題主朋友也是德語學習者啊。握個手~。先說我個人的結論:duolingo恐怕不適合零基礎的人,在了解最基本語法後,用作語法的查漏補缺倒是可以的。Duolingo 使用了gamification(參看為什麼越來越多大學生沉溺於遊戲中?)的手法,這是很不錯的設計;但是其外語教學法仍然未能完全逃脫語法-翻譯法的窠臼。不過Duolingo的成熟語種的討論區中往往有些不錯的帖子。下面來一些轉貼:
there is no clear evidence that Duolinguo is effective in teaching
foreign languages. The only research study done assessing the impact of
Duolingo, which was funded by Duolingo, did not produce strong results:
Forty-four percent of the subjects, mostly college graduates and many
with advanced degrees, did not finish the 22-hour course and 25% of the
subjects completed eight hours or less, with one subject doing only two
- Input - Learners need to hear spoken language and read written language. It needs to be comprehensible, challenging, contextualized, communicative, meaningful, and relevant to the student. Duolingo"s input is okay, but it"s not contextualized, relevant or communicative, and often not meaningful. "El pajaro bebe la leche". What bird? Why? Is there a new type of bird that"s turning into a mammal? Why are you telling me this?
- Output - Learners need to practice speaking and writing to develop those skills. Learners aren"t pushed to talk about things that are a little difficult for them don"t seem to acquire fluent, grammatical speech (see Swain"s studies on Canadian immersion programs). Duolingo has a little bit of writing, but it"s all just translation. There"s no writing to express your opinion, or ask for a favor, or anything like that.
- Communicative practice - It"s not enough to drill patterns; the language has to be used to communicate with other people. This is my primary beef with Duolingo.
- Some amount of direct study - Kids can pick up language from their surroundings, but that doesn"t seem to work for adults. Adults need to use their higher cognitive skills to engage and analyze the language. This is basically what Duolingo does. However, this probably accounts for a very small part of language learning--in my own acquisition of Japanese, I think I"ve spent less than 1% of my time analyzing sentences or translating.The rise of Duolingo and the decline of Rosetta Stone : dataisbeautiful
In forcing you to give only 『correct』 responses, Duolingo deceives you into thinking that only certain translations are possible — 「algumas moedas」 but not 「umas moedas」, for example, or 「seu vestido」 but not 「o vestido dela」. This might not be so bad, but after three incorrect answers you are forced to restart the lesson at the beginning, leading to frustration and, ultimately, me giving up on Duolingo.
You are the product: A critical look at Duolingo
來荷蘭交換之前用duolingo學了一段時間的荷蘭語。感覺對入門來說一開始確實…有點…蒙( ′??? ` ),很多語法問題是來了在學校上了課之後才明白為什麼這樣變,但是在解決了語法問題之後對語言提高確實很有效,尤其是分種類有針對性的各種練習。還有強迫症必須保持每個能量條(是這個詞吧…)是滿的所以回去不停的重複練習。用英語學荷蘭語有各種對照其實沒有當初覺得的那麼難啦。還有做句子練習時看其他用戶提出的問題,一般我產生的問題別人也有過後邊也都有人來解答。
有一天買東西發現哎荷蘭美鋁說的我都能聽懂,好開心?? ( ′? ? `? ) ??我認為至少有的語言能。以我正在學的丹麥語為例,真心零基礎且和之前學過的西葡意基本上沒有一毛錢關係。目前還餘三分之一課程。1.詞根,詞性和動詞原型,死記硬背。我感覺記憶量也不是多大,比高中背英語單詞小多了。2.遇到看著眼熟的詞,百度翻譯一下,也許你就發現了某一個固定後綴前綴,亦或是某一個學過的動詞的名詞形式。3.遇到特別長的詞,看上去像組合詞,就憑感覺拆分後,分別百度翻譯一下,注意要【丹--英】。4.遇到涉及到語法的關卡,請用網頁版,通常有粗枝大葉的簡要說明。沒有提到的細節,則靠自己在通關過程中舉一反三歸納總結,吃一塹長一智。5.只要和英語同義詞發音稍微沾點邊的詞,比如雙音節詞其中一個音節基本相同,就用英語去聯想記憶,不要把他和英語的關係割裂開來。
※如何看待 CIA 局長布倫南只用一年就學會阿拉伯語?
TAG:外語學習 | 多鄰國Duolingo |