
謝邀!下面有翻譯 :)

Here are some of my ideas:

  • (Oh my gosh!) I"m so sorry! (very casual)
  • I am deeply/truly sorry. (casual)
  • My sincere(st) apologies. / I sincerely apologize. (formal)
  • I know I (really) hurt you. I"m (really) sorry and I hope you can forgive me. (casual, showing your sincerity without saying "sincere")
  • I am filled with deep regret for what I have done. I"m truly sorry. (formal, showing your sincerity without saying "sincere")
  • I humbly implore you to exonerate my most grievous transgression. (If you want to apologize to William Shakespeare)
  • Give them "your spot" (or your most prized possession) like Sheldon Cooper (If your friend is a fan of "the Big Bang Theory")
  • I"m sorry. I will change. *then actually change* (Actions speak louder than words)
  • *buy a gift* (If you can"t fix it with words, bribe them :p)

My sincerest apologies, if this answer isn"t helpful.



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謝謝 @桔子先生 的翻譯:


  • (我的天!)很抱歉!
  • (很隨意) 我很抱歉!/真的很抱歉!(一般隨意)
  • 我真摯的向你道歉(正式)
  • 我知道我(真的)傷害了你,我(真的)抱歉,希望你能原諒我。(不是很正式,在不用「由衷地」這一詞表達了你的真切情感。)
  • 我對我做的事感到十分遺憾,真的很抱歉(正式,在不用「由衷地」這一詞表達了你的真切情感。)
  • 懇求你可以原諒我所犯的罪過(如果你想向莎士比亞道歉)
  • 給他們「你的位子(生活大爆炸裡面謝耳朵對他的座位的佔有慾非常強)」(或者給他們你最珍貴的禮物)像謝爾頓古琶一樣(如果你的朋友也是一個生活大爆炸的粉絲)
  • 對不起,我會改的*然後真的去改正*(做比說更有用)
  • 買一個禮物送給他(如果你不能用語言滿足他,可與賄賂他哦)


Hi Peter,

I hope this email finds you well.

I"m sorry to inform you that my dog messed up your fridge, and I would apologize for the fact that it was me who opened your fridge in the first place. But please don"t get angry when you found all your beers were gone, I admit that I took all of them but I"m really regretful for it right now. It was all because I needed some alcohol to cheer up as I was indeed terrified by having your car crashed. Yes, it"s my bad that I drove it too fast but I didn"t do it on purpose as I had to get your iPad repaired as noon as possible. The iPad slipped from my hand accidentally into the goldfish bowl when I was flipping through your secret gallery of your sweet Jessie, for which I hope you can forgive me as at least you can still use it as a chopping board.

And I want you to know that I feel sad for your cat Lucy, she got choked when eating the goldfish escaped from the bowl which was unfortunately smashed by your iPad.

Anyway, as I am completely at fault here I managed to dig out all your money hidden in the mattress and bought myself a flight ticket. I promise you I will never show up again.

I sympathize with your situation and wish you all the best.

BTW, I sold the wreckage of your car to a swaggie for 100 bucks, I don"t think you are happy with this money so I took it as well.

Yours Allen


I feel sorry about what happened but please let me explain. I do not hope you will forgive me but I do have some excuses, actually, some facts, you may not know, I been honest with you and I hope you can understand.

First, it was very cold that night. Too cold!

Second, I went to gym for four hours before I go to your place. I did not plan anything and did not know it would happen, otherwise I would not do something silly like that. I was way too exhausted.

Only made it worse, I practiced twice ZuoYouHuBo before met you, that was just purly stupid!

I do love you and you are 100% attractive to me! It was all about me, nothing else

Please give me another chance, I will try my best this time.

P.S. I have been working hard on Squating, Deadlifting and Jogging recently, U may wana find it out. Love U!



Sorry一詞很多人常常掛在嘴上,當然英語中表示道歉的不只它一個,還有apologize, excuse me等,那麼什麼情況下該用哪個詞呢?別人跟你說sorry時真的就是表示道歉嗎?今天我們就來解答這些問題!

Apologies 真正的道歉

With apologies, you admit to doing something to upset another person. 如果你做出道歉,那就表示你承認自己做了某些打攪到別人的事.

