





原始的transcript 還沒有出來,不過有興趣的可以聽聽youtube 上的視頻,關於俄國干預以及川普團隊的關係,請從12分開始看



I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals and it raised questions in my mind, again, whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals. I don"t know whether or not such collusion -- and that"s your term, such collusion existed. I don"t know. But I know that there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation by the bureau to determine whether or not U.S. persons were actively conspiring, colluding with Russian officials「


Gowdy Grills Brennan: Do You Have Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion Or Not?; Brennan: amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;I Donamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#x27;t Do Evidenceamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;


Opinion | Brennan』s explosive testimony just made it harder for the GOP to protect Trump


CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates






russia,russia,russia,可現實中根本就沒人討論這種問題,減稅,醫改甚至科研經費倒是有。川普一邊被媒體認為是極端右派的國家主義者,需要用博愛,國際主義來壓制,一邊被認為是裡通外國,賣美國的賣國賊,摸摸自己的大腦,你們感覺矛不矛盾?通俄這種帽子貼到社會主義左派頭上都比這個讓人可信,畢竟美國還有不少人堅定的認為俄國依然是共產主義國家。你們這就叫自我欺騙,忽略邏輯矛盾的雙想(double think),是應該多讀點1984,我看紅脖子這方面智商應該比這一搓人都高。


比如你竟然把高迪的提問拿來討論就是犯了常識性錯誤。顯然你連高迪是誰都不知道,就如你之前沒搞清Chuck Grassley到底是誰就夸夸其談所犯的錯誤如出一轍。




John Brennan這次也不例外。他在高迪的緊逼下說出的「I don"t do evidence」一定會成為名言。CIA前局長正式告訴大家CIA的工作與收集證據無關,或者用他的說法,CIA收集的東西只是情報,而不是證據。


I don"t know whether or not such collusion -- and that"s your term, such collusion existed. I don"t know.

這個結論不僅與參院情報委員會的民主黨大佬范恩斯坦數次在公開場合的回答高度一致(No evidence of Trump-Russia collusion,最近的一次是5月18日在CNN),與前DNI的克拉珀上電視說的高度一致(No evidence of Trump-Russia collusion,3月3日在NBC),而且與前FBI局座科米的結論也高度一致,連你最喜愛的主流媒體也不敢否認這點。


上聯:very fake news

下聯:almost entirely wrong






Gowdy Grills Brennan: Do You Have Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion Or Not?; Brennan: amp;quot;I Donamp;#x27;t Do Evidenceamp;quot;

GOWDY: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Director, thank you for your service to our country. Let"s go back to where we were a couple minutes ago, you mentioned or you testify that you had a conversation in August of 2016 with your Russian counterpart, you testified that you briefed at least eight members of Congress throughout (inaudible) of your investigation.

When you learned of Russian efforts -- and we"ll get to that in a minute because my understanding from your unclassified report is, Russia has historically attempted to interfere with our electoral process. And they did so without coordination, collusion or conspiring with any of the candidates, so they have a history of doing it. We"ll lay that aside for a minute, 2016 electoral process. When you learned of Russian efforts, did you have evidence of a connection between the Trump campaign and Russian state actors?

BRENNAN: As I said Mr. Gowdy, I don"t do evidence...

GOWDY: Well, I...

BRENNAN: ... and we were uncovering information intelligence about interactions and contacts between U.S. persons and the Russians. And as we came upon that, we would share it with the bureau.

GOWDY: I appreciate that you don"t do evidence, Director Brennan. Unfortunately, that"s what I do. That"s the word we use, you use the word assessment, you use the word tradecraft. I use the word evidence. And the good news for me is lots of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle use the word evidence, too. One of my colleagues said there is more than circumstantial evidence of collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign.

Now, there are only two types of evidence; there"s circumstantial and direct. So if it"s more than circumstantial, by necessity, it has to be direct. Those aren"t my words; those are the words of one of my colleagues on the other side of this very committee. Another Democrat colleague on the other side of this committee also used the word evidence, that he has seen evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians and yet a third California Democrat, said she had seen no evidence of collusion.

