

"Six months ago, when China first asked Australia and other countries to join the AIIB, President Obama hit the phones, asking them to say "no". In public US officials said it was simply concerned about some technical questions about the way the AIIB would be run. Privately, however, it is quite clear that Obama argued against the AIIB precisely because it would strengthen China"s leadership in Asia, and hence erode the US"s. He expected loyal allies like Tony Abbott to fall in line."

來源在此:AIIB: China outsmarts US diplomacy on Asia bank




America says it welcomes China"s ascent to great-power status, so long as the Chinese respect international norms and play a proper part in the multilateral system. China suspects that, in practice, America tries to hem it in whenever it does anything on the world stage. In the case of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the AIIB, America seems to be confirming China"s darkest fears,it has adopted a policy of containment that is wrong in principle and has failed in practice.(美帝採取了一系列牽制措施,然而這些措施不僅在道義上站不住腳,在實踐時也失敗了。)

Flush with the world"s largest foreign-exchange reserves, China plans a new bank to help match Asia"s vast savings with its even vaster need for new bridges, roads and other necessities of development. America dislikes the idea because it thinks the bank will not abide by high standards of creditworthiness and transparency, it also fears the institution will be a vehicle for Chinese influence.(美帝反感中國的亞投行。一來它認為亞投行不會受到強有力的監管,並且透明度存疑,二來美帝也擔心該機構會增強中國的影響力。) When Britain became the first country outside Asia to apply for membership, an American official harrumphed about its trend towards constant accommodation of China. That admonition did not stop Germany, France and Italy declaring this week that they too wanted to be founding members. Others may follow.

The AIIB is designed to project Chinese power in the region. But there are three reasons why America should be more receptive toward the AIIB and its allies" potential membership. The first is that Asia"s need for infrastructure is vast and pressing. The AIIB will not finance this splurge on its own, it looks likely to end up with a capital base of between $50 billion and $100 billion. But it will help. Second, the best way to deal with concerns about Chinese lending standards is to join the bank and improve it from inside, not to throw brickbats from outside(如果對中國創辦的該銀行體系抱有種種疑慮,那麼最好的辦法就是成為其中的一員,再打入敵人的內部去改善它,而不是站在外面拍磚。)(騎牆之王攪屎棍咬文嚼字真是高水平,讓我想起了那些一邊罵 GCD 一邊又擠破頭要入黨的畫面). Having more nations outside its orbit on board should help keep things more honest. Third, although it might have been better to expand and reform existing institutions, the ADB, World Bank and so on, America itself has made that impossible.


漢代十三曹和九卿同隸屬宰相職能有部分重合 怎麼區分和理解?

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