
是真的,這個叫做 2D:4D ratio, wiki上面有解釋

一般來說男性的食指要比無名指短、而女性的食指和無名指長度差不多,甚至食指更長一些。原因是在胚胎髮育的過程中有一個重要的手指骨骼生長時期,無名指的生長受到雄性激素的調控,呈正相關。一個顯著的例子就是當以卵雙生兒產生的時候,女性嬰兒就會受到男性嬰兒的雄性激素影響,2D:4D ratio降低。但是這個比值跟成年人的荷爾蒙高低沒有關係。詳細見http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digit_ratio

The digit ratio is the ratio of the lengths of different digits or fingers typically measured from the bottom crease where the finger joins the hand to the tip of the finger. It has been suggested by some scientists that the ratio of two digits in particular, the 2nd (index finger) and 4th (ring finger), is affected by exposure to androgens e.g. testosterone while in the uterus and that this 2D:4D ratio can be considered a crude measure for prenatal androgen exposure, with lower 2D:4D ratios pointing to higher androgen exposure. The 2D:4D ratio is calculated dividing the length of the index finger of the right hand by the length of the ring finger. A longer index finger will result in a ratio higher than 1, while a longer ring finger will result in a ratio of less than 1.

The 2D:4D digit ratio is sexually dimorphic: in males, the second digit tends to be shorter than the fourth, and in females the second digit tends to be the same length or slightly longer than the fourth.

A number of studies have shown a correlation between the 2D:4D digit ratio and various physical and behavioral traits.

A 2011 paper by Zhengui Zheng and Martin J. Cohn reports that "the 2D:4D ratio in mice is controlled by the balance of androgen to estrogen signaling during a narrow window of digit development". The formation of the digits, in utero, is thought to occur at 14 weeks, and the bone-to-bone ratio is consistent from this point into an individual』s adulthood. During this period if the fetus is exposed to androgens, the exact level of which is thought to be sexually dimorphic, the growth rate of the 4th digit is increased, as can be seen through the analyzing the 2D:4D ratio of opposite sex dizygotic twins, where the female twin is exposed to excess androgens from her brother in utero, and thus has a significantly lower 2D:4D ratio Importantly, there has been no correlation between the sex hormone levels of an adult and the individual』s 2D:4D, which implies that it is strictly the exposure in utero that causes this phenomenon. A major problem with this research on this topic comes from the contradiction in the literature about the testosterone level in adults cannot be predicted by the 2D:4D ratio, but male sexual traits that are stereotypically attributed to testosterone levels have been found in correlation with the 2D:4D. So there should either be a correlation with one or the other but not both.

我來提供一點資料。資料來源:《Thinking Big

: How the Evolution of Social Life Shaped the Human Mind》


食指和無名指的長度比會受到胎兒期睾酮水平的影響,並且,男性的2D:4D比值要始終低於女性(即,男性的食指比無名指要更短一些)。艾瑪能夠證明,在一夫一妻制的猴子和猿類中,無論是雄性還是雌性,它們的2D:4D比值都接近於(甚至略微地大於)1;而在一夫多妻制的物種中,雄性和雌性的2D:4D比值明顯要更低(通常為0.9左右)。不可避免地,現代人類再次遺憾地處在了一夫一妻的長臂猿和濫交的大猿類之間。接著,艾瑪聯同生物學家蘇珊·舒爾茨(Susanne Shultz)和麗莎·凱什摩爾(本課題中的另外一位學生),開始研究起我們的化石祖先的指骨。結果表明,大部分的古人類(包括早期人族動物地猿和後來的尼安德塔人),其2D:4D比值都毫無爭議地處在了一夫多妻制的範圍里。弔詭的是,只有南方古猿的2D:4D比值甚至接近於一夫一妻制的長臂猿,儘管,它們的交配體系與曖昧不明的現代人類並沒有明顯的差異。



這也許是言之成理的,因為作為露西課題的一部份,蘇珊妮·舒爾茨(Suzanne Shultz)、基特·奧佩和昆汀·阿特金森能夠證明,在靈長目動物社會演化過程中,一夫一妻制是一種沉溺狀態:一旦某個物種進入了這種狀態,它就會很難再轉換回來。在專性的一夫一妻制中,有些東西似乎是不可更改的。這可能是因為,真正的一夫一妻制需要行為和認知上的重大改變(進而帶來腦結構的變化),這種變化一旦成型就很難還原了。專性的一夫一妻制是演化意義上的末路——它似乎是令一個物種更缺乏靈活性了,至少就其社會體系而言是如此。靈活性的缺失絕不會帶來演化上的成功。如果事實真是如此,那麼,這很可能就是沒有哪一種古人類是真正的一夫一妻制動物的原因。任何類似的演化嘗試都只會迅速導致種群的滅絕,因為在過去的200萬年里,氣候變化的陰影始終縈繞不去。



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