


  • 三分線內的投籃犯規罰球兩次、三分線外的投籃犯規罰球三次、技術犯規罰球次數由兩次改為一次、犯規次數滿後的侵人犯規要罰球…… 這些罰球罰則的由來是什麼?
  • 罰球作為一種罰則是如何考量的?
  • 罰幾次、一次幾分是怎麼決定的?






  • 罰球為什麼叫罰球呢?

  • 罰球規則演化的進程

  • 罰球為什麼叫罰球呢?

簡單點,說話的方式簡單點:就是奈史密斯,籃球創始人,人老爺子就說這叫 free throw, 不叫 foul shot/ foul throw, 就是為了應對犯規才設立的罰球。

You Don"t Throw a Basketball, So Why Is It Called a Free Throw? A VICE Sports Investigation | VICE Sports

But seriously, why are they called "free throws?"

In no other context do we call what basketball players do a "throw." We call them shots. So why are only free throws "throws?"


There is a real answer to this question.

Although they"re sometimes called"foul shots," the official NBA rulebook favors the term "free throws," using it 255 times to one mention of "foul shot." But the NBA uses "shot" to refer to the act of trying to put the ball in the basket during regular play, not "throw." So what"s the deal here?

儘管他們有時候被稱為「犯規投籃」,即「foul shots」

In basketball founder James Naismith"s book, Basketball: Its Origin and Development, Naismith does in fact call them "free throws." But he also calls many other shots "throws." When describing the game, he uses phrases like "throw the ball in an arc," "throw for goal," and "throw the ball into the basket." In fact, "throw" is a far more common term in Naismith"s book than"shot"or"shoot," which are rarely used.

Why is this? Who the hell knows. To venture a guess: free throws were originally supposed to be imprecise and low-percentage attempts. "When the free throw was introduced, it was with the idea that many of the shots would be missed and the value of a foul would depend on the skill of the team at throwing goals," Naismith wrote. "Throw," with roots in Middle English meaning "to cause to twist," is a less precise term than "shot," which evolved from its roots in Old English relating to projectiles (for example, we say a last-second full-court heave is a throw). Given that Naismith meant for free throws to be imprecise, it makes sense he would use "throw."

大膽的猜測:罰球通常被認為是不精確和低命中率的嘗試throw 是比 shot 命中率更低滴。

  • 罰球規則演化的進程

The History of the Free Throw


Author: By Ryan Wood

In 1891, while preparing to teach a gym class at the YMCA in Springfield, Mass., James Naismith came up with a game that was non-violent and a welcome distraction for kids stuck inside during the frigid New England winters. Naismith wrote up 13 rules for his game, and called it basket ball.

1891 年奈史密斯規定了 13 條遊戲規則The free throw was not mentioned among the original 13 rules. In fact, the closest thing was rule No. 7, which stated "If either side makes consecutive fouls it shall count a goal for the opponents."



After a little bit of tweaking, the free throw as we know it today was put into place--more than 115 years ago.

稍微調整後,其實今天看到的罰球已經有 115 年歷史了

According to Naismith"s book,"Basketball: Its Origin and Development,"the original penalty for committing a foul was tweaked to"if three fouls were committed by one team without the other team having committed a foul, the team that was fouled should receive one point."


Of course, considering all baskets were one point back then, it proved to be a serious offense to foul a player. Soon after, Naismith recognized that it was too severe of a penalty, and adjusted it so that all field goals were three points, and all fouls were an automatic one point.


Further evolving it, Naismith decided that victims of a foul should instead be rewarded with a 20-foot shot, the first version of the free throw. If that 20-foot shot was made, it counted as a field goal.

慢慢改進著,老爺子又想出來一招,被犯規的球員應該站在 20 英尺外投球,這就是第一版的罰球(free throw),如果投中了,算運動戰得分

The last major change took place in 1895, when the free-throw line was moved up to 15 feet. In 1896, point totals were changed to two points for a regular field goal and one point for a free throw.