So that"s three different members of Congress from the same state, using the same word, which is evidence. And that"s the word that my fellow citizens understand, evidence. Assessment is -- is your vernacular. Tradecraft is your vernacular. You and I both know worth the word evidence makes. And we"re not getting into whether or not you corroborated, contradicted, examined, cross-examined. We"re not getting into how you tested and probed the reliability of that evidence; it"s a really simple question.

Did evidence exist of collusion, coordination, conspiracy, between the Trump campaign and Russian state actors at the time you learned of 2016 efforts?

BRENNAN: I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals and it raised questions in my mind, again, whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals.

I don"t know whether or not such collusion -- and that"s your term, such collusion existed. I don"t know. But I know that there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation by the bureau to determine whether or not U.S. persons were actively conspiring, colluding with Russian officials.

GOWDY: Do you know the basis of that information that you shared with the bureau? What was -- the nature of the evidence?

BRENNAN: I think, Mr. Gowdy, this committee has now been provided information that relates to that issue in terms of information that the agency shared with the bureau and that is something that is appropriately classified.

GOWDY: All right, and you learned that when? When in this chronology did you learn of the contacts between these official members of the Trump campaign or -- because there"s kind of a tripartite hierarchy. There"s Trump himself, there are official members of the campaign, and then there are folks who represented themselves as being connected with him.

BRENNAN: I"m not going to try to identify individuals nor try to parse it.

GOWDY: I don"t want you to parse it, I just want you to identify the individuals. I don"t want you to parse it.

BRENNAN: I"m not going to identify the individuals because this is information that, again, is based on classified sources and intelligence. And I think this committee has access to it...

GOWDY: Were they official members of the campaign?

BRENNAN: I"m going to defer to current agency officials to be able to further provide to you information related to that. But my understanding is that this committee has access to the documents that we would have provided to the bureau.

GOWDY: All right. Last question because I"m out of time, we can use the word onus, we both know what the other one"s talking about. How did you test, probe, examine, cross-examine, otherwise test the reliability or believability, credibility, of that evidence you uncovered?

BRENNAN: I made sure that the components within CIA that have responsible for counterintelligence, cyber, and Russia, were actively working to understand as much as possible about the reliability, accuracy of the information that they already collected and information that was available that needed further corroboration.

GOWDY: We"ll come back to it next round.














「, whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals. I don"t know whether or not such collusion -- and that"s your term, such collusion existed. I don"t know.





"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign"


關於很多答主提到的I don』t do evidence的答覆

"I don』t do evidence, I do intelligence」

CIA 局長不管證據管啥呢? 當然是情報(Intelligence)了!


  • 對我們大多數來說可能並沒有特別大的差異,但是在FBI,檢察官和CIA這三個機構當中這個的意思的差異是很大的。

這就是為什麼Brennan在一開始(視頻21:00)就強調和解釋了他和FBI 還有檢察官不一樣,他做的是情報,

  • 「I never was an FBI agent or prosecutor so I don』t do evidence, I do intelligence throughout the course of my career. as an intelligence professional what we try to do is make sure we provide all relevant information to the bureau if there is an investigation underway they』re looking into criminal activity. 」




1,Brennan 的證詞反駁了川皇關於「他的手下和俄國的聯繫」是空穴來風的幻覺,這個雖然新聞已經跑了幾天了,但是在Brennan這裡算是得到了證實,從他已有的情報得出有必要繼續調查川普的手下

  • 這是我標題的前半部分,不像幾位答主的回答,共和黨的幾個議員根本就沒有想要在這個問題上做文章,也沒有質疑川普團隊到底有沒有和俄國人有聯繫或者被收買等等,主要的問題都是集中在「共謀證據上」

2, Brennan 和共和黨議員在「共謀證據」上的攻防,這裡面所有的共和黨議員說這些的目的無非就是2個

  • 攻擊其他民主黨議員所提到的「證據」的存在性
    • 這個問題是欺負Brennan回答不了,他已經離職了4個月,新的信息他應該是不知道的,而且他也不知道民主黨議員說的證據到底是什麼,所以也無法回答這個問題。
    • 共和黨的議員的手段就是不停的假裝他們現在獲得的信息和去年是一樣的,然後以此來攻擊 其他民主黨議員發言的正確性。
  • 攻擊他去年的「情報」到底是不是「證據 」
    • 其中主要就是兩個混淆的策略
      • 利用每個人心中對於「證據」這個詞的不同解釋來混淆視聽,通過把CIA 說的情報,FBI 的證據通通和法院說「證據」 畫等號,可惜Brennan沒有山當
      • 混淆FBI覺得需要繼續調查的證據,和「共謀罪」定罪的證據



