殺、閃、桃、酒如何翻譯? 各種錦囊如何翻譯?
通通退散吧,官方版本在此,三國殺去年秋天就已在北美上市了,翻譯為Legends of the Three Kingdoms
官網:LTK Offical Site(點擊How to Play進去就能看到所有卡牌、規則的翻譯了)貼部分實體卡牌圖:
主忠內反分別對應Monarch、Minister、Turn-coat、Rebel殺閃桃分別對應Strike、Dodge、Peach萬箭齊發- Arrow Barrage南蠻入侵 - Barbarian Invasion
無中生有 - Something for Nothing(這個翻譯我覺得棒極了,信達雅~)五穀豐登 - Bountiful Harvest樂不思蜀 - Contentment閃電 - Lightning過河拆橋- Dismantle
順手牽羊 - Snatch決鬥 - Duel借刀殺人 - Borrowed Sword武將、裝備太多,不貼了。。
代購地址:Legends of the Three Kingdoms (US Only)(35刀啊有木有!!)張角
雷公助我! Lord of thunder! Give me your strength!天下大勢,為我所控! The fate of this world, is controlled in my hands!
蒼天已死,黃天當立!The god is dead, Long live our new god!歲在甲子,天下大吉!Now is our time, we fight for world peace!司馬懿
天命,哈哈哈哈哈! Fate? hahahahahaha下次注意點! Watch your manner!這就是天命難違嗎? So is this my inevitable fate?諸葛亮
觀今夜星相 知天下大勢 By seeking the stars, now I know the fate of this world知天易,逆天難 Knowing the fate is very easy, Changing the fate is too hard周瑜
掙扎吧!在血與暗的深淵裡! Writhe! In the bloody hell of darkness!哈哈哈哈哈! Muhahahahaha既生瑜 何生亮 Why on earth is always someone smarter?!劉備唯賢唯德 以德服人 Feel my virtue, come to my side.以德服人 Feel my virtue這就是桃園嗎? Am I seeing the beginning of our brotherhood?劉備cows"back關羽Close Feather
張飛Open Fly
馬超Super Horse趙雲lightcloud黃月英yellow moon English諸葛亮pig light黃忠yellow
Middle魏延gastritis龐統huge barrel孟獲dream or祝融hope
曹操 Fuck Cao
夏侯噸frighten monkey squat許褚need pig張遼God man司馬懿keephorse one郭嘉country甄姬njection夏侯淵frighten monkey
deep曹仁election典韋allusions great
荀彧dog goods
徐晃Emptyshakes孫權all is son周瑜spell呂蒙 LV Men黃蓋From the
nue甘寧garbage man孫尚香son up sweet陸遜land inferior大喬big
小喬small bridge
周泰zombie太史慈big leopard孫堅sonrape魯肅camping呂布 LV Cloth華佗slippage貂蟬sable and
cicada張角snail于吉SB袁紹hence less龐德fatty顏良文丑beautiful and No
literary賈詡Need Feather董卓one man and two women劉表 Watch Liu╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭
譬如,張角就叫Thor…小橋叫queen of hearts………
三國殺 ------ triple kill!!!
「吃我一戟!」take that
「拿來吧!」thank U for everything「夫君?身體要緊?」主人様、お大事に?「猜猜看吧..」あててみて?「忠!」PUCHI!待續..安卓上有個應用叫 三國殺 in English大部分都翻譯了
※Devil 和 Demon 的區別是什麼?
※為什麼 FM2017 在大陸地區銷量破三萬之後官方仍然不推出中文版?