在 1895 年還有一個比較大的改動,罰球線被移動到 15 英尺處。1896 年,得分就改成了運動戰算兩分,罰球算一分

For 29 years, those rules stood. But there was a quirk. Back then, a team could choose who they wanted to shoot the free throws. Teams would often pick a good shooter and designate him as the team"s sole free-throw shooter. According to Naismith"s book, "This player soon became so expert that he could throw the ball into the basket a large percentage of the time; this meant that a foul was practically as good as a goal."

隨後的 29 年,這些規則都沒變過。不過咧,那怎麼可能一成不變呢,球隊里可以選擇誰來執行罰球。球隊通常都會找個好射手並欽定他啦。根據老爺子的書,這個球員往往是投籃專家嘛,有很大幾率扔進去,也就是說犯規就是送分嘛。

Not wanting that, the rules changed again in 1924. From that point forward, players had to shoot their own free throws if they were fouled.

我也不想就這樣,反反覆復,咦,歌詞亂入了。所以 1924 年,規則又改了。誰被犯規誰來罰球

This was the last major change made to free-throw shooting. While college basketball was going strong at that point, the free throw was essentially finalized 22 years before the NBA would play its first game.

在 NBA 罰球正式出現前的 22 年間,就是這樣了。

Of course, minor tweaks have continued to basketball"s rule book, and some have impacted the free throw. Among the NCAA rules that have been polished over the years:

當然啦,還是要修修補補的。根據 NCAA 的規則:

- Between 1939 and 1952, teams could decline shooting the free throws and instead elect to inbound the ball at half court.

1939 到 1952 年間,(被犯規)的隊伍可以選擇不罰球,而改作在半場發球

[註:感謝 一顆 知友指正]

- In 1990, the NCAA started allowing three free throws to be awarded if a player is fouled during a 3-point shot.

1990 年 NCAA 引入三分犯規

- The one-and-one free throw is introduced in 1954, which in certain situations allowed for a second free throw to be shot only if the first one is converted.

1+1 犯規罰球是在 1954 年引入的,某些情況下,第一球罰進了才能罰第二球

At first, the free throw was controversial. Why, some wondered, should a game potentially be won or lost on a shot that doesn"t allow for any defense to be played?


Naismith had the answer in his book, and it"s a philosophy that still is supported today.


"I have often overheard some spectators express the opinion that a game was won by free throws. I have always taken the attitude that the game was lost by fouls." Naismith wrote. "Personally, I believe that any tendency toward lessening the penalty of a foul would be a serious mistake."


Prior to the 1954–55 season, the NBA established the rule that a backcourt foul would result in a "three to make two" situation (up to three attempts to make two free throws) if the violating team was over the team foul limit. By 1979, the rule had been extended to the penalty situation for flagrant fouls, fouls made in the act of shooting (resulting in a miss), and fouls due to the swinging of the elbows. Prior to the 1981–82 season, this rule, as well as the related "two to make one" rule were abolished.

早在 1954-55 賽季,NBA 搞了一個規則,如果犯規球隊犯規數已滿,那麼被犯規球隊可以如果被在後場犯規可以三罰兩中。到了 1979 年,這規則被拓展成,惡犯和投籃犯規和揮肘犯規都會這樣罰球。再之後的 1981-82 賽季,與之相關的規則也沒啦。

In 1956, in response to reports that Wilt Chamberlain was able to dunk free throws, the NCAA established a rule requiring that free throw shooters keep both feet behind the free throw line during an attempt. The NBA later adopted this rule.[13]

1956 年,張大帥罰球時候也能扣籃,NCAA 就規定了罰球時候必須站在罰球線後,隨後,NBA 也有了此規則。


NBA.com - NBA Rules History


NBA free throws





還遇到過防不住內線要位 ,那乾脆直接抱住讓你去發球的。







罰球罰幾次的原因個人感覺應該是對方犯規時影響的這次進攻的價值吧 就比如說干擾投籃直接算進球 足球裡面禁區犯規算點球 還有估計也是要發揚一下運動精神 不能有惡意暴力吧 也不會像橄欖球那樣極端


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