  • 他的這段問話就是教科書一樣的看似兇猛,其實毛都沒問出來,只能騙騙看了節選,而沒有看之前聽證會的人,或者一些根本不了解這個聽證會為什麼會進行這些問答的人。


1,強行把Brennan 說的評估(assessment)和法律上的「證據」 劃等號,把一個有沒有理由繼續調查俄國共謀變成了有沒有證據認定和俄國有共謀

2,利用時間差,把4個月多後民主黨議員說的證據,強行引申到Brennan 2016年時候得到的信息上。

3,一直在說,我們都懂我說的啥,我們都懂我說的意思,讓人以為他們說的是同一個東西,但是BRENNAN 多次否定了他的用詞



  • 因為Brennan沒有像其他人一樣回答說這是機密信息,我不能回答(這樣可以被攻擊為逃避問題),而是直接說了,這些信息CIA,FBI都給你們了,你幹嘛問我啊?





不過我不得不說,他吸取了Ted Cruz 上次在Sally yates的聽證會上的失誤,並沒有像Ted Cruz 一樣在證據不充分的情況下,強行甩結論。


  • 1,「GOWDY: I appreciate that you don"t do evidence, Director Brennan. Unfortunately, that"s what I do. That"s the word we use, you use the word assessment, you use the word tradecraft. I use the word evidence. And the good news for me is lots of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle use the word evidence, too. One of my colleagues said there is more than circumstantial evidence of collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign.Now, there are only two types of evidence; there"s circumstantial and direct.
  • 2,So if it"s more than circumstantial, by necessity, it has to be direct. Those aren"t my words; those are the words of one of my colleagues on the other side of this very committee. Another Democrat colleague on the other side of this committee also used the word evidence, that he has seen evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians and yet a third California Democrat, said she had seen no evidence of collusion. So that"s three different members of Congress from the same state, using the same word, which is evidence. And that"s the word that my fellow citizens understand, evidence. Assessment is -- is your vernacular. Tradecraft is your vernacular. You and I both know worth the word evidence makes. And we"re not getting into whether or not you corroborated, contradicted, examined, cross-examined. We"re not getting into how you tested and probed the reliability of that evidence; it"s a really simple question.
  • Did evidence exist of collusion, coordination, conspiracy, between the Trump campaign and Russian state actors at the time you learned of 2016 efforts?」


GOWDY: All right. Last question because I"m out of time, we can use the word onus, we both know what the other one"s talking about. How did you test, probe, examine, cross-examine, otherwise test the reliability or believability, credibility, of that evidence you uncovered?

BRENNAN: I made sure that the components within CIA that have responsible for counterintelligence, cyber, and Russia, were actively working to understand as much as possible about the reliability, accuracy of the information that they already collected and information that was available that needed further corroboration.


我對這個問題下的答案是有些小失望的,我貼了」Gowdy Grills Brennan: Do You Have Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion Or Not? Brennan: "I Don"t Do Evidence」 作為引用之一有兩個原因



結果沒想到我大錯特錯了....真的有人根本沒有看聽證會就點進去,然後沾沾自喜的把文章的明顯錯誤的分析翻譯過來,貼出來用來反駁, 怪不得現在這麼多人喊fake news,fake news, 自己連分辨文章來源的可靠性都做不到,如何有能力去分辨信息的真假呢?

從我之前和知乎上川普問題下邊的幾個答主的回復來看,很多答主要麼可能真的看不懂英文,有些則是只有用了特定的翻譯器才能得出他的結論,或者沒有基本的邏輯的常識,輕易的掉進Non-denial 這種最基本的陷阱中。 真心的希望這些答主,下次能少花點時間往自己的文章里夾帶私貨,多花點時間看原文上。



如何評價 20161111 期《曉松奇談》?2016年美國總統大選是歷史性倒退,沉重傷害西方民主價值?
如何看待9/15 DC退伍軍人集會特朗普團隊戲弄CNN?

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