



《Somebody That I Used to Know》——有些人用過之後才知道

簡直太多了,Katy Perry的雞店、Taylor Swift的煩煩煩和長長長、Rihanna山東天后的梗還有愛你卧姿這些就不提了


If You Feel My Love →姨父你感受一下我的愛

Young Blood →羊血

Baby 81 → 寶貝不要

One/Three →萬歲

Come to Daddy →喜當爹

See Birds →看個鳥

We Are The Champion →我們都是昌平人

True Faith →除非死

Don"t Tell Me →求別說

Young Girls by Bruno Mars→秧歌

Suit Tie by Justin Timberlake→素菜

I Know I"m Not the Only One by Sam Smith→我頭上肯定綠綠的


Someone Like You by Adele→有人喜歡你

We Can"t Stop by Miley Cyrus→葯不能停

Give Me More →給我摸

You Belong to Me →你丫別跟我浪

Turn Down For What →吞屌的我

We Break the Dawn by Michelle Williams →我們襠破了

Flying in the Blue Sky →藍翔

Rise of the Phoenix →鳳凰傳奇的崛起

Can"t Buy Me Love by The Beatles →愛情買賣

Only Girl (In The World) by Rihanna→剩女

Die Young by Ke$ha →呆樣

Deadbeat by Sylar →呆逼

Diamond Mine →呆萌的我

New Moon →妞萌

Supermeng →超級萌

My Moment by Rebecca Black →賣萌門

Dying in the Sun by The Cranberries →見光死

Spark Fly by Taylor Swift →燒蒼蠅

Fly Like A Bird →蒼蠅愛鳥

Love Maze by The Temprees →辣妹子

Kill the Wolf by Matt Berry →殺破狼

I Wanna Go by Britney Spears →愛網購

Baby One More Time by Britney Spears →寶貝玩魔毯

Take A Bow by Rihanna →拿個碗

Umbrella by Rihanna →俺不來啦

Need You Now by Lady Antebellum →你就鬧

Pg. Lost →屁股丟了

Your Love Is My Drug by Ke$ha →油辣麻爪

The Best of the Yardbirds by The Yardbirds →絕味鴨脖

Yesterday Once More by The Carpenters →耶穌他爹玩什麼

Crying in the Party →一入黨我哭了

No Party People by 24 Hours→無黨派人士

Against the Sun by Rykarda Parasol →抗日

Can"t Love, Can"t Hurt →好累,感覺不會愛了

The Man Who by Travis →這人誰

Fantastic Baby →神奇寶貝

Stronger (What Doesn"t Kill You) by Kelly Clarkson →死壯

Teenage Dream by Katy Perry →春夢

Born This Way by Lady GaGa →生育指南

Born To Die by Lana Del Rey →流產

One More Night by Maroon 5→玩摸奶

You Raise Me Up by Westlife →你起來,我上

Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen →叫我美逼

Imma Be by Black Eyed Peas →愛摸B

Honey Bee by Blake Shelton →親愛的B

Good Girl Gone Bad by Rihanna →谷歌攻百度

When You"re Gone by Avril Lavigne →吻你肛

Just Like Honey →就想含你

Te Amo by Rihanna →剃腋毛

Womanizer by Britney Spears →我沒奶子

We Are Young by Fun. →我們癢

Ghost Stories by Coldplay →聊齋志異

Why"d You Only Call Me When You"re High →為嘛磕飛了才找老娘?

A Hundred Million Suns b y Snow Patrol →日一千萬個人

Lose Yourself by Eminem →擼死自個

Rumour Has It by Adele →擼么漢子

Rude Boy by Rihanna →擼的男孩

Girl Gone Wild by Madonna →割睾丸【好痛!

