模擬鼠腦的 48 塊 TrueNorth 晶元陣列所運行的演算法是什麼?
參見 IBM開發了一個人工大腦_IBM_cnBeta.COM
謝邀。著名毒舌Yann LeCun教授曾經在他的FaceBook上對IBM的TrueNorth晶元進行過評論:
Now, what wrong with TrueNorth? My main criticism is that TrueNorth implements networks of integrate-and-fire spiking neurons. This type of neural net that has never been shown to yield accuracy anywhere close to state of the art on any task of interest (like, say recognizing objects from the ImageNet dataset). Spiking neurons have binary outputs (like neurons in the brain). The advantage of spiking neurons is that you don"t need multipliers (since the neuron states are binary). But to get good results on a task like ImageNet you need about 8 bit of precision on the neuron states. To get this kind of precision with spiking neurons requires to wait multiple cycles so the spikes "average out". This slows down the overall computation.
大意是TrueNorth這種架構並不利於科學計算,並舉了一個例子來說明使用spiking neurons做乘法有多麼困難。而現在的深度學習模型,大量使用了乘法,因此把現在深度學習的模型直接集成至TrueNorth晶元是很困難的,而且計算速度也是很慢的。
不過也不好說,說不定IBM是在下一盤很大的棋。也許深度學習這條路最後就是走不通,而更像人類大腦模型的spike neuron會成功產生智能呢?
參考文章:Yann LeCun的評論:https://www.facebook.com/yann.lecun/posts/10152184295832143首先,第一次被邀請回答,受寵若驚。(部分內容摘自boxi在36kr的文章,http://36kr.com/p/214445.html)剛看到這個題目,TureNorth,14年的時候就聽說了一些,IBM搞的一個新晶元,傳言要打破馮諾依曼架構的晶元,當時仔細看了下
這種晶元把數字處理器當作神經元,把內存作為突觸,跟傳統馮諾依曼結構不一樣,它的內存、CPU 和通信部件是完全集成在一起。因此信息的處理完全在本地進行,而且由於本地處理的數據量並不大,傳統計算機內存與 CPU 之間的瓶頸不復存在了。同時神經元之間可以方便快捷地相互溝通,只要接收到其他神經元發過來的脈衝(動作電位),這些神經元就會同時做動作。
Let』s be clear: we have not built the brain, or any brain. We have built a computer that is inspired by the brain. The inputs to and outputs of this computer are spikes. Functionally, it transforms a spatio-temporal stream of input spikes into a spatio-temporal stream of output spikes.
至於NT究竟是用了什麼演算法,抱歉說了這麼多,我也看了一下IBM的研究首頁,沒有得到非常準確的答案。以為NT特殊架構的問題,NT採用的是一種新的語言:If one were to measure activities of 1 million neurons in TrueNorth, one would see something akin to a night cityscape with blinking lights. Given this unconventional computing paradigm, compiling C++ to TrueNorth is like using a hammer for a screw. As a result, to harness TrueNorth, we have designed an end-to-end ecosystem complete with a new simulator, a new programming language, an integrated programming environment, new libraries, new (and old) algorithms as well as applications, and a new teaching curriculum (affectionately called, 「SyNAPSE University」). The goal of the ecosystem is to dramatically increase programmer productivity. Metaphorically, if TrueNorth is 「ENIAC」, then our ecosystem is the corresponding 「FORTRAN.」
第一次寫這麼多字。。。不討厭的希望留個贊,也給我繼續更新的動力。、參考文章IBM Research: Brain-inspired Chiphttp://36kr.com/p/214445.html
Please excuse my language. I don"t have Chinese typing here at company ;((( But I like this question. It goes deep into the architecture itself instead of a superficial marketing slogan.Fortunately I attended Modha"s keynote talk at HPCA earlier this year at. Tbh the talk was not that impressive despite the well-decorated IBM slides. In fact the group I work in right now is cooperating with IBM"s true-north team. As far as I know the true north team is trying to port caffe on their processors.
In practice the real problem with true north (or other similar cortical processors) is their performance in terms of classification error rate or detection accuracy is rather low compared with conventional platforms, i.e. CPUs, GPUs, or FPGAs. TN"s selling point is improved power consumption, which is totally expected because their architecture is re-designed from the bottom up and their circuit style is mostly asynchronous. The question is do you really want to go back to that level of poor performance just for power saving? (hehehehe)
What I learnt from my manager is TN chips are not running any deep architecture right now. Their pedestrian detection/tracking demo at HPCA earlier this year is not that good at all, which also implies the models running on TN is not very effective. True north can simulate neural network, but there are many other important components in a high-performance deep architecture, the simplest one being convolution filters. I don"t know how TN can simulate these parts.
It seems that right now the TN team wants to know whether it is possible to build a software layer atop several interconnected TN chips so that the learning model TN chips simulate can be more complex and more capable as a whole. There must be smooth co-operation between conventional general purpose processors and a TN chip. A large chunk of NN by itself is meaningless.
Personally I prefer Yunji"s DianNao-series paper. Their accelerator seems to be more flexible and has better interface with conventional CPU. I"m looking forward to their commercial use, that is, how much performance/training improvement they can bring about if industry companies like Baidu adopts it.
Again, I apologize for my language...樓主啊,既然是模擬鼠腦,那麼又哪來的演算法呢?
適當的調整neuron的參數,其實主要就是time constant,你就可以得到常見的幾種oscillation,然後就又灌一篇neuromorphic engineering的兩大目的:1. 通過仿大腦運行,更好的理解大腦運行的方式,這是scientific的貢獻2. 借鑒大腦的運行方式,設計更好的晶元,engineering的貢獻作為一名調研過這個項目的人,我想還是給大家普及一下這個神奇的TrueNorth晶元到底是什麼玩意!
謝邀 確實不知道 sorry
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TAG:IBM | 晶元集成電路 | 人工智慧演算法 | 深度學習DeepLearning |