Gold and silver originally being in lumps, nuggets and bars, were in this manner weighed out in the making of payments for commercial transactions, but there being no certainty of the purity of the metal, no convenience in size, the lumps being too large, necessity arose for smaller amounts and divisions, which were gradually made, vouched for, and a die stamp invented which was punched by hand on one side of the smaller lumps of gold and silver, thereby attesting to its purity and value, and so originated the first acts of coinage.
- 這個段落各個句子各是什麼?
- 第一分句里的「weighed out」是什麼意思?有這麼一個用法嗎?
- 「and a die stamp invented which was punched by hand on one side of the smaller lumps of gold and silver, thereby attesting to its purity and value, and so originated the first acts of coinage.」這一部分怎麼分析?尤其最後「and so originated...」屬於哪個分句?有沒有用錯?
- 感覺這個段落相當雜亂,而且標點符號一逗到底,這個逗號是不是使用的有些過頭了?英語文章這麼寫是否是標點符號使用不當呢?
段落來源 http://scholar.googleusercontent.com/scholar?q=cache:PGOgxU7obc4J:scholar.google.com/+Gold+and+silver+originally+being+in+lumpshl=zh-CNas_sdt=0as_vis=1
1、這個段落各個句子各是什麼?—— 如果提問者粘貼複製標點無誤的話,這就是一個句子啊!
2、第一分句里的「weighed out」是什麼意思?有這麼一個用法嗎?——稱重的意思。前面有in this manner,什麼manner呢?後面緊接著說了,weigh。3、「and a die stamp invented which was punched by hand on one side of the smaller lumps of gold and silver, thereby attesting to its purity and value, and so originated the first acts of coinage.」這一部分怎麼分析?尤其最後「and so originated...」屬於哪個分句?有沒有用錯?——分析的話,看上面的大意應該能明白些吧?最後的so originated囊括了其前面所述,做了個總結:如此balabala~~無誤。4、感覺這個段落相當雜亂,而且標點符號一逗到底,這個逗號是不是使用的有些過頭了?英語文章這麼寫是否是標點符號使用不當呢?——這還好吧……不算亂的,英語里這樣的長句挺多的。不能因此說其標點使用不當。再次——回答完提問者的問題了,說幾句題外話。其實,我是不贊成一味苛求語法去學英語的,也不願拿主謂賓定狀補來說事兒,分析句子成分。對市面上一些為應付考試而付梓的長難句分析集之類的書籍不是很欣賞。英語貴在多讀多看多思吧,書讀百遍其義自現,漢語如此,英語也一樣。希望,少被條條框框的語法束縛,多讀讀原汁原味的英文吧。
這是個並列複合句。句子的主要部分是:Gold and silver were weighed out but necessity arose and so originated the first acts of coinage. 其中but 和and都是並列連詞,不過but是錶轉折。這是三個並列的簡單句,因帶有幾個從句所以稱為並列複合句。注意 originate是不及物動詞,這裡是倒裝。正常語序是 and so the first acts of coinage originated。
比較複雜一點的部分是:necessity arose for smaller amounts and divisions, which were gradually made, vouched for, and a die stamp invented which was punched by hand on one side of the smaller lumps of gold and silver, thereby attesting to its purity and value, ...
這部分的主架構是necessity arose for smaller amounts and divisions and a die stamp。定語從句以及過去分詞和現在分詞短語各修飾什麼可從語義判別。注意thereby是副詞,不具備連詞功能。
※join和join in之間有什麼區別?