什麼是archaelogical complex(文明體)?和文化(culture)有什麼區別?

中亞葯殺水流域的石器時代文化 巴克特里亞?馬爾吉阿納文明體(Bactria-Margiana Archaelogical Complex)為什麼被冠以Archaelogical Complex的名稱?為什麼找不到其他地方使用這個詞的情況,而都只用文化(culture)一詞?

Archaelogical Complex,其發展程度是更接近於文化(culture)還是文明(civilization)?

1.complex的意思和考古學上的組合(assemblage)、文化(culture)、工業(industry)、傳統(tradition)差不多,或者可以等同於區系類型意義上的「類型」,或者就是尚不夠格(或不確定)稱文化而稱某某類遺存。當然這些概念多少有一些區別,我的水平不足以說清楚,不過其他答案也有涉及這一點。就中文語境來說,如果能懂所謂「考古學文化」和把一個文化分成若干「類型」,那麼把archaelogical complex換成「考古學文化」應不至於影響對原文的理解。

2.不止Bactria-Margiana Archaelogical Complex,其他地方也有用complex的。我隨便搜索得到的結果如:

Fitzhugh, William (2009). 「The Mongolian Deer Stone-Khirigsuur Complex: Dating and Organization of a Late Bronze Age Menagerie.」 In Current
Archaeological Research in Mongolia. Papers from the First
International Conference on 「Archaeological Research in Mongolia」 held
in Ulaanbaatar, August 19th-23rd, 2007
. Bonn Contributions to Asian
Archaeology vol.4, J. Bemmann, H. Parzinger, E. Pohl, D. Tseveendorzh
(Eds.). Bonn: Bonn University Press, 183-199.

Itaparica Technocomplex: The First Conspicuous Settlement of Central
and Northeastern Brazil from a Technological Perspective

Miller, Bryan K., Francis Allard, Diimaajav Erdenebaatar, Christine Lee (2006). 「A Xiongnu Tomb Complex: Excavations at Gol Mod 2 Cemetery, Mongolia (2002-05).」 Mongolian Journal of Anthropology, Archaeology and Ethnology 2.2: 1-21.



本文首先將在詞典中尋找complex和culture的意義,其次在詞典中尋找BMAC和Oxus Treasure的意義,以及他們與周邊的聯繫,最後使用類比Old Copper Complex和Chalcolithic 時代美洲之間的關係。本文力求證明從考古學的意義上來說,complex是culture的真子集,而根據Childe的what happened in History和Man makes himself中的定義:




首先來看一下 Oxford Concise Dictionary of Archaeology (Timothy Darvill 2nd Edition)當中對於complex 和 culture 的定義。

Complex: a rather general term used in archaeology to refer to a chronological subdivision of broad groups of defined artefact types such stone tools or pottery. A recurrent configuration of elements or entities within a larger system.


Culture: In the purely archaeological sense, the idea of a culture was firmly established in the late 1920s by Gordon Childe whose Marxist perspectives shine through in his proposition that 『we find certain types of remains – pots, implements, ornaments, burial rites and house forms – constantly recurring together. Such as a complex of associated traits we shall term a 『culture group』 or just a culture. We assume that such a complex is the material expression of what today we would call a people. Thus, for archaeologists, a culture is usually taken to be a constantly recurring assemblage of artefacts which are assumed to be representative of a particular set of activities carried out at a particular time and place. As such, archaeological cultures are defined by archaeologists rather than the original participants.



第二部分:BMAC和Oxus Treasure的定義及其周邊關係

對於Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex (BMAC),由於我對這個不是很熟悉,還是先引用The New Penguin Dictionary of Archaeology (Paul Bahn)

Bactrian Bronze Age: a culture, initially identified from material looted from graves in northwestern Afghanistan and sold on the antiquities market, that produced a range of materials. Similar materials appear in the Murghab delta (ancient Margiana) of eastern Turkmenistan, giving rise to the name BMAC. Excavations at sites like Dashly and Sapalli-Depe in Bactria and at Gonur-Depe in Margiana date this culture to the end of the 3rd millennium and first third of the 2nd millennium BC. Bactrian-style artefacts are strongly represented in the Baluchistan and the Margins of the Indus, and also appear across the Iranian plateau as far west at Susa.


