謝邀!coursera上的公開課關注得相對較少,但是stanford和MIT的兩門課程我基本都過過一遍,非常不錯,都是關於分散式系統的:stanford cs244b: ; MIT 6.824: Distributed Computer Systems Engineering 。這兩門課程都是關於分散式系統的,質量都是非常不錯的,可以仔細學習。
並行計算好的課程暫時還沒有發現,但是可以通過論文來學習,如果 Google Pregel等;Linux內核我推薦兩本書《深入理解Linux內核》和《Linux內核源代碼情景分析》,這兩本書我都讀過,受益匪淺,很多思想用到了現在工作中,比如HDD和SSD混合存儲的多級映射管理就是參照了Linux內存管理;多線程編程的話,我建議先通過一本書,比如《Java編程思想》,了解清楚基本原理之後,通過實踐來提升自己的理解。
計算機領域學習不一定要通過課程,可以採用任何你覺得好並且適合你的方法,加油!有一門叫做High Performance Scientific Computing的。講的比較基礎,或許會對你有用
Some topics
Many topics will be covered in a non-linear fashion, jumping around between topics to tie things together.
- Using the Virtual Machine
- Unix / Linux
- Version control systems
- Using Git and Bitbucket.
- Basic Python
- Ipython and the IPython notebook
- NumPy and Scipy
- Debugging Python
- Compiled vs. interpreted languages
- Introduction to Fortran 90
- Makefiles
- Computer architecture: CPU, memory access, cache hierachy, pipelining
- Optimizing Fortran
- BLAS and LAPACK routines
- Parallel computing
- OpenMP with Fortran
- MPI with Fortran
- Parallel Python
- Graphics and visualization
- I/O, Binary output
- Mixed language programming
Coursera Heterogeneous Parallel Programming
Course Page from Illinois: Programming Heterogeneous Parallel Computing Systems
The course begins Today -- 2015-01-12Coursera上系統相關的課程一直比較稀少,網易雲課堂 - 領先的實用技能學習平台上倒是有科大孟寧老師開課的《Linux內核分析》
Coursera上有門課叫 Cloud Computing Concepts, Part 1 | Coursera ,雖然課名講的是cloud computing,但其實講的是分散式計算,而且是fundamental concepts,而非application。之所以這麼命名大概是因為cloud computing的支柱之一就是distributed system吧(也可能是因為要加入到這個cloud computing specialization所以硬是把distributed system說成是cloud computing?)
卡內基大學的 Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming
udacity上的Introduction to Parallel Programming With CUDA