A family of sets that does not include two sets X and Y for which X ? Y is called a Sperner family. For example, the family of k-element subsets of an n-element set is a Sperner family. No set in this family can contain any of the others, because a containing set has to be strictly bigger than the set it contains, and in this family all sets have equal size. The value of k that makes this example have as many sets as possible is n/2 if n is even, or the nearest integer to n/2 if n is odd. For this choice, the number of sets in the family is.
Sperner"s theorem states that these examples are the largest possible Sperner families over an n-element set. Formally, the theorem states that, for every Sperner family S whose union has a total of n elements,
※從自然數 1 ~ n 中隨機取 m(1≤m≤n)個,其中最大數的數學期望是多少?