關於《攻殼機動隊》中的 Stand Alone Complex 現象,心理學界有哪些觀點和分析?有類似現象的相關研究或書籍嗎?

「孤立個體集合體」,Stand Alone Complex的通用詮釋。





感謝@Ricardo Lee 《失控》中提到了「蜂群思維」


在 GIG Episode-15 里 Tachikoma 們討論了「個別主義集團」的邏輯悖論——「個別主義者」強調個體間的差異,但是當這種意識形成群體,那麼他們在持有「個別主義」思想的這一點則是沒有差異的,所以這些持有「個別主義」意識的人是無法達成共識進而形成團體的。但是當時確實存在由「個別主義者」組成的犯罪集團,因此他們又對如何反駁這個悖論進行了進一步的探討——在個別主義者形成集團之前他們就已經擁有了在形成集團後才能統一的行為意識,而他們只是在以獨立的個體身份(以為自己是憑藉自由意志行動的)執行這些行動,但是當所有個體都以各自的方式執行了他們的行動之後,他們整體的行為就使得他們形成了一個抽象意義中的團體。

那麼是什麼讓這些個體在集團形成之前就具備了統一的行為意識呢?對此他們得出一個讓人無言以對的結論——「在個人和集團以外,人類還有第三個意識決定主體。」為了支持這個結論,Tachikoma 們還參閱了 Richard Dawkins 的 The Selfish Gene(自私的基因),嘗試從微觀(基因)的層面解釋(類比)文化模因(Meme)的利他式傳播模型;以及 James Lovelock 的 Gaia Hypothesis(蓋亞假說)中從宏觀(地球與生物)的角度解釋個體與環境之間的相互作用會形成一種和諧的共存發展形態。

結合當時的「個別主義者」集體自殺式犯罪行為,他們認為這種行為模因也是一種利他式行為。類比來說,Richard Dawkins 的研究表示由基因傳播的模因以保證基因的延續繁衍為宗旨,在必要時可以做出利他式行為。比如自然界中某個動物種群受到天地的攻擊,一些較為強大的個體可能會挺身而出,犧牲自我保全其餘個體。這種純粹的利他式行為在一定程度上可以由基因所攜帶的繁衍式模因詮釋——只要保全群體中的部分個體,與做出犧牲的個體相似的基因就能夠繼續繁衍下去,因此是有利的。

相對而言,「個別主義」如果形成模因,則可能是通過犧牲自我,使得更多的外界個體關注「個別主義」。當一個個體獲取到大量「個別主義」的資訊時候就會形成「模仿犯」,從而「感染」更多的個體,延續「個別主義」模因。最後 Tachikoma 們得出是人類的神經網路與數字化的互聯網在通過電子腦的連接下出現相互作用,形成類似基因的利他式文化傳播行為,從而大面積地向人類個體傳達了某種行為模因,而人類對這個「第三個意識決定主體」的存在毫無察覺,仍舊以為自己的行為意識還是「個別的」。這種能夠導致毫無關聯的個體在沒有統一領導主體的情況下做出目標一致的有組織行為的文化模因傳播現象在動畫中被統稱為 Stand Alone Complex。

關於這一部分的詳細哲學分析請參考 Arthur Koestler 的 The Ghost in the Machine(機器中的幽靈),我估計這部番也是基於這本書的一些理論進行創作的,你看連名字都差不多。這本書是 1967 年出版的,現在已經快絕版了,不過我竟然在學校的圖書館裡找到了一本印刷本,等放假了拿去當小說讀去。

總之這部番在對 Pre-Technological Singularity 方面的哲學探究可謂是前所未有地深刻。當人類的思想能夠被數字化進而通過互聯網進行信息交換(Synchronize),個體的存在意義將會被逐漸削弱,而 Stand Alone Complex 這種現象則會成為主導整個社會文化模因的基礎單位。這不禁讓人聯想,達到 Technological Singularity 後的社會是否會是以整個社會群體作為文化模因的子整體(Holon-Parton)。如果是的話,人類將成為一個統一的個體,個人所持有的個性將會徹底消失。


首先他讓我看Philosophy of Ghost in the Shell 的這段:


"Stand alone complex"

It is basically the same idea as a copycat crime,
except that the original doesn"t really exist. If someone were to take
an urban legend about a crime and actually commit it as described in the
legend, that would fit the definiteion of a Stand alone complex,
provided the criminal didn"t know it was a myth.

Bear in mind that copycat criminals typically have vastly different motivations than the original does anyway.

In the first season, the kid who plays the part of the Laughing Man for
all intents and purposes, was the one who created the myth in the first
place. He edited all the footage of the hostage scenario in the park
with the logo over the criminal"s face, as a public announcement of his
intention to end corporate corruption, of which he"d already discovered
some evidence of in the whole Cyberbrain Sclerosis situation. That"s all
it was meant to be.

However, it caught the imagination of a lot of people, who began using
the Laughing Man logo in various acts of corporate espionage and
vandalism, following in the footsteps of the man in the footage, rather
than the kid who doctored the footage, believing they were following the
pattern of a real Laughing Man. As such, they were following a

In the second season, you have the Individual Eleven, a collection of
people working independantly of each other for the common goal of
refugee rights, all using the name of a book that doesn"t seem to really
exist. Realistically, since this was being caused by a virus, it
doesn"t cleanly fit the concept of a stand alone complex, but from the
outside looking in on it, it definitely bears a strong resemblance and
as such was investigated as one for a long time.

From an overall philosophical perspective, SAC sontinues the questions
all GitS has concerning the definition of life and what it truly means
to be alive in a world full of people with mechanical bodies and brains
that can be interpreted as data. The introduction of the Stand Alone Complex
concept adds in new wrinkles on that about whether the common beliefs
across races and religions is evidence of a human collective
consciousness, and whether an individual can truly exist in a world
where everyone has their brains plugged into the internet. (To take that
last point to an extreme, but modern variant: Does the fact that we are
discussing this question right now with each other mean that we lose a
small portion of our own individuality in the sharing of information?)
These points tend to be explicitly discussed, but not answered, in the
Tachikoma conversations.




「These points tend to be explicitly discussed, but not answered, in the Tachikoma conversations」,哈哈,洋人有點意思。





補充一下:應該說樓上的古斯塔夫的《烏合之眾》是以批判群體心理和行為的弱點為主的作品,和stand alone complex有很大的差別,後者只能算是群體心理的一部分:即善於無意識輕信和模仿,同時由於對事件都有傾向性不同但程度相同的歪曲,最終形成基於相似歪曲結果的高度統一的行動。《浪潮》的確算是一部經典的闡述群體心理的電影,令人印象深刻的也是群體的善變性(只花了五天一個班級就瘋狂了,然後突然又恢復正常了)、傳染性(一個班影響到整個學校乃至整個社區)和失控性(最後結尾的騷亂)等等,建議題主多看看以上各位推薦的作品。







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