(中文翻譯: 如何優雅地編程?Thank you @喬傑克 for an awesome translation!)
I"ve been programming since I was 12, and every day, I"m learning as much as I can to improve my programming technique. Here"s some general guidelines I try to keep in mind.
Work with A Better Coder
The fastest way is to learn from a much better coder. Ask questions about design decisions and the libraries that she/he uses.Copy Good Code
Yes, when you see a piece of good code that does something better than how you could"ve designed it, use Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v. Copy it and modify it and learn why it"s better (usually because it"s simpler). Just remember to also give credit to the original author.Use Popular Libraries
Libraries will save you time because they prevent you from reinventing the wheel. Popular libraries are usually maintained by a community of experienced coders. Using the library will also likely enforce a better programming style. Just like how you would study vocabulary words to improve your language skills, learning new libraries improves your programming vocabulary. If you"re ambitious, you can even look in the source code and see how the logic is organized.Care About Style
In programming, form is function. For example, this is literally true in Python, where indentation indicates scope. But even for languages that are space agnostic, a clear style prevents errors. Good style also lends itself to documentation or, even better, is automatic documentation.If you read a piece of code that"s easy to understand, emulate its style and organization. And also read peoples" blogs about programming style.
Some basic style habits that I practice are,- Using long and descriptive function and variable names. Nowadays, your code will never burden a computer"s memory just because of the extra bytes in a long variable name. Plus, if you use a compiled language, the compiler will replace all the names anyways. If you"re lazy about typing long names, set up tab autocomplete.
- Using action verbs for my function names. Instead of "getCorrectedName()", I use "rename()". In this case, "rename" is a more precise verb than "get" and it simplifies the function name.
- Writing small functions that only do one task. If a function does more than one thing, I break it down into subfunctions that do only one thing each. This makes the code more modular and easier to debug. This also makes function names self-documenting.
Develop Iteratively
The most common reason that people give up on programming is that they don"t enjoy the results of their work.As you learn about more frameworks and libraries, it becomes tempting to write the whole project and then click run. It probably won"t work. It"s better to plan out the structure and then write tiny parts of the code. Test each part, experience the thrill of watching it work and then drop it into your overall project.
If you"re an experienced programmer, create classes and objects, even for your small scripts. Even if you think, "Oh this"ll be a script be for something small," if it works well, chances are you"ll want to expand it or use it for something else. Instead of duplicating code or writing complex if-else blocks, it feels amazing to just inherit from the original class, make some small changes and have a newly customized application.
Use StackOverflow
Almost every common task and bug is solved on StackOverflow. Plus, the solutions are elegant and the answers give great explanations.Write for Your Future Self
Imagine your future self either has amnesia or grows stupider (both usually feel true). It"s always a satisfying feeling to look over your old code and be greeted by user-friendly documentation.Use Version Control
Github hosts Git repositories (projects), Bitbucket hosts Git and Mercurial. If you aren"t comfortable with command line programming, then I recommend using SourceTree and Bitbucket.
Share Your CodeLet other people use it, give you suggestions and ask for improvements. You"re also more motivated to improve programs that other people are using.這裡是Brian回答的翻譯 (終於趕上一回了)。大部分都說的很對,我也有類似經驗;有些網站像Github大陸不一定能用。一些Brian提到的網站:www.github.com; http://www.bitbucket.org -- 版本控制;Bitbucket同時提供Git GUI客戶端SourceTreehttp://stackoverflow.com -- 關於代碼的問答網站,程序員版知乎
============= 譯文分割 ==============
我從12歲就開始編程而且每一天我都儘可能多學點以便提高我的編程水平。 下面是我牢記的一些原則。
- 和更好的程序員工作
- 複製好代碼
是的,當你看到一條比你能設計的還要好的代碼的時候,Ctrl-c 然後 Ctrl-v。 複製然後修改它,學習它為什麼好(一般是因為它更簡潔)。而且記住聲明原作者。
- 使用流行的庫
- 注意風格
* 使用長並且有描述性的函數名和變數名。現如今, 你的代碼絕不會因為長名字帶來的多餘的幾個位元組而給內存增加壓力。而且,如果你用的是編譯型語言,編譯器會把所有名字都替換掉。如果你覺得懶不想打那麼多字,把tab設置成自動補全。
* 用動詞命名函數名。比如我會用」rename()」而不是"getCorrectedName()」。在這個例子里,」rename」比"get」更具體,而且它讓這個函數名更簡單。
* 一個函數只做一個功能。如果一個函數包含很多功能,我會把它分解成小的函數,每個只做一件事。這樣代碼會更加模塊化而且debug也更簡單。而且函數名也更加自成文檔了。
- 迭代開發
如果你是個有經驗的程序員,你應該創建類和對象,即使你只有一個小腳本。 有時候即使你覺得「哦這只是很小一段代碼」,如果它運行正常,你很可能以後會擴展它或者把它用在別的地方。從原來的類繼承新類,做些小改動然後做出一個新的具體的應用,這種feel很爽;你該這樣而不是複製代碼或者重寫複雜的條件語句。
- 使用StackOverflow
- 給未來的自己寫代碼
- 使用版本控制
Github上可以寄存Git repository,Bitbucket可以寄存Git或者Mercurial。如果你對命令行沒什麼信心,我推薦使用SourceTree和Bitbucket。
- 分享你的代碼
用python寫詩。或者試試 BrainFuck 這個語言。
如果加不進去 返回2君子遠庖廚,雅士不編程 ~~ 嘰咕 ~~~
Joel Spolsky 有一篇很有名的blog : The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code裡面列了好的程序員的12條準則,如果符合這些準則,應該算是很優雅了吧。
The Joel Test
- Do you use source control?
- Can you make a build in one step?
- Do you make daily builds?
- Do you have a bug database?
- Do you fix bugs before writing new code?
- Do you have an up-to-date schedule?
- Do you have a spec?
- Do programmers have quiet working conditions?
- Do you use the best tools money can buy?
- Do you have testers?
- Do new candidates write code during their interview?
- Do you do hallway usability testing?
作為一個資深程序員,我認為所謂優雅的編程就是指改三遍代碼.不罵娘.敢把自己的電話號碼寫到注釋里.,最重要的是少寫代碼 .... 把自己的代碼刪掉的越多,那麼被瘋子追家裡的機會越少.
《編寫可讀代碼的藝術》 我認為你是這個意思
使用 litcoffee 寫代碼喵/
對著air(或者其他超級本),透亮乾淨的玻璃杯里,泡著菊,或者咖啡,或者茶,室溫恰好,然後,隨心情,放一支舒緩或者動感的音樂,手指在杯子和鍵盤間遊走,(沒滑鼠,關滑鼠什麼事?)嗯,就是這樣了。---另外提了一個問: 如何編優雅的程?推薦閱讀:
※所有的遞歸演算法空間複雜度都是O(n)嗎?? ?
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