如何信達雅地將「眾人皆醉我獨醒 」譯為英文?
I"m excited though you all naive
Dark darkens people, lights me.
Am I the only sober mind in a drunk world?
There is no spoon.
——彎曲湯匙的男孩。《黑客帝國》。--Spoon Boy. The Matrix----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
解釋:這句話的意思是這一切都是虛假的,只有我看清楚了真相。黑客帝國里的人類被囚禁在虛擬世界中,自以為每天看到的、聽到的、碰到的東西都是真實的,但這一切不過是幻象罷了。只有這幫主角知道這一切都不是真的,便有了一種一般人不具有的洞察力,能夠利用Matrix裡面的規則,所謂眾人皆醉我獨醒。The Matrix借用了大量的柏拉圖洞穴寓言里的元素,我就不多說了。Wake up at 3 a.m.,Wednesday morning.
I am forced into speech because men of science have refused to follow my advice without knowing
why. It is altogether against my will that I tell my reasons for opposing this contemplated
invasion of the antarctic—with its vast fossil-hunt and its wholesale boring and melting
of the ancient ice-cap—and I am the more reluctant because my warning may be in vain.
Doubt of the real facts, as I must reveal them, is inevitable; yet if I suppressed what will
seem extravagant and incredible there would be nothing left. The hitherto withheld photographs,
both ordinary and a?rial, will count in my favour; for they are damnably vivid and graphic.
Still, they will be doubted because of the great lengths to which clever fakery can be carried.
The ink drawings, of course, will be jeered at as obvious impostures; notwithstanding a strangeness
of technique which art experts ought to remark and puzzle over.
By H. P. Lovecraft
why are you so diao
sober, longly
You Know nothing....
Why does nobody get it?!?!!
One more cup! Anyone else?
Whole World Deceived... Except the Very Elect! ---------Flat Earth News
the Very Elect 換成 me 也行:)I"m fucking cool!
All being fucked but I.
I"m not a journalist ,but I"ve experienced too much.
The awake one in the sleeping world
你們還是too young
I lost my sleep in the graveyard.
I am the only one who sees.