準備是需要的,就像你準備一般面試般,但是準備多一份英語的答案,盡量熟讀它。在用英語面試時遇到不會用英語作答的,說:I don"t know how to answer this question in English. Would you mind answer in Chinese? 最重要是展示你能用英語溝通,而不是展示你的英語能力有多好。
如果你真的碰見面試官問你:Why do we have to hire you? 那就祝你好運吧。這問題即使用中文答,也很多人答不好,更何況用英文答?There are 6 types of English Interviews:
1) Standardized
- this is the easiest and most basic type of interview style. If your interview has multiple rounds, these questions will be asked through the telephone and in the 1st face to face round. The point of these questions is to screen out any candidates that don"t meet the basic requirements. Which is why most of the questions will be fact based.EXAMPLE: What"s your experience in XXX? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?What"s your biggest strength weakness?
2) Behaviour based
- This is the type of question that aim to reveal your work ethics and attitude. The question focuses not on what jobs you"ve done, but HOW you"ve done them? The goal for the employer is to predict how you will behave if you were hired. This is the time for you to tell a story from your past work experience. Strategies such as the STAR format can be very helpful! EXAMPLE: Tell me a about a time when.... Describe a time where you didn"t get along with ...3) Situation based
- unlike behaviour based, this one focuses on the future instead of the past. But similarly, the employer wants to see your problem solving skills and how you would handle a situation. Most of the time, this question will often be coupled with some technical aspect related to the position. This is the time to show off your expertise in the area. When given a situation, first identify clearly what the problem is, then describe how you would deliver your solution, and tie your past experiences dealing with something similar. EXAMPLE: You are the XXX of a company, you were given the task of managing the project of XXX, but subject A had forgotten to complete her part, your presentation is today, what will you do?4) Case question
- this is definitely one of the tougher style of interviews, and it is 100% used in tech companies such as Google, Shopify and etc. the question will focus on you showing the interview how you would solve a specific technical question. It could vary from something very formal such as showing on a board how you would code something to something very creative such as walking them through how you would hypothetically fit 10 people into a car.
5) Panel
- this one is often used in government settings in Canada or large corporates where multiple interviewers will be present and each will ask you a series of questions. The key to this style is engaging with each and every interviewer and present yourself in a calm and collected manner without seeming intimidated. When I experienced this style of interview in the past, it was also paired with a role play segment where you had to act how you would deal with a scenario.6) Presentation
- this style is definitely one of the most challenging but could also be the most fun one. You are usually given a question to solve and 15 minutes to come up with a solution, which you will then present to the interviewers. This style tests 3 things 1) how fast can you think on your feet and do you know how to manage your time? 2) how well can you brainstorm, construct an idea and deliver it under pressure? 3) how skillful are you in this area?All in all, interviews can come in all shapes and sizes, the key is not to memorize a generic script hoping they would ask the right questions. Instead, work on selling yourself, from every angle and every experience, and you will succeed no matter what they ask : )
I"m a online English conversational teacher and I offer one on one interview preparation sessions including resume/CV editing services. Shoot me a message on WeChat at FennyWang15 for a free consultation: )英語面試最重要的還是要提前了解,多看一下英語面試的資料如何輕鬆面對英語面試,還要清楚面試大概會問哪些問題。正所謂知此知彼方能百戰不殆。以下所舉的5個問題僅僅是我自己感覺可能性比較大,比較有代表性的問題,其實可以一答多用,需要舉一反三,對相似的問題進行歸類回答。
1. Q:Tell me about yourself? 簡單介紹下你自己 A:I am someone who…一點簡單的性格介紹
2. Q: What are your greatest strengths? 你最大的優點是什麼 A:直接描述工作的相關經驗 e.g. My time management skills are excellent and I"m organized, efficient, and take pride in excelling at my work.
3. Q: Why do you want to work here? 為什麼想來我們公司工作 A:說說對方公司的優點,比如是上市公司,和你的專業相符等等 哈哈,其實就是拍對方公司的馬屁
4. Q: Tell me about a suggestion you have made? 之前的經歷中你提過哪些有價值的建議 A:可以吹吹自己以前的工作中怎樣的有創造性,或者責任心,推動了什麼事業的發展,取得了怎樣的成果,不一定非要真實,言之有理即可
5. Q: Tell me about a suggestion you have made? 之前的經歷中你提過哪些有價值的建議 A:可以吹吹自己以前的工作中怎樣的有創造性,或者責任心,推動了什麼事業的發展,取得了怎樣的成果,不一定非要真實,言之有理即可
※哪些常見說法是英文課本里較少出現的? 比如常用I am about to... 表示將要?