善有善報,惡有惡報 翻譯為英文?
What goes around comes around.
Karma is a bitch
A Lannister always pays his debts.
Getting back what you gave.
-What you reap is what you sow. ----Rage Against The Machine (Wake Up)
poetic justice因果報應就是這個意思啊
You deserve it.
Karma. You get what you give.
老師教我的:Chickens come home to roost.
Prov. You have to face the consequences of your mistakes or bad deeds.但好像只是惡有惡報的意思。What goes around,what comes around.
1. poetic justice. 善有善報 惡有惡報。《The killing》中Holder在審問時,由於Stan殺了Adam的他爸Michaelski,而懷疑Adam殺害Rosie時,這樣說過。2. 很少直接用Karma,通常都是「Karma"s a bitch」,which means「因果報應真他媽靈啊………」
U reaping what you have sowed
no zuo no die…………………………………………………………………………對不起我是來抖機靈的,摺疊我吧╮(╯▽╰)╭
※如何翻譯 EPFL 這所學校?
※我想學外語當翻譯 但貌似翻譯不是個穩定的職業 求指導?