安卓圖形解鎖使用了 SHA1 加密演算法,這個信息是怎麼被知道的?
最近被密碼學折磨的不成樣子了,答題慾望不高… 看到這個自己曾經研究過的問題,就稍微回答一下。
比較巧合的是,在2011年,也就是Android剛出來沒多久的時候(那時候我記得還是Android 2.3時代),為了在自己的項目中實現圖形解鎖,我去源代碼尋找並找到了圖形解鎖的源代碼,並且把這段代碼用在了自己的程序中。因此,在這裡我也重溫一下這段代碼,並解釋一下Android是如何實現的圖形解鎖。
==============================1. 有關Android圖形解鎖的Java類名稱和位置一共有4個Java文件涉及到Android圖形解鎖,均在package lockpattern下面。它們分別為:- LinearLayoutWithDefaultTouchRecepient.java。看到LinearLayout,就知道這是有關九宮格的布局類。
- Lists.java。這是存儲圖形密碼的數據結構。
- LockPatternUtils.java。有關圖形密碼的工具函數類。
- LockPatternView.java。看到View就知道這是圖形密碼在屏幕上顯示的相關類。
2. Android圖形密碼的表示與驗證
實際上,屏幕上面顯示的Android圖形密碼是Android操作系統即時繪製上去的。底層存儲不需要存那些線啊,點啊什麼的。我們知道,九宮格一共有9個點,如下圖所示:其中,每一個點在LockPatternView裡面都稱為一個Cell。每一個Cell有2個變數,叫做row和column,分別代表這個Cell的橫坐標和縱坐標。在LockPatternView裡面,Cell坐標的排布如下表所示:Cell(0, 0) Cell(0, 1) Cell(0, 2)
Cell(1, 0) Cell(1, 1) Cell(1, 2)
Cell(2, 0) Cell(2, 1) Cell(2, 2)
我們舉個例子,假設用戶按照如圖所示的順序輸入密碼:在LockPatternView中,生成的Lists為:Cell(0, 0) -&> Cell(0, 1) -&> Cell(0, 2) -&> Cell(1, 1) -&> Cell(2, 0) -&> Cell(2, 1) -&> Cell(2, 2)
同樣舉個例子,如果用戶輸入的密碼也是按照上面的順序,那麼LockPatternView中生成的Lists也為:Cell(0, 0) -&> Cell(0, 1) -&> Cell(0, 2) -&> Cell(1, 1) -&> Cell(2, 0) -&> Cell(2, 1) -&> Cell(2, 2)
2. Android圖形密碼的存儲我們自然而然會想到一個問題,Android圖形密碼如何存儲呢?如果把Lists直接存儲,我們知道即使Java中兩個類的內容完全一樣,如果還是兩個類,他們就不equals,無法進行對比。因此,如果直接存儲Lists,不管用戶怎麼輸入,正確也好錯誤也罷,系統會認為用戶輸入所生成的Lists與系統存儲的Lists是兩個不同的Class Instance,會認為他們不同。如何解決這個問題呢?前面已經知道,我們只需要存儲Cell的位置信息就可以了。也就是說,我們不需要存儲Cell(0, 0) -&> Cell(0, 1) -&> Cell(0, 2) -&> Cell(1, 1) -&> Cell(2, 0) -&> Cell(2, 1) -&> Cell(2, 2)
(0, 0) -&> (0, 1) -&> (0, 2) -&> (1, 1) -&> (2, 0) -&> (2, 1) -&> (2, 2)
- 將Lists轉化成一個String;
- 將String做SHA1運算;
- 存儲SHA1的結果;
cell.Row * 3 + cell.Column
舉個例子,如果我們要存儲Cell(0, 0) -&> Cell(0, 1) -&> Cell(0, 2) -&> Cell(1, 1) -&> Cell(2, 0) -&> Cell(2, 1) -&> Cell(2, 2)
0 -&> 1 -&> 2 -&> 4 -&> 6 -&> 7 -&> 8
3. 圖形密碼的存儲位置這裡我們要說明一下,圖形密碼存儲的File叫做sLockPatternFilename。是一個固定的位置。如果大家翻看源代碼的話,就知道這個位置也存放在LockPatternUtil中,存放的變數叫做LOCK_PATTERN_FILE(具體在哪裡我就不說啦,大家查查看)。這個File是一個系統文件。如果你將同樣的代碼在自己的程序中運行,那麼這個文件是無法寫入的,只能讀取。
==============================4. 相關源代碼4.1 Cell的定義Cell為內部類,定義在LockPatternView中。/**
* Represents a cell in the 3 X 3 matrix of the unlock pattern view.
public static class Cell {
int row; //表示Cell在第幾行
int column; //表示Cell在第幾列
// keep # objects limited to 9
static Cell[][] sCells = new Cell[3][3]; //九宮格,所以一共有3行3列共9個Cell
static {
for (int i = 0; i &< 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j &< 3; j++) {
sCells[i][j] = new Cell(i, j);
* @param row The row of the cell.