Apologies can be informal:


I am sorry that I was late. 對不起我遲到了。

I shouldn"t have done that. Sorry, I"ll never do it again. 我不該做出那種事的。對不起,以後不會了。

Apologies can be formal:


I do apologize for this interruption, Mr Jones. 很抱歉打斷你了,瓊斯先生。

Mr Jones sends his apologies for not attending the meeting. 瓊斯先生為不能出席會議致歉。

Things to say with apologies:


We apologise for the delay, which has been caused by a traffic jam. 很抱歉,我們因為堵車而延誤了時間。

I"m sorry about my homework, Ms Li, the dog ate it. 李老師,對不起我沒交作業,它被狗吃掉了。


I"m sorry. I didn"t mean to wake you up. 對不起,我不是故意吵醒你的。


Oh, I"m so sorry. Are you ok? 噢對不起,你沒事吧?

Sorry I"m late. Were you waiting long? 對不起我來晚了,等很久了嗎?


Oh no! I do apologise. Let me help you pick it up. 噢不!非常抱歉,我幫你撿起來吧。


I"m sorry.

I"m very sorry.

I"m really very sorry.

I"m really so very sorry.

I"m really so very sorry indeed.

I apologise.

I do apologise.

I do most sincerely apologise.

I do most sincerely and abjectly apologise.

Excuse me

We say Sorry because we feel bad that someone is upset. We say Excuse me if we think we are about to upset someone. 因為打攪到別人而難過,我們說Sorry;因為將要打攪到別人,我們說Excuse me。例如:

Excuse me, do you have the time? 對不起,能佔用你一點時間嗎?


Excuse me please, I need to get off. 對不起(讓一下),我要下車。

* 這裡要說明下,在Sorry和Excuse me的使用上,英英和美英是有區別的

英國人很喜歡用Sorry,所以有時他們會用Sorry代替Excuse me,例如:I"m sorry, but do you think you could move your car?

而美語中則可以用Excuse me表示Sorry的意思,例如:Excuse me, I didn"t see you there.

又如,當你沒有聽清或理解別人的話時,英國人用"Pardon?"或者"Sorry?";美國人則用"Pardon?"或者"Excuse me?"。

● Not really apologizing 看似道歉非道歉



Excuse me, you are sitting in my place. 不好意思,你坐的是我的位子。


I"m sorry, but you will have to leave. 不好意思,但你必須離開。


I"m sorry, your car needs expensive repairs. 抱歉,你的車修理起來要很多錢。

I"m sorry to say he won"t pass the exam. 抱歉,我不得不說他考試肯定不及格。




I"m sorry to hear about your accident. 聽說你出了事故我很難過。

I feel sorry for people with no homes. 我為那些沒地方住的人感到悲哀。


我記得爐石以前有一堆這樣的詞。apologize 好像是。

My apologize.

My sincerely apologies.


如果是書面道歉 一定要用 apologize

如果是當面或者視頻語音道歉 一定要注意語氣 用什麼詞反倒在其次

非常誠懇+焦急的說 so sorry 比 漫不經心的說 my apology強多了。

最好面部表情再豐富點 惶恐一些

但也不要給對方一種「If I don"t forgive this dude, he/she might commit suicide」的感覺


不同情況的「誠懇」道歉用語都不太一樣。如果要籠統的簡單的不假思索地,就說「I am very sorry」就行了。

A thousand apologies

我覺得最簡單的道歉,一句I am sorry about...就夠了,老外沒那麼多想法,什麼嘴上說沒事沒事,心理記恨你,這都不存在

只要你道歉的語氣夠真誠就行了,相反如果你語氣不夠真誠,可有可無的說了很多花里胡哨的道歉用語,人家覺得你這是不是在諷刺他。如果你覺得Im sorry about 不夠的話,或者說這件事比較大,我覺得I am truely/very sorry about... I apologize for... 就夠了。那麼多花里胡哨的,實際意義基本為0。

In order of politeness.

1. Sorry for that.

2. I ain"t meant that.

3. Get over it.

4. Simmer down. Don"t make a big deal outta this.

5. (Say nothing and ignore the person)


我覺得花樣說「抱歉」「對不起」「不好意思」這幾樣意思都一樣唯獨長得不一樣的詞/短語 只能算是芝麻。西瓜,應該是一個大的context:對方和你什麼關係?你做了什麼?這樣會在哪方面傷害對方的利益?你準備怎樣mitigate?








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