Vulkan API什麼時候發布?
Vulkan 今日發布,github 非常熱鬧
建議查閱完整版-&> vinjn/awesome-vulkan: A curated list of awesome Vulkan tutorials, projects.
glfw 增加了 Vulkan 的支持,可以改名叫 glvkfw 了。glfw 很好用,可以替代 glut。
Cinder,Creative Coding 框架,第一時間 merge 了來自 Google 貢獻的 Vulkan 渲染器。Vulkan 將成為未來的安卓的首選圖形 API,聯繫到 Google 去年還給 Cinder 貢獻了安卓平台的代碼,莫非……
SaschaWillems 造勢了大半年的 Vulkan 範例庫終於補全了真實的代碼。大量代碼,寫得非常長,hmmm
類似的 McNopper 也開源了他基於 VulKan ToolS (VKTS) 的範例代碼。
renderdoc 增加了 Vulkan 的調試功能,成為 D3D11 和 OGL 之後支持的第三個 API。
然後是 Khronos 官方的項目
- KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs: The Vulkan API Specification and related tools
- KhronosGroup/Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers: Vulkan loader and validation layers
以及被 Google 收購的 LunarG 所提供的工具
- LunarG/VulkanSamples: Vulkan Samples
- LunarG/VulkanTools: Tools to aid in Vulkan development including useful layers, trace and replay, Ilo Intel sample driver, and tests
「Vulkan Working Group Update - December 18th 2015We have some good news and some bad news. The year-end target release date for Vulkan will not be met. However, we are in the home stretch and the release of Vulkan 1.0 is imminent!Here is a more detailed update...
The Vulkan specification is complete and undergoing legal review and final polishing. The Vulkan conformance tests are being finalized and multiple member companies are preparing drivers for release. Implementation feedback is the vital final stage of making any Khronos specification ready for primetime, and the Vulkan 1.0 specification will be published when the first conformant implementations are confirmed.
Work is also progressing to complete Vulkan SDKs for Windows, Android and Linux. Google has upgraded to Promoter membership and is now on the Khronos Board to help steer Vulkan strategy for Android and the wider industry.
There is considerable energy driving the work to bring you Vulkan. We are planning Vulkan sessions and demos at key industry events throughout the year. We are excited about the emerging Vulkan ecosystem that will create new business opportunities for the graphics and compute industry.
Vulkan will set the foundation for graphics and compute APIs for years to come and so Khronos is taking the time needed to do this right – and the Vulkan 1.0 release is near!
The Khronos Vulkan Working Group」
2016-01-15 更新
在今天的khronos會議上,vulkan 1.0終於ratified了。發布在即!2016-02-16發布了!推薦閱讀:
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