Wonderwall by Oasis →彎的我

Morning Glory by Oasis →晨勃

Stand! by Sly the Family Stone →雄起

Second Coming →再來一發

Judas by Lady GaGa →菊大死

Started from the Bottom by Drake→從受做起

Man Down by Rihanna →男人不舉

No Wow by The Kills →再也不玩魔獸了

Superunknown →真不知道

Take Me Home/Country Road →我回家走國道

Melt My Heart To Stone →吃了秤砣鐵了心

Blown Away by Carrie Underwood →菠蘿味

In For The Kill by La Roux →因佛得救

The Hanging Tree by Jennifer Lawrence →自掛東南枝

Moving Mountains →愚公移山

Here"s to Never Growing Up →霉霉的胸

Pills N Potions →烏雞白鳳丸


Man on the Moon →吳剛

Sushi by James Ferraro →蘇軾

The King Is Dead But the Queen Is Alive by P!nk →武則天

Alejandro by Lady GaGa→阿里和卓

Princess of China by Rihanna →還珠格格

Uptown Girl by Westlife→阿湯哥


Belong →碧浪

It"s Not Me, It"s You! by Lily Allen →你的益達

6 God by Drake →六神

Hot N Cold by Katy Perry →冷酸靈


The High End of Low →高端大氣上檔次,低調奢華有內涵

Hey Jude



Nigga what,nigga who(JAY-Z)--那個啥,那個誰

Love the way you lie(Eminem feat Rihanna)--我喜歡你躺著的那條路


cry in the party 入黨那一刻我哭了π_π

Hotel California 加州招待所

Yesterday once more 耶穌他爹玩什麼


鏈接:你見過哪些讓你瞠目結舌的英語翻譯? - 河狸老師的回答



B超 The B is super

神威 The power of God

濰坊的愛 we found love

威海油餅 ,嗷買來嗷買來」 Where have you been,All my life all my life

我愛你躺著的方式 love the way you lie

永遠不給上 never give up

乾貨 fcuking goods

how are you 怎麼是你

how old are you 怎麼老是你

干爆鴨子,fuck the duck until exploded

《雪山飛狐》A Song of Ice and Fox (冰與狐之歌),《倚天屠龍記》2 Broken Swords(兩把破刀),《鹿鼎記》Project Runaway(跑路大業),《笑傲江湖》Too Many Half Men(好多泰國美眉),《天龍八部》How I Met My Sisters(我如何才能遇見我的姐妹),《神鵰俠侶》The Big Diao Theory(大屌傳說)

we two who and who咱倆誰跟誰

king form the sky 王天來

I『m just kidding。---我只是在造小孩

四大發明:star farming

Jack ,slow fuck! 捷克斯洛伐克

對公業務 To wale service!

樹新風 tree new bee

有困難,找警察 difficult to find the police

Do you understand?你下面能站起來嗎?No.I do not understand 不,我下面站不起來

陳老師 edison chen 翻譯:愛的深沉

I am serious , are you kidding ?我是賽爾若斯 , 你是科迪嗎 ?

we are champions! 我們是昌平人

If you never abandon,I will in life and death 你要不離開我,我就和你同歸於盡

my music king =我的音帝


jason george 智商捉急

taylor is swift 賤人就是矯情

go ahead--去你的頭...


Morning Rise 晨,勃

Somebody That I use to know 有些人用過才知道

overweight and gay 月半彎

「讓我們的廣州充滿愛」 Let"s make love everywhere in our guangzhou。

no blue,沒藍

u rise up 你讓我勃起

月餅:the cake of moon

watch sister 表妹

yesterday once more 耶穌他爹玩什麼····

他們沒有操守! they donot have the fucking defence!

world sing how learn,danger knee lie ton 我的心好冷 ,等著你來疼

need just world 、world has world .你的就是我的、我的還是我的.

狗不理---go believe

葫蘆娃 King Kong Handjob Brothers


love the way you lie


die young 呆樣

diamond 呆萌

born in this way 生育指南

hey jude 黑豬

wake me up when September ends 一覺睡到國慶節

when u r gone 吻你的槍

innocence 我最純

as long as U love me




We found love 濰坊的愛

姓名:Taylor Swift(泰勒·十萬伏特)


歌曲:Welcome Come To New York——歡迎來扭腰

Wildest Dreams——放蕩春夢

Bad Blood——月經不調

How You Get The Girl——老娘教你來泡妞/怎樣撩狗

All You Had To Do Was Stay——

Blank Space——空白格/黑歷史


This Love——這是懶!

Shake It Off——



You Are In Love——

I Wish You Would——我希望你污污的(^??^)

I Know Places——一隻母雞的自白

Out Of The Woods——

New Romantics——

Hallo Hawaii


call me maybe,摳我美逼233333

wake me up when September ends 一覺睡到國慶節

born this way 生育指南

rolling in the deep 深里滾

making love out of nothing at all,正常翻譯是讓愛一切成空,同學的翻譯是做愛帶不帶套都一樣一_一|

我一個同學大學時mp3里有一首歌叫 弄你 我覺得實在太低俗 同學很認真的跟我說這首歌很好聽 我打開了了之後發現是這首歌叫lonely

我大火星哥Bruno Mars的Treasure(吹簫),Locked out of heaven(宮鎖天堂),Young girls(幼女)非常符合其又騷又黃的風格!

love the way you lie 愛你躺過的街



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