

不禁想起Ben Horowitz今年在哥倫比亞大學2015屆畢業典禮上的演講:在你熱愛的和你擅長的中,你應該選擇哪一個呢?

至今記得Ben面對著全場畢業生們語出驚人:「DO NOT FOLLOW YOUR PASSION !」


然而為什麼不是【追隨自己的熱愛】 而是做你 【更加擅長的事】呢?

Ben總結了四個原因,我節選+總結了演講的一部分和大家分享 (我只是大自然的搬運工)

  1. 【人們往往很難發現自己真正熱愛喜歡什麼,然而發現自己擅長什麼相對來說更加容易】 Are you more passionate about history or literature? Are you more passionate about video games or K-pop? These are tough decisions. How do you even know? On the other hand, what are you good at? Are you better at math or writing? That』s a much easier thing to figure out.
  2. 【人們的熱情和喜歡往往會隨著時間而變化,然而一個你擅長的東西不容易隨時間變化。5年前你擅長唱歌,5年後你依然會擅長唱歌。而且不斷的訓練只會讓你擅長的事越來越擅長】

    The second thing that』s tricky if you』re going forward in time with this follow your passion idea is that what you』re passionate about at 21 is not necessarily what you』re gonna be passionate about at 40. Now, this is true for boyfriends as well as career choices.
  3. 【如果你熱愛或者喜愛的東西恰好是你不擅長的,這樣在大多是情況下可能有一些不幸了。例如苦練五年籃球卻長進不大,沒有好的嗓音但堅持想成為歌手】

    The third issue with following your passion is you』re not necessarily good at your passion. Has anybody ever watched American Idol? You know what I』m talking about. Just because you love singing doesn』t mean you should be a professional singer.
  4. 【追尋自己的熱情是一個很以『自我』為中心的觀念。然而從Ben的經驗告訴我們,在人生中你自己從外界獲取的東西遠遠不足你貢獻給外界的東西寶貴。所以follow your contribution,也就是做你擅長做的事,為社會創造價值,讓世界變得更美好】

    Finally and most importantly, following your passion is a very 「me」-centered view of the world. When you go through life, what you』ll find is what you take out of the world over time — be it money, cars, stuff, accolades — is much less important than what you』ve put into the world. So my recommendation would be follow your contribution. Find the thing that you』re great at, put that into the world, contribute to others, help the world be better and that is the thing to follow.

綜述: 以上例子的前提假設是,你的熱情和你擅長的東西是分開的。這一點我承認,因為真的很難找到自己真的非常熱愛什麼事情,你說很多成功人士和你說我們成功是因為我們一直在做我們熱愛的事。這不一定,可能是當他做這件事小有名聲了之後他很享受被大家追捧的感覺,所以以為自己很喜歡。當他一開始做的時候可能並不覺得是熱愛,只是擅長而且不反感。

原文及演講鏈接: Don』t Follow Your Passion: Career Advice for Recent Graduates








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