題主的問題屬於「知道幾個單詞,但不知道這些單詞的準確內涵」,或者「想知道含義相近而內涵不同的詞」。我們先看「查近義詞」的辦法: Thesaurus.com。
……貌似英英詞典也沒好到哪裡去……那就不得不祭出最後的法寶了——google大神!雖然這是《美國陸軍》的遊戲指南,但人家的介紹已經很清楚地顯示了,在實踐中,人們就是用「proficient」來形容比「expert」低一點點的水平。這裡甚至有參考的量化標準呢:四十中三十,你就是「proficient」;四十中三十六,你就是「expert」!What do the Basic, Proficient, and Expert qualification levels mean in training?
Basic qualification means the player has met the minimum standard to be qualified on that level of training, and can now access any "perks" unlocked by successful completion of that training level. For example: a player must hit at least 23 of 40 targets on the Basic Rifle Marksmanship (BRM) rifle range to be qualified Basic and pass that training level.
Qualifying Proficient means a player has demonstrated his proficiency in a particular training level by scoring significantly above the required minimum score for that training level. Using the BRM example again, a player is required to hit 30 of 40 targets to be qualified as Proficient.
Qualifying Expert on a training level means the player has thoroughly mastered the training level. This is the most difficult level of qualification to achieve, but it is also the most sought after. Returning once again to the BRM example, hitting at least 36 of 40 targets is required to qualify Expert on the BRM course. Players who qualify Expert on the BRM range are also awarded the Expert Marksman Badge (Rifle Bar).
A players』 qualification level will also affect the amount of Advancement Points (AP) he receives upon completion of some training levels. AP is required to unlock AIT training levels.
簡單說就是very good at 那個方面,很像是專家水平可以說kind of professional,再精確一些可以說almost as good as professional。謝邀。
如果不是真的好多年的專家,那其實用experienced(經驗豐富)/skilled(非常熟練)/Qualified(合格) in (某行業、領域、技能)表達比較好還有一個是Firm understand in.. 這個就得看語境了一般Adviser都會建議我們簡歷里那麼寫,這幾個算是表達能力不錯但不是專家的高頻片語。
seasoned professional. 經驗豐富的專業人士
感謝 @wangleibeckham 的修正He is something of an expert but … not really.
He is a quasi-expert, a semi-professional, an apparent specialist, a pseudo-sage, a so-called authority, a supposed savant, a pretended egghead, a seeming geek, a would-be master, a nominal pundit, a partial intellect, a mock academic, and a synthetic scholar.
proficient, adept, skilled, skillful, expert mean having great knowledge and experience in a trade or profession.proficient implies a thorough competence derived from training and practice &<proficient in translating foreign languages&>. adept implies special aptitude as well as proficiency &<adept at doing long division&>. skilled stresses mastery of technique &skilled surgeon&>. skillful implies individual dexterity in execution or performance &<skillfuldrivers&>. expert implies extraordinary proficiency and often connotes knowledge as well as technical skill &<expert in the evaluation of wines&>.
excel in擅長於某事…
難道不應該是professional amateur
Big Cow
He"s almost there
enthusiasts或者lovers或者fans行嗎~ 意譯上來說
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