

原答主是Mikhail Kotykhov

I have spent over 10 years to learn English, but I still can"t hear it and communicate with others in English. What should I do? 在QUORA上有個類似的問題,我直接把一個答案貼給你:

English is not a barrier you need to struggle with.

English is a language, just like your native one. It is based on communication skills. It is not a science you have to study for 10 years.

Think about other skills you learned. How did you manage to learn them?

You learned to read in your own language by reading. Write by writing. You can speak your language simply because you started speaking it at some point of time.

If you are just "learning" English with books and exercises, I don"t think you will be able to make any progress with it even in the next few years.

You need to start speaking, listening to and writing English every day.

You need to switch to English as the main language for most things you do during the day.

If you do that, you will be communicating in English like everyone else in just a few months.

It takes a bit of motivation to get started.

I know it because I had to do it myself some time ago.

But, honestly, there is no alternative.

Unless you start using English, nothing else will work.

Hope this helps and keep in touch on your progress.

他還有一個回答,特別有用,How did you manage to learn a language completely by yourself?

I was learning to communicate in English about a decade ago, when I was still in my native country. I didn"t have any native speakers around, or even YouTube at that time. I did have the Internet, though. There was a plenty of things to read, but not so much to listen to/watch.

Anyway, somehow, I managed to do myself in about 1-1.5 years, starting from a Beginner/Lower Intermediate level. Now I have been using it everyday for the last 11 years (I still love my native language, though).

What did not help me:

- Books/textbooks with grammar exercises. If you have a good memory you might succeed in learning the grammar. But it won"t help you communicate in this language.

- Magic software that promises to teach you the language. It is just a textbook with exercises in the online format. These days it comes with fancy flashcards and pictures, but essentially it does not help you start speaking, or listening, or writing.

What did help me:

- Thinking in English and trying to express your ideas in English, even if you are basically talking to yourself.

- Watching movies, reading the transcripts, finding useful conversation expressions and using them to make my own sentences.

- Reading the articles on topics I care about, picking up a few interesting questions and trying to respond to them in English.

- Listening to almost anything I could find in English and trying to pick up a few phrases, writing these phrases down, making my own sentences.

- Writing short essays (at that time I was preparing for the IELTS). Although it was not exciting, now I understand that it helped me expressing my ideas better.

What could have helped me, but was not available at that time:

- You Tube and podcasts. Now you can find learning material on any topic, years ago I had to listen to BBC news or similar (not exciting at all).

- Language exchange (talking to a native speaker online). Obviously, the more you speak, the better, I just had very limited opportunities to utilize it at the time I was learning the language.

This is the summary of my own experience.


(1) Speak

(2) Ask and answer questions

(3) Watch movies, real-life conversations on YouTube

(4) Read articles and listen to podcast on topics you care about

(5) Write


- Buy textbooks

- Just read and listen only.

If you want to communicate with people you need to start speaking.

- Play with flashcards just to collect points/memorize some words.

You need to start using the words you are learning in sentences and real conversations.

Would be glad to help anyone with more advice on how to get your learning more organized and productive. Don"t hesitate to get in touch.




1. 要有計劃。想想我高中三年,每天早上都大聲朗讀,但最後高考只考了130。我看很多大牛,也是每天早上大聲朗讀,但他們最後高考成績非常好,140+。(傳送門之一:你有什麼相見恨晚的英語學習方法? - 小欣的回答)差距就差在我們的區別上,大牛基本上是系統的、有計劃地背誦。而我就是看著哪篇讀哪篇,而且沒有背誦。目標的清晰性和計劃的可執行性非常重要! {@惡魔的奶爸,《人生大敵》一文}我當時就沒有計劃,只想成為一個英語很牛的人,就這麼模糊的一個概念。讀的很亂,不系統。而且讀的內容大多沒有挑戰性。碰著哪篇讀哪篇。有50字左右的,有100字左右的。只有那些有挑戰性的東西才能幫助你提高。當然,挑戰範圍是指跳一跳能夠得著,也就是維果斯基說的「最近發展區」。

