



  • 最常用的就是:please find attached......

  • I am
  • Please find enclosed...請查閱附件...
  • Attached here to...附件是關於...
  • Attached please find the most
    up-to-date information on/regarding/concerning…附上關於某某的最新資料…
  • Attached please find the draft
    product plan for your review and comment.附上產品計劃書的草稿,請審查及評價。
  • We enclose a copy of our latest price list. 隨函寄出我方最新價格表一份。
  • Enclosed is a copy of our latest price list.

  • Enclosed please find a copy of ……

  • Attached please find …
  • I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.我附加了評估報告供您閱讀。
  • Attached please find today"s meeting notes.今天的會議記錄在附件里。
  • Attachment is the design document, please review.設計文檔在附件里,請評閱。
  • For other known issues related to individual features, please see attached
    release notes.其他個人特徵方面的信息請見附件


鏈接:哪些神句拯救了你的英文郵件? - Grace 的回答

1. 開場白:

  • Hope you are doing well.

  • Hope this emial finds you are doing well/great.

2. 回復開場白:

  • Further to our conversation earlier, .........

  • As discussed over the phone, .......

  • As checked with.....

  • Thanks for your kindly reply.

  • Thanks for your prompt reply.

  • Thanks for your kindly feedback.

  • Regarding...

  • As per my email sent on xxxx

  • Please help to clarify

3. 結尾:

  • We are looking forward to hearing from you.

  • Many thanks for your support.

  • Please kindly share us a feedback by today.

  • FYI: For your information

  • For your reference 僅供參考


    微博:外企er英語的微博 (二維碼自動識別)


附件的英文是attachment. 但是如果你說please find the attachment實在是惡俗至極,很少有老外這樣說的。

一般都是用動詞attach/enclose 再加具體表示文件的名詞,比如report, proposal, quote, Microsoft document, spreadsheet(excel), presentation(PPT),或者統一用document代替這類文件,別說file,因為此文件非彼文件, file泛指電腦上一切文件,比如音樂、視頻,安裝文件,這是磁碟層面的概念,而document是文字層面的概念。


  • Attached/Enclosed please find the report.
  • I attached the report and let me know what you think.
  • I have attached a quote as discussed.
  • You may refer to the attached document for details
  • Please refer to the attached document
  • Please see the attached document.







Please refer to the attachment(s) for more details.

Please check out the attachment(s) for more details.

attachment(s)也可以用attached file(s)代替

我以前在美國的 MetLife 等大公司里長期負責銷售人員的廣告、產品介紹、推銷信件等的創作、審核和寫作培訓,最多時候負責22個州7000 多美國銷售人員的這些 marketing sales materials,根據自己的經驗解釋一下:


1. 紙質信件/郵件:

Enclose 一詞一般指把紙質文書等「裝入信封」,隨紙信附上的附件也稱 enclosure(s)。但是電子郵件中一般 用 enclose / enclosure.

2. 電子郵件:

隨郵件附上。。。供參考: I have attached / am attaching xxxx for your review ( 或 consideration, reference)

詳見附件: Please refer to the attachment(s) for details 或 Please see the attachments for details.

無論是紙質的還是電子郵件,最好都不要說 Please find enclosed / attached xxxxx ------ 這與美國商界比較規範的措辭習慣不符。

3. 如果你怕自己「記不住、會搞反」,那最簡單的辦法就是無論是紙信還是電郵,都一概用 attach / attachment(s) 這一種說法,肯定不會錯。

題外話:如果是很熟悉、關係不錯的(平級或下級)同事、朋友,在電郵中你用 pls, thx 之類的縮寫沒什麼問題。但是對於關係一般的同事、尤其是對上級、或客戶,你如果不想顯得很隨便、不願意讓人家因此而小看你的話,那就千萬不要用這類縮寫:這些縮寫絲毫不能說明你的英語如何「地道」,相反,會給人家一種你「不夠 professional」的印象。因為這種縮寫所帶來的口吻,就象一個中國律師在法律文書中用了諸如「嘿,我說,你把。。。拿過來我再摟一眼」之類的字眼。


