





錄取通知的劇情簡介 · · · · · ·

  高中畢業生巴比特(賈斯汀?朗 Justin Long 飾)被無數大學拒之門外,面對父母的壓力,巴比特找了一群和他有同樣經歷的哥們,租了一棟廢棄的兩層樓的樓房,自己辦起了一所叫「南方哈門工業大學」的學校。這間學校的宗旨就是「誰都能來上大學」。



全片最精華的,也是中心思想就在影片結尾的committee 答辯

Nah,I am not gonna answer your question,cause you guys have already made up your minds.

I』m an expert in rejection, and I can see it on your faces

And it』s too bad that you judge us by the way we look and not by who we are.

Just because you want us to be more like them, when the truth is we』re not like them.

And I am damn proud of that fact.

I mean,harmon college and their 100 years of tradition.

But tradition of what?Of hazing kids and humiliating anyone who』s a little bit different?

Of putting so much pressure on kids, they turn into these these stress freaks and caffeine addicts.

Your phony school demeans real colleges everywhere.

Why? Why can』t we both exist?Huh?

You can have your grades, and your rules, and your structure, and ivory towers, and then we』ll do things our way.

Why do we come to conform to what you want?

Your curriculum is a joke,and you sir ,are a criminal.

You know what?You are a criminal,cause you rob these kids of their creativity and their passion.

That』s the real crime.

Well ,what about you parents?

Did the system really work out for you?

Did it teach you to follow your heart ,or to just play it safe ,roll over ?

What about you guys?

Did you always want to be school administrators?

Dr.Alexander ,was that your dream?Or maybe no ,maybe you wanted to be a poet.Maybe you want to be a magician or an artist.Maybe you just wanted to travel the world.

Look I I I lied to you.

I lied to all of you,

and I"m sorry.

Dad, especially to you.

But out of that desperation,

something happened

that was so amazing.

Life was full

of possibilities.

A-A-And isn"t that what you

ultimately want for us?

As parents, I mean,

is... is that,

is possibilities.

Well, we came here today

to ask for your approval,

and something

just occurred to me.

I don"t give a shit!

Who cares about your approval?

We don"t need your approval

to tell us that

what we did was real

"Cause there are so few truths

in this world

that when you see one,

you know it.

And I know that it is a truth

that real learning

took place at South Harmon.

Whether you like it or not,

it did.

"Cause you don"t need teachers

or classrooms

or... or fancy

highbrow traditions

or money to really learn.

You just need people

with a desire

to better themselves,

and we got that

by the shitload

at South Harmon.

So you can go ahead,

sign your forms,

reject us and shoot us down,

and do whatever you gotta do.

It doesn"t really matter

at this point

Because we"ll never

stop learning,

and we"ll never stop growing

and we"ll never forget

the ideals that were

instilled in us

at our place.

"Cause we are

S.H.I.T. Heads now

and we"ll be

S.H.I.T. Heads forever

and nothing you can say

or do or stamp

can take that away from us!

So go!

Go ahead!


可能是我看過的最好看的校園愛情喜劇。最大的驚喜是男主是還是小正太的希斯萊傑(還可以看到超稚嫩的囧瑟夫)。為了挽回女孩的芳心他蹦跳著在操場上唱著can"t take my eyes off you已成為經典。故事就發生在古堡一樣的校園裡,古怪的同學與老師貢獻了層出不窮的笑點,還有愛女心切的爸爸······青春里的小個性,校園生活的小叛逆,愛情萌芽時的小煩惱與小甜蜜,都融合在這部讓你大笑之後又會含淚的電影里。最恨自己的是我一點也不恨你。


I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car.

I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind.

I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme.

I hate it, I hate the way you"re always right.

I hate it when you lie.

I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it that you"re not around, and the fact that you didn"t call.

But mostly

I hate the way I don"t hate you.

Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.







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