2. 聽說先行,閱讀後起。「聽」非常重要。相對來講,「聽」又先於「說」。不是純粹的先後關係,可交叉進行。我從小學開始學英文,但一直不重視聽力,當時覺得英語對我來說就是考試,初中也沒有聽過,雖然中考考英語聽力,但因為佔比重小,也不聽。重點來了,這9年,讓我明白了什麼叫「積重難返」,高中每天晚上學校都會放半個小時聽力,對我來說就是浪費時間,因為:我!一!個!都!聽!不!出!來!後來直接對聽力恐懼。之前我自己英語學習的規劃就是「先背誦」,然後「說出去」。後來發現,自己「說出去」的都是一個個的單詞往外蹦,不要說沒有語調,連語音都不準。後來,無意中知道「啞巴不一定是聾子,但聾子一定是啞巴」,由此,你就知道「聽」有多重要了。這時,我又犯了一個極端的錯誤,就是天天盲目聽。既想聽懂發音,又想聽懂意思。後來意識到,除非你是英語大牛,要不然,聽語義和聽語音是要分開練習的。欲速則不達。聽語音的時候不要想語義,聽語義的時候不要想把每個音都聽出來。聽語音的過程中,要聽調辨調,聽音辨音,聽熟之後,再跟讀。

3. 先「精」後「博」。我考研最後大小作文,只背了10篇往年高分作文。我有同學,背了一本書。我背的算很少的,但是我達到了滾瓜爛熟,脫口而出的程度。最後考研作文28/30。反觀,很多同學背了很多篇,每一篇都卡殼,背的不熟。大家有沒有想過背誦是為了什麼?起碼,目的之一。是為了自己寫作文時,能根據情況,靈活改變。通過換主語,換賓語,替換謂語,或者副詞等等,來寫出自己的句子。而這必然建立在自己熟練的基礎上。用功譬如掘井,與其多掘數井而不及泉,何若老守一井,力求及泉,而用之不竭乎!——《曾文正公嘉言鈔》 舉例來說,就是你挖了10次,挖的都不深,都沒有出水,這就相當於你鑿了10個坑。你只深挖了1次,出水了,這就是一口井!很多事都是這樣,都要在保證質量的基礎上,追求數量。用在英語上,就是你背了很多篇,但是都沒背熟,不如背了10篇,但背的滾瓜爛熟,脫口而出。因為前者,你背不熟,用的時候你照樣想不出來,相當於「坑」。

4. 默寫。我現在在背新四,我基本上是精聽+精讀+背誦+默寫,這個模式。以前我是沒有「默寫」這一步的。後來發現,很多背誦的東西猶如空中樓閣,是沒有根基的。只有寫下來,你會發現,你背的很多地方不紮實,不確定。而且在寫的過程中,更能體會和強化「英語思維」。剛開始「默寫」會感覺很痛苦,習慣之後就好了。為什麼感覺痛苦呢?因為你發現原來自己背的這麼不紮實。

5. 方法在堅持面前是無力的。每種方法,各有優劣。沒有萬無一失的完美方法。選擇適合自己的方法,規避掉這種方法的不足,同時,通過堅持將這種方法的優勢發揮到極致。我背單詞就是「情境記憶法」就是做閱讀,把不認識的查一遍,然後在文中翻譯一遍,第二天再看一遍。這樣三遍,基本記熟了。然後就這樣日積月累,我單詞量也是可以的。我們研究所里一個大牛老師,他當年學英語就是每天背詞典,背12小時,背了一年。老師單詞量很牛逼。就我而言,我佩服老師的毅力,但我覺得這種方法,性價比太低。效率太低。當然適合自己的就是最好的。

6. 少則得,多則惑。知道那麼幾個方法,然後去用就可以了。別看方法的時間比用方法的時間都多。現在就練起來吧!




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