To the first half of your question: migrant workers in china live a miserable life. U.S. unemployed living on benefits live a miserable life as well. They are both miserable and no one is better off than the other. If you have to ask about the absolute difference then it all comes to productivity-- or economically called "all factor productivity". Development economics 101: you produce what you consume, and people in poorer countries produce less.
To the second part it is a long story. To be brief Chinese people are ripped off in two ways: extremely high real tax burden on households and negative real interest rate for savings. Tax burden is estimated at more than 60% by many, and real interest rate for saving accounts is as low as -6%. Part of your money were taken by the government by excessive tax and not put to good use, another big chunk were stolen by state banks and then lent cheaply to state owned enterprises. Again they don"t put it to good use.
70% of what you produce do not come back to you and that is why you work so hard but ain"t able to afford shit. You wanna know how to get better value for what you are left with? Take some of it out of the bank and start learning how to invest.
- 教育程度差異大:無法獲得較高的生產率
- 社會原始資本積累少:作為最重要的生產要素,缺少投入就缺少產出
- 社會制度與文化壓制個人創造力:-
問題的預設陳述 「很多中國人的勞動時間是美國人的兩倍,一生卻過得還不如領救濟的美國人」 是否為真?疑問很大。
「很多中國人」 是哪些人?有多少? 「美國人」, 美國有三億人, 在問題中全部同質化了。 「領救濟的美國人」 是什麼樣的情況,在人口中的組成如何?有什麼樣的量化指標?