Freedom 和 Liberty 都有「自由」的意思,它們在含義和用法上有什麼區別?

實際上這兩個詞是一個很好的diglossia的例子。Freedom是一個日爾曼辭彙,而Liberty是一個拉丁來源的辭彙。所以我們看到它們對應德語的Freiheit/Freiraum,對應羅曼語的 liberté(法) libertà(意) libertad(西) liberdade(葡) libertate(羅)。




"Freedom" and "liberty" have very similar meanings. I think of "liberty" as related to the government, laws, and official things, where as "freedom" is less official sounding. A big difference is the phrase structures using "liberty": "I took the liberty of _______" and "I am not at liberty to ______".

Freedom: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without restriction.

  • The prisoners were trying to remember the taste of freedom. ("Taste of freedom" is a poetic phrase and "taste of liberty" would sound weird.)
  • We have freedom of choice (not "liberty of choice").


1. The power to act as you please.

  • The soldiers fought for liberty (or freedom) and justice.
  • I took the liberty of making a reservation for you (acting on your own authority without the permission of another person).

2. Right or privilege

  • I am not at liberty to discuss the case at this time. (This is a formal way to say "I can"t discuss it with you.")

I hope this helps.



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謝謝 @Leon Anderson 的翻譯:


還有一個很大的區別就是有關『liberty"的兩個短語結構:"I took the liberty of _______" 和 "I am not at liberty to ______"。


例如:The prisoners were trying to remember the taste of freedom. (囚徒們努力去記住自由的滋味。"Taste of freedom"是一個比較富有詩意的短語, 而"taste of liberty"聽起來就很奇怪)。

We have freedom of choice.(我們有選擇的自由,這裡就不用 "liberty of choice")



例如:The soldiers fought for liberty (or freedom) and justice.(戰士們為了自由和正義而戰,這裡兩個詞都可以用。)

I took the liberty of making a reservation for you.(我利用我的自由幫你預訂了一個位置,這裡的liberty指在不需要經他人准許的情況下憑藉自己的權力來行事)。


I am not at liberty to discuss the case at this time.(「我不方便跟你談這些」的比較正式的說法)。


freedom liberty


freedom 系常用詞, 指「沒有強制、壓迫且能充分按自己意志行事」, 強調「個人的自由」, 如:

We have freedom of speech .


liberty 在談到民族,國家爭取或獲得自由時,可與 freedom 互換, 但它著重「從過去所受的壓制或束縛中解放出來」, 強調「集體的自由」, 如:

The majority of the people in the world have regained their liberty.



它們倆雖然同是英語但卻從不同的語系裡來,freedom來自Saxon語系,後來被普通民眾用得多;liberty來自Norman語系,後來被統治階級用得多...所以也能應證 @于思淼 說的「freedom多強調個體自由,liberty多強調國家民族自由」。






性冷淡和正常人都有freedom to love

但說性冷淡有liberty to love 就不對了。

2017年3月在北大講學期間,美國歷史學家Eric Foner曾回答過這個問題,他認為這個問題現在來看主要是哲學上有分別,而現實和歷史學研究中這兩個詞的含義其實沒有太大差別了。(大意如此)

美國歷史學家David Hackett Fischer曾在Liberty and Freedom 一書中專門研究了美國早期這兩個概念的理解和發展歷程。總結起來,大概有以下幾種方式,其一是「文本和語境的方法」(text-and-con-text method),這種方法源自美國人自身對liberty和freedom的解釋,實際上超越了美國本身的範圍;其二是邁克爾·卡門提出的「概念的耦合」(coupling of concepts),他指出liberty的含義是與其他的概念結合起來從而展現出自身的含義,例如殖民地時代liberty與authority的結合,共和國早期libetty與property的結合,19世紀liberty與order的結合,20世紀liberty與justice的結合等;其三則是基於哲學家的用法(philosopher"s stone)。具體引用原文見下。

Here is a central problem in American history, as liberty and freedom are central values in American culture. Scholars have attempted to study it in many ways. The leading approach might be called the text-and-con-text method. It begins with American texts on liberty and freedom and fits them into an explanatory context that is larger than America itself.

Historians have discovered many different contexts by this method. They have variously told us that the meaning of American liberty and freedom is to be found in the context of Greek democracy, Roman repub- licanism, natural rights in the Middle Ages, the civic humanism of the Renaissance, the theology of the Reformation, the English "common--wealth tradition" in the seventeenth century, British "opposition ideology" in the eighteenth century, the treatises of]ohn Locke, the science oflsaac Newton, the writings of Scottish moral philosophers, the values of the Enlightenment, and the axioms of classical liberalism.

All of these approaches have added to our knowledge of liberty and freedom, but none of them comes to terms with Captain Preston. As he reminded us, the text-and-context method refers to books he never read, people he never knew, places he never visited, and periods that were far from his own time.

