Tim Cook 對更大屏幕 iPhone 的態度是什麼?

首先感謝問題[iPad 和 iPhone 擴充產品線,對蘋果來說是正確的決定嗎]的問題補充,從中可以看到 Tim Cook 的態度:

即,iPhone 當然可以像 iPod 或者 Mac 一樣擴充產品線,推出不同定位不一樣側重的多樣化產品。至於更大屏幕的 iPhone,也是可以考慮的事情。不同的人會有不一樣的需求。但問題是,做對一款手機,需要非常努力。如何讓軟硬體和服務很好地整合在一個設備裡面工作,並不容易,需要專註。現在是否有必要去生產一款更大屏幕的 iPhone?是合適的時機嗎?要知道,更大的屏幕意味著很多權衡和折衷 (tradeoffs),譬如說是不是顏色也一樣準確恰當,白平衡、反射率、屏幕壽命、電池續航能力,還有很多因素都很重要。客戶想要的是,是由 Apple 來權衡這些利弊,做出決定。所以如果那些 tradeoffs 都不復存在,那麼更大屏幕 iPhone 才有作為多樣化存在的必要。

以下是 Tim Cook 在 D11 說的原話:

We haven』t so far. That doesn』t shut off the future. Why? It takes a lot of really hard work to do a phone right when you manage the hardware and software and services in it. We』ve chosen to put our energy on doing that right. We haven』t been focused on working multiple lines.

Think about the evolution of the iPod over time. The shuffle didn』t have the same functionality as other products. It was a really good product, but it played a different role — it was great for some customers it was strikingly different than other iPods. The mini played a different role than the classic did. If you remember when we brought out the mini people said we』d never sell any. It was too expensive and had too little storage. The mini proved that people want something lighter, thinner, smaller. My only point is that these products all served a different person, a different type, a different need. For the phone that is the question. Are we now at a point that we need to do that? [...]

At a macro level, a large screen today comes with a lot of tradeoffs. When you look at the size, but they also look at things like do the photos show the proper color? The white balance, the reflectivity, battery life. The longevity of the display. There are a bunch of things that are very important. What our customers want is for us to weigh those and come out with a decision. At this point we think the Retina display is the best. In a hypothetical world where those tradeoffs didn』t exist, you could see a bigger screen as a differentiator ...

via Tim Cook』s answer to my first question | asymco




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TAG:蒂姆·庫克TimCook | iPhone6 |