七月有幸聽了老張和Maynard([Small gaps between primes. Ann. of Math. (2)181 (2015), no. 1, 383--413]的作者, 他使用一種不同於老張的方法把bound降到了600)的報告, 老張只是稍微提了下他文章中一個比較關鍵的multiple Kloosterman sum的估計, Maynard倒是完整地把他的證明說了一遍.
首先需要說一下的是Bombieri–Vinogradov theorem和Elliott–Halberstam conjecture:(Bombieri–Vinogradov theorem) Primes are equidistributed in APs on average of moduli .
(Elliott–Halberstam conjecture) Primes are equidistributed in APs on average of moduli .
先前Goldston, Pintz and Y?ld?r?m(就是GPY method里的GPY, 題外話一下, 這次Goldston也來了)證明了在E-H成立下, 那個bound能降到16, 但僅僅使用B-V的話, 是無法得到有限的bound的, 而他們最好的unconditional的結果是
.這裡的問題主要出在B-V的上. 如果這裡的1/2能slightly bigger, 那麼就可以得到一個有限的bound了. 那老張的工作是什麼呢? 他的證明基於的是對某一些特定的素數的集合, 這個1/2是可以slightly bigger的, 從而也就得到了他的70,000,000.
Maynard, 當然也包括Tao他們弄的那個Polymath (當然這個Polymath前期也有依賴老張的方法), 走的是另一條路子, 而這一條路子雖然同樣不能到達Twin primes conjecture, 但bound還是比老張的好不少 (比如現在的record 246就是用的這種方法). 我們知道GPY method依賴於對
的估計, 其中G-P-Y當初把這裡的weight 設成了.而Maynard的精妙之處在於他把這個weight 又改進成了
.剩下的證明就比較elementary了, 有興趣的不妨看一看開頭提到的那篇paper. 另外值得一提的是, 通過稍微改進一下, 在依賴E-H的前提下, bound可以降到12, 而如果承認廣義E-H, bound甚至可以降到6.再扯點題外話, Maynard的方法在處理large gaps between primes時也很好用, 具體可以參考他的這篇arXiv preprint [Long gaps between primes, arXiv:1412.5029]. 另外還聽別人閑談時說老張手頭上還有些好的結果, 具體內容就不得而知了.雖然並不知道數學家們在做什麼。
但是據維基百科https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%AD%AA%E7%94%9F%E7%B4%A0%E6%95%B0%E7%8C%9C%E6%83%B3 在2014年時候,這個數字現在被刷到了246。
有一個Polymath Project在做這個,The Polymath8 project was proposed to improve the bounds for small gaps between primes. It has two components:
- Polymath8a, "Bounded gaps between primes", was a project to improve the bound H=H_1 on the least gap between consecutive primes that was attained infinitely often, by developing the techniques of Dr. Yitang Zhang. This project concluded with a bound of H = 4,680.
- Polymath8b, "Bounded intervals with many primes", was project to improve the value of H_1 further, as well as H_m (the least gap between primes with m-1 primes between them that is attained infinitely often), by combining the Polymath8a results with the techniques of Dr. Maynard. This project concluded with a bound of H=246, as well as additional bounds on H_m.
Both components of the Polymath8 project have been successful, producing two new papers to be published under the pseudonym D.H.J. Polymath.
然後現在的結果,Bounded gaps between primes 好像沒有變化。。
Timeline of prime gap bounds這裡有一個時間表然而我並看不懂。剛剛,張老師說已經到246了,正在聽講座