* @param column The column of the cell.
private Cell(int row, int column) {
checkRange(row, column);
this.row = row;
this.column = column;
public int getRow() {
return row;
public int getColumn() {
return column;
* @param row The row of the cell.
* @param column The column of the cell.
public static synchronized Cell of(int row, int column) {
checkRange(row, column);
return sCells[row][column];
private static void checkRange(int row, int column) {
if (row &< 0 || row &> 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("row must be in range 0-2");
if (column &< 0 || column &> 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("column must be in range 0-2");
public String toString() {
return "(row=" + row + ",clmn=" + column + ")";
* Provides static methods for creating {@code List} instances easily, and other
* utility methods for working with lists.
public class Lists {
* Creates an empty {@code ArrayList} instance.
* &
&Note:& if you only need an &immutable& empty List, use
* {@link Collections#emptyList} instead.
* @return a newly-created, initially-empty {@code ArrayList}
public static &
return new ArrayList&
* Creates a resizable {@code ArrayList} instance containing the given
* elements.
* &
&Note:& due to a bug in javac 1.5.0_06, we cannot support the
* following:
* &
{@code List&
* &
where {@code sub1} and {@code sub2} are references to subtypes of
* {@code Base}, not of {@code Base} itself. To get around this, you must
* use:
* &
{@code List&
* @param elements the elements that the list should contain, in order
* @return a newly-created {@code ArrayList} containing those elements
public static &
int capacity = (elements.length * 110) / 100 + 5;
Collections.addAll(list, elements);
return list;
4.3 Lists存儲相關函數
* Serialize a pattern.
* @param pattern The pattern.
* @return The pattern in string form.
public static String patternToString(List&
if (pattern == null) {
return "";
final int patternSize = pattern.size();
byte[] res = new byte[patternSize];
for (int i = 0; i &< patternSize; i++) {
LockPatternView.Cell cell = pattern.get(i);
res[i] = (byte) (cell.getRow() * 3 + cell.getColumn());
return new String(res);
* Generate an SHA-1 hash for the pattern. Not the most secure, but it is
* at least a second level of protection. First level is that the file
* is in a location only readable by the system process.
* @param pattern the gesture pattern.
* @return the hash of the pattern in a byte array.
private static byte[] patternToHash(List&
if (pattern == null) {
return null;
final int patternSize = pattern.size();
byte[] res = new byte[patternSize];
for (int i = 0; i &< patternSize; i++) {
LockPatternView.Cell cell = pattern.get(i);
res[i] = (byte) (cell.getRow() * 3 + cell.getColumn());
try {
java.security.MessageDigest md = java.security.MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
byte[] hash = md.digest(res); //這裡就是SHA1的調用了
return hash;
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsa) {
return res;
* Save a lock pattern.
* @param pattern The new pattern to save.
public void saveLockPattern(List&
// Compute the hash
final byte[] hash = LockPatternUtils.patternToHash(pattern);
try {
// Write the hash to file
File file = new File(sLockPatternFilename);
if (!file.exists()){
FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
// Truncate the file if pattern is null, to clear the lock
DataOutputStream stream = new DataOutputStream(fileStream);
if (pattern == null) {
} else {
stream.write(hash); //將SHA1的結果寫入文件
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
// Cant do much, unless we want to fail over to using the settings provider
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to find file " + sLockPatternFilename);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Cant do much
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to save lock pattern to " + sLockPatternFilename);
* Check to see if a pattern matches the saved pattern. If no pattern exists,
* always returns true.
* @param pattern The pattern to check.
* @return Whether the pattern matches the stored one.
public boolean checkPattern(List&
try {
// Read all the bytes from the file
FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(sLockPatternFilename);
DataInputStream stream = new DataInputStream(fileStream);
int length = stream.readInt();
final byte[] stored = new byte[length];
int got = stream.read(stored, 0, length);
if (got &<= 0) {
return true;
// Compare the hash from the file with the entered pattern"s hash
// 檢查存儲的SHA1結果和用戶輸入轉換後的SHA1結果是否一致
return Arrays.equals(stored, LockPatternUtils.patternToHash(pattern));
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
return true;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
return true;
-------------------我像分割線嗎-----------------------------------------貼個Github上android 分析的圖吧,我只是大自然的搬運工。。用彩虹表暴力破解
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