為什麼看到的很多筆記本電腦都有貼標,但是 MacBook 就不貼?

有沒有除了 MacBook 以外,不貼標的本子?說明一下,我指的是筆記本非廠商的sticker。好比下圖。

先說為什麼很多 PC 機(台式機和筆記本都一樣)上有貼那麼多標籤:說白了就是為了錢。通常是標籤品牌給製造商算廣告費,每個標籤多少錢。一台 PC 機上貼上幾個,銷量大了加起來算還是一筆客觀的收入。PC 機市場本來就競爭激烈、各品牌間幾乎無差異化可言,利潤非常薄,能多賺一點算一點。

那為什麼蘋果不貼呢?Mac 的售價和利潤率都比普通 PC 高不少,而且銷量也不大,貼其他品牌標籤對蘋果的額外收益很少,反而會影響美觀,從而影響蘋果的品牌形象。喬布斯和席勒在 2007 年 Apple Media Event 問答環節對此有解答 (YouTube 視頻地址,0:35–2:15 間 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COAOknlfMgI,或者試試這個地址 http://f.cl.ly/items/222r3s2M1X260M3a2s1O/IMG_0263.mp4 【感謝 @鄭紫陽】)。無法觀看的話,以下是內容節選:

Q:Can you say why you"re not participating in the Intel Inside program, putting the stickers on your new or previous Macs?

問:能說說你們為什麼不參與 Intel Inside 計劃,在 Mac 電腦上貼上相應的標籤呢?

Steve Jobs: Ah, we could… how can I say… We like our own stickers better. [Audience laugh applause] Don"t get me wrong. We love working with Intel. We"re very proud to ship Intel products in Macs. They are screamers and compliant with our operating system. We"ve really tuned them well together. So we"re very proud of that. It"s just that everybody knows that we"re using Intel processors and so I think putting a lot of, you know, stickers on the box is just redundant. We"d rather tell them about the product inside the box, and they know it"s got a great Intel processor.

喬布斯:怎麼說呢……我們更喜歡自己的標籤【觀眾笑場+鼓掌】。別誤會,我們很高興與 Intel 合作。我們為 Mac 搭配的 Intel 產品感到非常驕傲。它們【譯註:指 Intel 處理器】速度驚人,而且與我們的操作系統非常匹配。我們仔細調整讓它們良好地協同工作。我們為此感到非常自豪。只是大家都知道我們在用 Intel 處理器,那麼我覺得再在包裝盒上貼上 (Intel Inside 的) 標籤實屬多此一舉。我們寧願告訴消費者更多關於包裝盒裡產品的信息,他們自然知道它包含一顆不錯的 Intel 處理器。

Phil Schiller: It"s not just about Intel Inside. When you buy off-the-shelve PCs, the boxes are covered with confusing logos and messages and icons. You open it up there"re stickers to peel off displays and keyboards—they"re all over the place. And when you start it up, you find junk wares over your desktop and your menus that are delivered with and try to up sell you on junk. That whole philosophy. We just try to give you a great product that you"re gonna love and you don"t have to peel stuff off to make it look better.

席勒:不光是 Intel Inside。如果你去買台普通 PC 機的話會發現包裝盒上貼滿了各種混亂的標誌、宣傳標語和圖形。打開盒子,屏幕上、鍵盤上到處都是需要撕掉的標籤。開機後系統桌面和菜單更是一堆自帶的垃圾軟體以及試圖讓你購買更多垃圾軟體的軟體。那一套(營銷)哲學。我們試著只給你一款你會不由自主愛上的好產品,並且你不用撕掉任何標籤去美化它。

Steve Jobs: You know, we put ourselves in the customers" shoes. What do we want? What do we want to stick on our product when we take it out the box? The answer is, nothing! [Audience laugh]










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