為什麼說 Twitter 是個協議(Protocol)?
這話最初應該是 Paul Graham 說的,原文如下:
Twitter is important because it"s a new protocol. Fundamentally it"s a messaging protocol where you don"t specify the recipients. It"s really more of a discovery than an invention; that square was always there in the periodic table of protocols, but no one had quite hit it squarely.
Successful new protocols are rare. There are only a handful of commonly used ones: TCP/IP (the Internet), SMTP (email), HTTP (the web), and so on. So any new protocol is a big deal. Each one of those protocols has spawned many successful companies. Twitter will too. [1]
與其說 Twitter 是個協議,不如說有一部分人(Graham, Dave Winer)認為它應該往協議的方向發展。不過目前看來似乎事與願違了。
[1]: http://ycombinator.com/rfs3.html首先,協議是什麼?
在Twitter 中,消息的格式就是140個字元的tweets,消息交換是通過網路的各種twitter客戶端只不過信息交換時你不需要指定接收方(recipients)我認為推特是個公共的資料庫了。很多服務,都可以推送到推特,久而久之,積累了很多的有關聯的數據。任何人都可以推數據過來,存放數據,就是個泛泛的資料庫了。樓主說是協議,也對。從不同的層面來看待,確實有點協議的性質,聯繫、串聯起不同的網路個體。
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