vue 會做出類似 react fiber 的底層改寫嗎?
AMA with Vue.js Team - Hashnode
Vue 3 is not going to be one of those "big change releases" - the main
difference will be that Vue 3 only targets modern "evergreen" browsers (i.e. IE11 below are out).Resetting the browser support baseline gives the opportunity to:Rewrite the reactivity system using ES2015 Proxies. This will get rid of almost all of the existing gotchas/compromises in the current reactivity system, and has potential to improve performance as well. We can drop all the code dealing with compatibility issues and
esoteric bugs in older browsers. This should shed some good amount of weight from the lib size.This is really the main point - we strive to keep the public APIclose to 100% compatible, and v2/v3 will be maintained in parallel with
feature parity until the older browsers completely phase out.
個人感覺應該不會。vue 特點就是輕量化,高性能,採用的是對象訪問器屬性作為其響應式系統,精確定位到狀態的變更,使用 virtual dom 主要還是為了能夠服務端渲染,實現方案用的是同樣輕巧的 snabbdom(大概200的SLOC),而且下一個大版本將採用 Proxy 作為響應系統的根基,以便使代碼更少,更輕量,當然也就不支持 ie11 以下的瀏覽器。
react fiber主要解決了大量組件同步渲染阻塞進程的問題,react的主要特點是在完全的組件化,函數式編程上,virtual dom只是為了組件化而服務的。
setter這東西必然是要同步的,可能會造成一點小麻煩…但是,我覺得還是要選擇放棄直覺,相信vue…這麼棒的思路,如果不搞個「我也有」,豈不是不符合vue的一貫風格…w----update:react fiber被用到了render期,為啥要有答住拿vue3在變動檢測期的改變作為論據,來證明render期的改善是不需要的?誠心求解…
題主是搞事情吧,變相說Vue到處抄襲Angular 和 React 特性?
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