這其實說到底是一個習慣問題:如果你習慣於學、記、說、寫高質量的英語,你什麼時候寫出來的英語都不會太丟人現眼。但是如果平時學英語時就經常從 Prison Break, The South Park 之類的劇中學,那你的英語質量很可能會讓很多老外暗自發笑,雖然一般沒幾個老外會那麼好事、來當面告誡你「your English is kind of funny」。

首先指出一個比較常見但其實是有問題的用法:「Enclosed please find" 或 「Attached please find" 既然已經說了Enclosed活Attached就沒必要說find, 這個有些外國人也不太講究,國人就以為是正確的,嚴格來講,it doesn"t make sense. 只有東西不見了,需要收件人去找,才用please find.


Here is....

Enclosed are...

Attached is...

We have enclosed...

I have attached...

The attached proposal includes...

The enclosed document shows...

Please review the attached diagram...

The attached spreadsheet covers...

Please use the enclosed envelope to...


1. My resume is attached in the enclosure.(英語用詞忌諱重複)

2. My resume is enclosed in the attachment.(英語用詞忌諱重複)

3. Please refer to my resume in the attachment/enclosure.

4. 最簡單的說法:Resume enclosed或Resume attached.(看情況使用,可作為補充說明)


See attached.

看到一大堆很認真的回復 我感覺國內的外企比我們講究多了。。。我們對郵件的正式性的程度依次如下(不包括客戶 因為我沒跟客戶打過交道):

1、formal engagement letter or notification 這個最需要business writing

2、與本公司內 但本部門以外的人的溝通 寫好點兒 別讓外部門的人覺得你部門的人not educated

3、與本部門executive level 或director溝通 寫正式點 別讓大頭頭覺得你太隨意

4、senior manager


5、senior team member

6、team member/subordinate staff

總之 越往後 越隨意 typo和語法小錯誤什麼是常事

最最最最重要的是 內容不出錯 這些在公司都有archive的 不要被揪住小辮子

Email口氣不要demanding 但也別老是用kindly這類詞。。。不卑不亢平平淡淡說事就好 重點是being accurate and professional 重點不是being humble. Typo is usually honest mistake and no one takes it seriously

Kindly find XXX attached.......

plz check the attachment


作為一名工作語言全英文的人士,我們常用的是: Attached please find the enclosed document( PI, REPORT, PACKING LIST)等等


Please find attached for details.

非正式郵件或關係比較好的人之間直接說PFA (Pleaee find attached)

Attached please find( 你要發的東西例如letter, picture, document, form之類)

Attached pls find my resume


Please find attached........

I have attached .......

在那件詳情的時間後面打個(in the attachment)。。。


1. 只有「詳見附件」四個字。在中文裡,你能和對方直接這樣說,不帶上下文,說明你們已經在其他溝通渠道交代得比較清楚了,你只需要放一點文字「意思意思」。這種情況英文里可以直接用以下即可:

a. FYI.

b. The file is attached.

2. 不止「詳見附件」這四個字,就是還有別的要交代的。這種情況可以用:

a. Please see attached for more information regarding…

b. Please see the document attached and blabla…

c. I have attached xxx, blabla…(我個人最常用)

目前接收的郵件中,暫時沒有發現老美用See attachment這個表述。


1 比較Formal一些:

Please find attached ...

e.g. Please find attached our proposal. I would be grateful if you could check it and send us confirmation of your acceptance.

2 相對conversational一些:

Attached is .... .

e.g. Attached is our proposal. Please check it and confirm that you are happy with it.

3 如果要更加簡約一些:

e.g. Pls check the attached proposal and confirm.


「Nothing lasts forever」 最好的中文翻譯是什麼?

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