如何評價電影《爆裂鼓手》(Whiplash) 中的音樂?

問題一 想知道這是爵士樂中的哪一流派?

問題二 想知道有哪些類似的音樂?

問題三 能否從專業角度對此電影中的音樂進行分析評價?

問題四 劇中的演員都是樂手?如果不是他們如何進行拍攝的?

好吧 最後一個問題有點超出主題了~~

不是專業的 隨便說一些:

1. 最明顯的應該就是Big Band Jazz

wikipedia上有一個Typical seating diagram for a big band



簡單來說 Big band Jazz 就是

Most arrangements have a theme (the melody), a set of variations that feature one or more of the instrument sections (trombones, trumpet, sax) and improvised solos before returning to the theme again.

電影的作曲家Justin Hurwitz在Whiplash - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack上談及電影其他的配樂時也說:

We knew it shouldn"t be a big band score, since there"s enough big band jazz throughout the movie.

以及另一位作曲家 Tim Simonec :

After being the orchestrator of so many films for the past few years, it was very exciting to be asked to compose … and in one my favorite idioms, Big Band Jazz.


  • Whiplash

演奏家(我猜?可能他和電影里的Fletcher一樣是指揮)是Don Ellis 作曲家是Hank Levy

Hank Levy 「whose works often employed unusual time signatures(拍子記號)」


Most music is in straight time 2/2 or waltz time 3/4. Time charts are combinations of the two of these. In the case of Whiplash, its in 7/4. Using unusual time signatures adds tension and novelty to songs.

  • Caravan

是1937年Swing Jazz standards (主流搖擺爵士樂?我不造這樣說對不對……)

而且根據wiki的說法 伍迪艾倫也在兩部電影《甜蜜與卑微》以《愛麗絲》裡面用過這首。


2. 類似的音樂么第一問里回答的Hank Levy應該有很多這樣的作品吧。我不太了解也就不亂推薦了。

3. 同上 我不是專業的 = =

4. 其實第四個問題是我最想回答的問題……

有一個美國國家公共電台(NPR)對本片為作曲配樂Justin Hurwitz的的採訪:

How To Compose Music For A Movie About Music : NPR

An idea I had was to basically build a score using some of the techniques of electronic scoring, but using 100 percent real instruments. In fact, only the instruments in a big band jazz lineup. So I recorded all of the instruments separately, like, you know, one note at a time - a trumpet note, a saxophone note, a trombone note. Everything was isolated so I could sort of manipulate them and layer them and slow them down to give this sort of - sort of a hellish version of a big band sound. I wanted everything to be very unsettling. You know, I didn"t want it ever to groove. I didn"t want the bass and drums ever to just hit a groove and, you know, so you could tap your foot to it.



2015. 1.8 22:46修改

謝謝評論區的 @Sihan Li 告訴我其實不是我想像中這樣的…… = =


漲姿勢了 也好丟人TT



Teller taught himself to play drums when he was 15. received blisters on his hands due to the vigorous, unconventional style of jazz drumming. Some of his blood was on the drumsticks and the drum set as a result.

還是蠻拼的 = =,而且:

Although Miles Teller has been drumming since he was 15 years old, he took additional lessons 4 hours a day, 3 days a week to prepare for the movie.

During the more intense practice scenes, the director wouldn"t yell, "cut!" so that Miles Teller would keep drumming until he exhausted himself.


J.K. Simmons has played piano in the past and had to retake lessons for his role.

所以主要演員都應該是有音樂的經歷的,不過個人認為這部片子的重點並不是Jazz itself,甚至可以說是more of a caricature of Jazz(《The New Yorker》)。

其他的參考:What style of music is in the movie Whiplash?


我只記住一句台詞:像刀子一樣鋒利。 這是我對著片子音樂的切身體會,太好聽了。


從2分鐘的宣傳片里僅僅出現的不超過5秒的音樂里感覺……他們玩的是big band jazz,standerds swing之類的東西,具體不確定,音樂一切皆有可能……








為什麼中國沒有類似 Pitchfork 這樣的音樂網站?

TAG:電影 | 音樂 | 爵士樂Jazz | 電影原聲 | 爆裂鼓手電筒影 |