
Twitter 管理團隊 4 名高管離職將給公司帶來哪些影響?


產品業務負責人 Kevin Weil

媒體業務主管 Katie Stanton

技術高級副總裁 Alex Roetter

人力資源副總裁 Skip Schipper

Source 1: Big Executive Departures at Twitter: Media Head Stanton and Product Head Weil Leaving

In a major executive upheaval, two of Twitter』s top executives — media head Katie Jacobs Stanton and product head Kevin Weil — are departing the company, according to sources close to the situation.

Neither has immediate plans to go to another company, added sources, but are expected to. Right now, the jobs of both Weil and Stanton will be filled with interim replacements.

Source 2: Twitter"s Turmoil May Invite Takeover Attempts - The New York Times

我 Twitter 的股票會套的更牢,60多的時候買的,30多的時候又補了一倍 =.=|


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