推薦 恐龍百科,適合成人看。最好詳細分析比較一下。?
我不太清楚答主要怎麼樣的書籍,把我搜集的說一下吧。恐龍探秘百科 (豆瓣)恐龍及史前動物知識百科全書 (豆瓣)
恐龍與史前生命 (豆瓣)
這幾本百科類圖書小孩大人都可以看,雖然dk系列的定位是童書,但是大人看完全沒有問題。翻譯用詞還是比較嚴謹的。不像有些童書完全是忽悠小孩的。這基本書也有不同的側重點。恐龍與與史前生命就比較簡略比較推薦恐龍及史前動物知識百科全書。雖然是03年的書,肯定沒有最新古生物的發現的內容,但是目錄清晰內容詳盡,不管你是給小孩看還是自己看都是很不錯的入門百科全書。書是很大的一本,比較厚。作者:達倫·納什(Darren Naish)
英國著名的古生物學家和科普作家,任教於朴次茅斯大學,已出版多部古生物暢銷作品。 《恐龍與史前生命》(2003年) 《懷特島的恐龍》(2001年) 《與恐龍同行的證據》(2000年)
古生物圖鑑系列共5本,都是圖鑑,比較貴,喜歡的就買吧,專業性還是有保證的。古生物圖鑑的介紹圖:恐龍藝術 (豆瓣)這本是完全的藝術圖,是古生物繪畫師畫的圖集。覺得喜歡可以買,不然就算了。彙集了十位古生物藝術家的作品,並有對古生物畫家的訪談。
這本書可以幫大家了解那些活靈活現的復原圖是如何創作出來的。要是有誰畫技精湛也可以對著臨摹。---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------如果你覺得都太小兒科了,那只有去看專業的論文,或者讀英文版的圖書了Life of the Pastlife of the past系列叢書"Life of the Past" is conceived as a vehicle for presenting first hand, accurate, up to date information about prehistoric life for the intelligent lay reader. Each book is written by an expert or group of experts on the topic covered and reviewed for accuracy by other specialists in the field. Technical jargon is kept to a minimum, and each book is profusely illustrated with photographs, drawings, and reconstructions of ancient plants and animals.
This book is the most authoritative encyclopedia ever prepared on dinosaurs and dinosaur science. In addition to entries on specific animals such as Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, and Velociraptor, the "Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs" covers reproduction, behavior, physiology, and extinction. The book is generously illustrated with many detailed drawings and photographs, and includes color pictures and illustrations that feature interpretations of the best known and most important animals. All alphabetical entries are cross-referenced internally, as well as at the end of each entry. The Encyclopedia includes up-to-date references that encourage the reader to investigate personal interests. The most authoritative encyclopedia ever prepared on dinosaurs, it includes many detailed drawings, photographs and illustrations in both color and black-and-white; contains comprehensively cross-referenced alphabetical entries with internal references, as well as references at the conclusion of each entry; provides in-depth references, allowing readers to pursue independent interests; and, includes sixteen plates and 35 color illustrations.
兩個編者:Philip J. Currie是北美古脊椎動物學會會長、加拿大皇家科學院院士、加拿大皇家泰瑞爾古生物博物館館長,目前世界公認的獸腳亞目恐龍研究的權威,領導了二十世紀八十年代的中國加拿大恐龍考察計劃。Kevin Padian是加州大學伯克利分校古生物學博物館館長,從事鳥類起源和恐龍骨組織學等方面的研究。
這本書97年出的,略微有點老。比較科普向的:World Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs Prehistoric Creatures (豆瓣)亞馬遜鏈接是The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Dinosaurs Prehistoric Creatures: The Ultimate Illustrated Reference Guide To 1000 Dinosaurs And Prehistoric ... Commissioned Artworks, Maps And Photographs: Dougal Dixon: 9781846812095: Amazon.com: Books恐龍與史前生物世界百科全書比較新也比較面向大眾現在透過本書,我們還可以看到恐龍的生長時代、它們的元祖與後裔、對手,生活環境全貌,以及人類與它們邂逅的故事,並用想像還原圖搭配骨架模型、化石證據,清楚辨識研究對象。當然史前生物還不止它們,還有很多很多......
※類人猿是恐龍滅絕之後 出現的嗎?