大部分恐龍的腿相比身子都很細小,為什麼他們不會骨折? - 秦子川的回答第一位回答的@ace zh 知友評論關閉,剛好也是可以討論的,一起貼在這裡吧:@ace zh的回答又帶來了兩個問題:溫血和冷血哪個先出現的?哺乳動物和鳥類是分道揚鑣之後才各自進化出溫血系統,還是之前就已經是了?
恐龍可能有些是溫血的有些是冷血的,也有可能像這個去年的研究一樣是中間類型的。因為恐龍的大型的身軀,假如全部熱血食物是個大問題,假如冷血的話必然是動作非常不靈敏的。所以中間形態是很有可能的。新聞:美國一項研究提出新觀點:恐龍既不熱血也不冷血新研究認為恐龍其實是介乎於冷血和溫血之間的動物摘要:Aticle 恐龍的代謝率--不很快,也不很慢 Evidence for mesothermy in dinosaurs論文地址:Evidence for mesothermy in dinosaurs
表示研究者統計的各個物種的生長率至於哺乳動物和鳥類的關係,根據算是公認的鳥類起源於恐龍的學說。哺乳動物和鳥類的分道揚鑣非常之早。他們都是獨立進化出的溫血系統。新聞:從中國侏羅紀神獸、仙獸再論哺乳動物起源根據這個研究,哺乳動物起源於至少2.08億年前的三疊紀晚期。 和恐龍出現的時間大致相當。原文摘要:AbstractThe phylogeny of Allotheria, including Multituberculata and Haramiyida, remains unsolved and has generated contentious views on the origin and earliest evolution of mammals. Here we report three new species of a new clade, Euharamiyida, based on six well-preserved fossils from the Jurassic period of China. These fossils reveal many craniodental and postcranial features of euharamiyidans and clarify several ambiguous structures that are currently the topic of debate. Our phylogenetic analyses recognize Euharamiyida as the sister group of Multituberculata, and place Allotheria within the Mammalia. The phylogeny suggests that allotherian mammals evolved from a Late Triassic (approximately 208 million years ago) Haramiyavia-like ancestor and diversified into euharamiyidans and multituberculates with a cosmopolitan distribution, implying homologous acquisition of many craniodental and postcranial features in the two groups. Our findings also favour a Late Triassic origin of mammals in Laurasia and two independent detachment events of the middle ear bones during mammalian evolution.