瀉藥。笑氣,也就是一氧化二氮,是有麻醉作用的。早期的外科手術常常使用吸入笑氣作為麻醉手段。至於致幻效應,我隨手查了下wikipedia 發現果然是有recreational use 的所以就直接轉載了。
Main article: Recreational use of nitrous oxide
Food grade N2O whippets (above) and cracker (below)—can be used for recreational purposes Nitrous oxide can cause analgesia, depersonalisation, derealisation, dizziness, euphoria, and some sound distortion.
Research has also found that it increases suggestibility and imagination.Inhalation of nitrous oxide for recreational use, with the purpose of causing euphoria and/or slight hallucinations, began as a phenomenon for the British upper class in 1799, known as "laughing gas parties". Until at least 1863, a low availability of equipment to produce the gas, combined with a low usage of the gas for medical purposes, meant it was a relatively rare phenomenon that mainly happened among students at medical universities. When equipment became more widely available for dentistry and hospitals, most countries also restricted the legal access to buy pure nitrous oxide gas cylinders to those sectors. Despite only medical staff and dentists today being legally allowed to buy the pure gas, a Consumers Union report from 1972 found that the use of the gas for recreational purpose was [then] still taking place, based upon reports of its use in Maryland 1971, Vancouver 1972, and a survey made by Dr. Edward J. Lynn of its non-medical use in Michigan 1970.It was not uncommon [in the interviews] to hear from individuals who had been to parties where a professional (doctor, nurse, scientist, inhalation therapist, researcher) had provided nitrous oxide. There also were those who work in restaurants who used the N
2O stored in tanks for the preparation of whip cream. Reports were received from people who used the gas contained in aerosol cans both of food and non-food products. At a recent rock festival nitrous oxide was widely sold for 25 cents a balloon. Contact was made with a "mystical-religious" group that used the gas to accelerate arriving at their transcendental-meditative state of choice. Although a few, more sophisticated users employed nitrous oxide-oxygen mixes with elaborate equipment, most users used balloons or plastic bags. They either held a breath of N2O or rebreathed the gas. There were no adverse effects reported in the more than one hundred individuals surveyed.In Australia, nitrous oxide bulbs are known as nangs, possibly derived from the sound distortion perceived by consumers.
In the United Kingdom, nitrous oxide is used by almost half a million young people at nightspots, festivals and parties.
In August 2015, the London Borough of Lambeth Council banned the use of the drug for recreational purposes, making offenders liable to an on-the-spot fine of up to £1,000.
from Nitrous oxide
read more Recreational use of nitrous oxide所以說現在的城裡人真會玩,連氮氧化物都不放過。不過你看人家英國是要罰錢的啊。不規範的使用會造成凍傷,窒息和維生素B12的缺乏,甚至有可能導致暈眩和精神分裂,並且好像是造成體內一些重要的神經遞質和信息分子的抑制(那一段我看不太懂,是在recreational use of nintrous oxide裡面那個heath concern裡面的,也沒有提及成癮性的問題,感謝評論區 @Enoch gel 的指正)接著我們看一下中國有無這方面的管制。根據CFDA的管製藥物目錄。一氧化二氮,並不在管制目錄裡面。待續……1. 原子排列是N-N-O2. 賽車的氮氧加速或者叫NOS系統,其實是靠笑氣。許多人以訛傳訛說是「液氮加速」是不對的。3. NOS系統最早是納粹在飛機上用的。
4. 是二氧化碳、甲烷之後的第三大溫室氣體。
亞文化青少年可所謂是必備了 一晚上嗨一箱 氣球已經out 現在拿泵 一泵頂十球 賊t m 壞壞
我是來不了 吸兩就想吐
現在是拿罐了 泵都過時了
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