通過地圖我們可以看到BMAC的中心區域位於Oxus River的上游,BMAC在中亞平原上收到了Caspian Sea,Aral Sea,Pamir和Hindukush的影響。比如說下圖所示:


同時期的文明中,BMAC顯然與Andronovo(ca. 2000-900 BCE)互相影響,而影響了Yaz(ca. 1500-1000 BCE)。

而覆蓋整個Aral Sea和Caspian Sea過半東海岸的Andronovo其實起先可能發源於早期Ural地區的Sintashta(ca. 2100-1800 BCE),請注意這邊的Sintashta本身是一個非常多樣化的文化,雖然它位於現代俄羅斯境內,但其被認為是印伊語族的開端,即使其本身的來源位於亞歐平原的Corded Ware文化。其在中亞的地理位置如下圖(來自維基詞條Andronovo)所示:

於是我們在這邊可以首先移除北部的Andronovo是BMAC起源的可能性。把關注點還是聚焦到Oxus River上來。

我們繼續先找定義,引用The New Penguin Dictionary of Archaeology (Paul Bahn):

Oxus treasure is a very large group of valuable objects, which originated from the River Oxus (Amy Darya) on the territory of modern Tajikistan (ancient Bactria). It is not known exactly where the treasure was found, who found it, and why such a collection should have been put together. The British Museum now has some 180 objects, known as the Oxus Treasure.

也就是說BMAC的起源和Oxus River的關聯程度一定很高,但不能因此確定有一個確切的起源。但是在Oxus River周邊的確找到了系統性的新文化系統,故而也有學者將其稱為Oxus Civilisation.

事實上,西方學者直到蘇聯解體後才知道蘇聯學者,尤其是@霽藍同學之前提到的哈薩克族學者Viktor Sarianidi作為其最初的發現和命名者,其實已經記錄了大量的信息。但由於筆者不通俄文,所以不能給出大量的信息。

第三部分:比較:關於Old Copper Complex的案例研究

由於先前提到的BMAC可能是Oxus Civilisation的真子集的證據並不充分,而在大約4000至1000BCE Chalcolithic 時代的美洲大陸,曾經也有一種獨特的文化現象爭議,以下簡稱OCC。

根據Griffin, James B. 的Culture Periods in Eastern United States Archaeology. In Archaeology of Eastern United States, edited by James B. Griffin, pp.352-64. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.中關於OCC的描述,美洲大陸在進入chalcolithic 時代之後,有一段時間放棄使用銅作為工具,而將其作為非工具的器物(如象徵物),這曾經並廣泛認為是一種不可解的『devolution』作為unilinear evolutionism的獨特例外進行研究。

而在Lewis R. Binford著名的archaeology as anthropology中,他力求使用另一種解法,來闡釋他自己的neo-evolutionism,




20.12.2016 更新


The term 『complex』 is poorly chosen by the archaeologists working in the region many years ago, and it has found little or no follow-up.





試著用archaeology wordsmith搜索了一下定義,似乎culture的含義要更廣一些……




DEFINITION: A group of artifacts and traits that regularly appear together in two or more sites within a restricted area over a period of time and which are presumed to represent an archaeological culture. A complex could be a characteristic tool or type of pottery or it could be a pattern of buildings that occur together. A complex is a chronological subdivision of different artifact types and implies a culture, whereas an assemblage is merely a collection of contemporaneous specimens.


archaeological culture

CATEGORY: culture

DEFINITION: The constantly recurring artifacts or group of assemblages that represent or are typical of a specific ancient culture at a particular time and place. The term describes the maximum grouping of all assemblages that represent the sum of the human activities carried out within a culture.

此外,有時Complex也被用於命名在一個小型範圍內不同年代的遺迹的集合,比如El Brujo Archaeological Complex和Bolgar Archaeological Complex等等,這樣就把搜索結果搞得更加模糊了……

關於命名的問題,我試著在學校圖書館搜了一下,排在前幾的結果有Barbakoeba Archaeological Complex, Duana Archaeological Complex等;然而掃了幾篇都沒有看到清楚的對於complex的定義。於是這個問題還是懸而未決QAQ

發現這個archaeological complex的考古學家Viktor Sarianidi發表了不少文章,然而因為語言不通,我無法讀懂……好遺憾。



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