Another method is the "coupling of concepts." That phrase appears in an excellent and useful book by Michael Kammen called Spheres of Lib-erty, which concludes that the "meaning of liberty in America has pre-dominantly been explained in relation to some other quality," such as liberty and authority in the colonial era, liberty and property in the early republic, liberty and order through the nineteenth century, or liberty and justice in the twentieth century. Michael Kammen"s coupling of concepts works very well for a study of conceptual writings, especially in constitu-tional law and political theory, but Captain Preston was thinking in more concrete terms.

A third tool for the study of liberty and freedom might be called the philosopher"s stone. It begins with a timeless abstraction that is the prod-uct of reflection rather than research. The leading example is Isaiah Berlin"s essay "Two Concepts of Liberty," which attempts to organize the subject around a disjunction between "negative" and "positive" liberty, similar to the old German distinction between Freiheit von and Freiheit zu. Berlin"s negative liberty is the idea that "no man or body of men inter-feres with my activity." His positive liberty "consists in being one"s own master," by not being a slave to "unbridled passions" or possessions, or by achieving a "higher freedom" and helping or even forcing others to reach that state.

Isaiah Berlin was writing in 1958, and his model was widely read as applying to the competing ideologies of the Cold War. Social scientists took it up with high enthusiasm, but philosophers and historians have not been happy with it. Eric Foner observes from long study that most ideas of liberty and freedom in America have tended to be positive and nega-tive at the same time. Further, as we shall see, many ideas of liberty and freedom are larger than "noninterference with my own activity" or "being one"s own master." Isaiah Berlin"s "two concepts of liberty" are heuristi-cally useful, but they are not mutually exclusive or collectively exhaustive. As organizing categories for the study of liberty and freedom they are mistaken.

Eric Foner"s Story ofAmerican Freedom takes a different and more his-torical approach to the problem. He begins with an idea of freedom as an "essentially contested concept," in W. B. Gallie"s phrase, and studies it as a sequence of controversies that have shaped American history.The result is an excellent and large-spirited book, one of the best on its subject.7 But it does not solve the problem of Captain Preston. To think of the history of freedom as a series of intellectual controversies is to center it on con- troversialists, which most Americans were not.


David Hackett Fischer, Liberty and Freedom: A Visual History of America"s Founding Ideas, Oxford University Press, 2005.



在英國的政治思想史研究者那裡,liberty 傾向於指「英國式的」自由,而freedom 則是指「歐洲大陸式」的自由。

也就是說,liberty 偏經驗性一些,有一些關乎細節的具體性的內容,而freedom 更強調作為理念的自由。liberty 的字面含義是從某種狀態中的解放,亦即擺脫某種限定,所以這樣一種自由往往有具體所指,比如某種特定類型的自由,像是伯林的positive and negative liberty,或者密爾的On Liberty,就被英國人以liberty 來稱呼;但是freedom 從詞義上看,一開始就不存在一個作為反面狀態的「背景」,它不是與某種特定的狀態相對的自由,僅僅是指作為自由本身的那種抽象的「自由」,因其自身而自由。這樣一種理念性的,並無太多經驗內容的抽象自由往往被稱作freedom,但英國人用得比較少。

不過也有些例外,比如在翻譯法國國家格言的時候,liberté, égalité, fraternité 就被翻譯成了liberty, equality, fraternity。這個沒辦法,人家本來就是長得像,不能特意整容整得認不出來了啊,畢竟法語里沒有freedom 這個詞。

再一個區別就是,文化程度低一點的人不怎麼會用liberty,所以就只用freedom 了,所以freedom 比liberty 更口語化一些,但是這個並無思想史上的意義。

至於美國人的情況,可能會有所不同,我不那麼了解。自由女神像按照英國人的風格應該使用freedom 命名,但是他們最後用了liberty,因為那是法國人送來的,法語中只有liberté。如果自由女神像是德國人送的的話,因為德語中只有Freiheit,所以它大概就應該叫Statue of Freedom 了,所以這個具體用詞其實並不能體現思想史上的含義。





liberty指的是思想上的自由、思想解放,所以文學院也翻譯為college of liberal arts。

free 可以指任何人 空閑下來

liberty 原意是 和 royal 相對的 平民 ,比salve奴隸高一個等級

本人喜歡玩GTA系列的遊戲,其中一個以紐約為藍本的城市就是自由城(Liberty City),很多人便想過為什麼不是Freedom City呢 ?

實際上,R星公司已經告訴人們了,Liberty這個詞有個隱含意義,那就是以前不自由,現在重新獲得了自由,有一點「救贖」、「解放」的意思。GTA系列裡,自由城的主角們都要麼是黑手黨,要麼是參加過戰爭的退伍軍人,都是犯了錯靈魂被綁架的人,所以自由城是Liberty City,是因為他們的靈魂需要救贖與解放。

你有freedom(權利的一種)上知乎問freedom liberty的區別,但這也表明你還沒有liberty(海闊天空的暢遊)。








好像是liberty早於freedom,某電影高喊freedom的時候,這個詞還沒有出現。最早是liberty表示擁有不做某事的自由,所以解放就有免除奴隸壓迫,不再受到限制的意思;然後freedom是做某事的自由,愛幹啥幹啥,美帝最看重的free will感覺更像是liberty的發展。

the ability to do --freedom

or not do something --liberty




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