,我覺得美國是個不錯的選擇啊,比如現在很多學校新開了data science方向的碩士項目,有的只要一年,畢業之後可以有36個月opt的時間,基本在美國工作1-2年就可以回本了,而且你又是女生,不管是申請還是找工作,優勢都很明顯。



低GPA能申請到HEC GE/MFE、Bocconi Fin嗎?
在歐洲高等商學院 (ESCP Europe) 就讀是怎樣一番體驗?
在德國 奧地利 挪威 義大利 留學有哪些不同?

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