


No good looks? Read more books.

P.S. 僅僅是原話翻譯。 這句話其實無論中、英文聽上去都很不尊重人,屬於「分分鐘找打的節奏」 ---- 說這句話的人可能才是該 read more books 的那個。;-)

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下面評論里 @david kimseong 的譯法更好、更積極: For better looks, read more books.

Ugly people can fuck books only

Ordinary-looking people should read more books. 這是調侃的吧!主要是和長的好看的人相比,說普通長相的人應該多讀書,為啥呢?美女可以靠顏值,而且很多美女也很努力,普通長相的就該更努力。哈哈

Ugly makes you read more.

People ugly should read more.

You look like fengjie,please read more.

Fucking loser should read more.

Loser should read more

The more books you read, the more beautiful you will be

a sorry looks deserves a lot of books

Less beauty , more study .

Girls pick your look,but books shape it.

&Now that you can"t fuck, you should read.&

我老哥執寶劍戰群雄,我人丑憑智慧降諸侯。寶劍鋒從磨礪出 人丑只能多讀書

You pretty? or read.

One can make up his appearance while reading.

Books compensate for bad looks

Knowledge is power!


Studying makes up for ugliness.


Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtile; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. Abeunt studia in morse.


Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. They perfect nature。


Find your shortstage and read more.

More reading, more pussies , even you are ugly. (逃



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