Love brings you Achilles" armor as well as his heel.
@佩蘭 建議用「and」,句子變短,語氣平淡或許更見深情:)眼中噙滿淚水寫下這些,祝每個親都可以幸福,總有一個他/她,閃耀了青春,明媚了淚水,動聽了等待,讚美了堅持。往幸福的方向飛奔,么么噠。。
----------------------------------------------------------恩,分手了。2016.6.20更新個中曲折不表,2年前擁有了現任,現在很幸福。生活大爆炸也更新到Sheldon終於獻身,也是神同步了。。想想不得不說生活比劇更精彩,更值得期待。like a dog,like a god
Love makes me soft, love makes me hard. 既淫蕩又貼切。
You are my stress and you are my masseuse.
借用"心有猛虎 細嗅薔薇"下吧,原文是「In me the tiger sniffs the rose.」 。
Love hurts, love heals.
Love dresses me as a soldier yet recalls my pace.
I was naked
I was armedThe moment my eyes struck yours
——Elysian Fields《The Moment》
Too vital ,too fatal
Amour brings me armor, as well it melts my mind.
Ever hurt,Never mind
You are a sword ,you are a shield.
sword 劍 shield 盾My weakness and my backbone.
Kill me softly
as always to be the king of the world but the slave of the blossom.
Like a thorn, like a throne.
來一個樸實又明白的翻譯吧:Love makes one extremely weak and strong at the same time.
you"re both my umbrella and the rain.
※什麼時候用 Chinese,什麼時候用 China"s,什麼時候用 of China?
※The Little Schemer 這本書的書名翻譯成中文應該是啥?
※still birth為什麼翻譯成腹中死胎,old leg為什麼翻譯成慣犯,它們的來歷是什麼?
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