

Some Thoughts about Bible

As is known to all, western values are expressed in the bible to some degree. In Chapter One, Adam and Eve got punished because they disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit, so they can no longer live in Eden carefree. What we can learn from this chapter is that we should resist temptation and put down our curiosity in some situations. Though curiosity leads to success sometimes, it may result in some tragedies.

What』s more, a suggestion which goes through the bible is that we should persist in doing good deeds and keeping the good in our inner hearts, for the god observes his every child and gives everyone what they really deserves. In that sense, morality can be visible. It can be used for reference these days. For example, we can make morality more specific by establishing some principles. But in some people』s eyes, we do good deeds not just for getting reward or make good impressions on others but for pleasing ourselves.

There』s an interesting part in the great flood that every species survived even though the god wants to punish the human beings. It says for the biological diversity. The world is not real without kinds of creatures. We should learn a lesson from that in biodiversity protection.

And it also proves the bible has its values in today』s life.

On one hand, the god is powerful and of omnipotence in western world. The god can bless the people who believes in him. On the other hand, his followers worship altar to god in turn. The love is mutual. If our society is full of love, we』ll live happily.

The story of Jacob and Esau reminds us of the importance of forgiveness and understanding. Maybe a person will make mistakes or do harm to the other, but we shouldn』t bear the mistakes in mind forever. On the contrast, mutral-understanding helps avoiding conflicts.



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