為什麼 iOS 5 要用 Twitter 作 ID 系統?

Twitter創始人Evan Williams說,網路ID的未來屬於蘋果和Google,因為二者分別擁有iOS和Android。但是,在WWDC 2011大會上,蘋果卻宣布iOS 5用戶可用Twitter賬號登陸,Twitter服務也將整合進iOS系統。於是問題來了,蘋果為什麼不猛推自家的Apple ID,亦或是使用Facebook ID,而是選擇了Twitter ID?

實際上不是這樣的。iOS 5隻是讓用戶登錄一次Twitter後,就可以在所有使用了Twiitter Framework的App中直接使用Twitter API。不需要現在的這種在不同的sandbox中,單獨使用OAUTH/XAUTH的方式重複登錄。其目的之一是簡化iOS用戶使用Twitter時登錄操作。一切都是圍繞用戶體驗而進行的提升(拋開商業部分不談,我也不清楚Apple和Twitter達成了什麼協議)。


Twitter在iOS的集成應該稱為一種single sign-on的模型,把iOS比喻成browser,single sign-on的作用就類似於cookie。

What"s New in iOS 5蘋果的官方文檔中,與之相關的有兩點:

Twitter Framework

Account Framework

前者是蘋果的直接集成,提供了single sign-on model以及一些view controller

後者是第三方可以利用的具有跨sandbox的single sign-on model的框架



對於開發者來講,single sign-on model及framework的支持,簡化了編程了困難程度(當然我們現在有ShareKit)

就我所知,Twitter Framework是由Twitter的員工為主協同蘋果共同開發的。


Quote from "What"s New in iOS 5蘋果的官方文檔":

Twitter Framework

The Twitter framework (Twitter.framework) provides support for sending Twitter requests on behalf of the user and for composing and sending tweets. For requests, the framework handles the user authentication part of the request for you and provides a template for creating the HTTP portion of the request. (Refer to the Twitter API for populating the content of the request.) The composition of tweets is accomplished using the TWTweetComposeViewController class, which is a view controller that you post with your proposed tweet content. This class gives the user a chance to edit or modify the tweet before sending it.

Users control whether an application is allowed to communicate with Twitter on their behalf using Settings. The Twitter framework also works in conjunction with the Accounts framework (Accounts.framework) to access the user』s account.

Accounts Framework

The Accounts framework (Accounts.framework) provides a single sign-on model for certain user accounts. Single sign-on improves the user experience, because applications no longer need to prompt a user separately for login information related to an account. It also simplifies the development model for you by managing the account authorization process for your application. In iOS 5.0, applications can use this framework in conjunction with the Twitter framework to access a user』s Twitter account.

感覺apple不會用twitter ID做為用戶主ID吧?對自已品牌不利,另外會失去中國市場,有牆,你們懂的


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TAG:Twitter | 蘋果公司AppleInc | WWDC | iOS5 | 統一ID | WWDC2011 |