

這一題我強答一波,哈哈。雖然我不是斯坦福畢業的,但有幸,我的一些同事和好友都曾在斯坦福工作學習過。我特意「訪問」了我的同事兼好友,Hannah Smith,她就畢業於斯坦福大學的歷史專業,讓她來告訴大家,如何才能被斯坦福大學錄取,斯坦福大學看重的又是申請者們的哪些素質?





如果你想在課外活動列表、學習成績、標化考試成績或是捐款數額等方面做努力,也都沒有一個標準的答案可供參考。斯坦福校友雜誌稱,在過去五年中的斯坦福大學申請人里,有69%的人獲得了SAT滿分( 2400)的成績,但他們也沒有被錄取。如果連獲得滿分的學生都沒能進入斯坦福,這要讓其他的申請人怎麼辦?














1. 做些厲害的事情






曾以自己的商業項目參加過創業比賽Shark Tank



2. 參與一項運動




3. 構建強有力的個人申請形象








美國頂尖大學的招生官現在不僅僅看你的Academic Background 更是要想看你的個人能力 including critical thinking, problem solving. 所以對於中國的學生來說,取得一個好成績並不算達到Admission Requirements.那麼如何才能做到突出呢?記住:時刻培養你的領導力,以下是我的斯坦福大學的學生所知道的一些斯坦福大學的項目,記住:如果你要想進入你的目標學校,時刻與它建立關係,也別忘記connect with the alumni via LinkedIn or Facebook or other social media platform, it"s a great chance to build your global network. At Dyad, we also have mentors from Stanford.所以你也可以通過微信與我們的Dyad全球國際人脈網建立聯繫。


there are a great number of opportunities open to high school students, including international students, that want to spend their summer learning at Stanford. Whether you want to get a taste of what university life is like or if you hope to one day be accepted to Stanford, it』s not a bad idea to get your foot in the door as soon as possible by participating in one of the university』s summer programs. Below, I』ve highlighted two of the programs available at Stanford.

1. Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY)

網址:advanced learning developed by Stanford University

This program allows high school students to take a three to four week course in one of several different subject areas including computer science, legal studies, engineering, and writing. Students get the opportunity to live in one of the dorms on campus as well as the chance to meet Stanford undergraduate and graduate students who serve as teaching assistants for the courses provided in the program. My freshman and sophomore year roommate actually served as one of the student mentors for a course in computer science and, from what he has told me, there is plenty of time to get to know the teaching assistants and to pick their brains for advice on pretty much any topic. Make a good impression, keep in touch, and those contacts can help you when you"re looking to make sure your application gets read.

2. Stanford Summer International Honors Program (SSIHP)


This program is similar to EPGY in that students are given the opportunity to take classes at Stanford and get the opportunity to live in a dorm on campus as well. However, SSIHP differs from EPGY in that this program is directed toward international students already enrolled in a university. Additionally, the courses offered last for eight weeks instead of three to four and are quite diverse, encompassing subjects in 36 different departments. One factor to note is that this program is only open to students attending universities that have partnered with Stanford through this program. You will need to confirm that your university is a partner school before you apply. I remember living in a dorm that housed a good number of international students participating in this program. I became friends with a few of them and it seemed like every time we talked, our conversations would always shift to the topic of their classes and all the interesting people they got to meet, including professors that are leaders in their field. The international students seemed genuinely interested in what they were learning and were grateful for the opportunity to be immersed in the subjects they loved at Stanford.

There are lots of ways to study at Stanford, if you look in the right places. Aside from the programs that I mentioned, there are countless others that are focused on topics ranging from musical performance to biomedical research. Even if it is just for the summer, participating in one of these programs will definitely allow you an opportunity to experience university life at Stanford first hand, and more importantly, decide whether this is a place that you would truly like to attend in the future.

Is it possible to graduate with honors, immerse yourself in activities you love, make lifelong friends, and set yourself up for success after college? You bet! Based on interviews with star college students across the US, this book compiles 75 practical tips (some pretty surprising!) that show that success is more often achieved through being strategic, making good choices, and cultivating healthy habits, than through natural talent or temperament.



1. Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White.

Whether you"re going to major in Dramatic Arts or Astrophysics, clear, brief, and bold writing will empower any type of work you produce. This is hands down the best manual on writing English prose. Ever.

2. Getting Things Done by David Allen.

There are a bajillion productivity gurus out there offering various tips on staying efficient without multitasking and overloading. Productivity consultant, David Allen, doesn"t just offer tips, but a whole work-life management system that is simple, intuitive, and stress-relieving--and that has been hailed by CEOs galore. I really wish I had read this before entering college; would"ve saved me a few tears and grey hairs.

3. How to Win at College by Cal Newport.

Is it possible to graduate with honors, immerse yourself in activities you love, make lifelong friends, and set yourself up for success after college? You bet! Based on interviews with star collaege students across the US, this book compiles 75 practical tips (some pretty surprising!) that show that success is more often achieved through being strategic, making good choices, and cultivating healthy habits, than through natural talent or temperament.

Is it possible to graduate with honors, immerse yourself in activities you love, make lifelong friends, and set yourself up for success after college? You bet! Based on interviews with star college students across the US, this book compiles 75 practical tips (some pretty surprising!) that show that success is more often achieved through being strategic, making good choices, and cultivating healthy habits, than through natural talent or temperament.

以上就是我們Dyad學員必備的三本書,在Dyad 我們也有一系列的Workshop,無論線下線上,通過提高你的演講能力辯論能力和你的閱讀能力,培養你的思辨能力以及問題的處理能力。

參加Dyad Public Speaking Bootcamp的體驗


Dyad Public Speaking Bootcamp

而我們的閱讀訓練營馬上也要開始了,這個是我的Colleague Samantha來上的,Samantha是北卡羅來納教堂山大學畢業,她拿過Full Scholarship,很牛逼! Very Awesome!!! 她會根據美國頂尖大學的要求來培養你的思辨能力,在她的課堂上,你就是主導者!而她則是引路人。

2017NNU Workshoop

如果你想提高自己,請不要猶豫. Joining Dyad is a great opportunity for you to improve yourself. We always believe that "follow your smile" is a great way to success and we also believe the impossible things so long as you keep fighting and keeping searching, the chances are you can eventually achieve your goals and get into your dream school. 相信在Dyad,你會得到更加專業的指導,加入我們全球人脈網。改變就在當下!

if you have further questions or any questions on Application to Stanford,

feel free to reach us on WeChat

Team Dyad is ready to help!

http://u.wechat.com/MFlCDahMEpEdCdS0yVRtBuE (二維碼自動識別)






1. 愛運動,身體好。或許每個美國大學都是這樣,這和他們從小重視體育教育和社會形成的體育文化相關。只說我看到的:各種運動項目總能見到很多人;校園裡一年四季都能看到穿短裙熱褲的女生和褲衩拖鞋的男生,「火力壯得很」,只喝冰水不喝熱水。體育教育是對人的成長有著重要意義,你在高中三年里,也爭取在體育運動中得到成長,這個在國內容易被忽略。

2. 實踐者。我看到本科生被鼓勵出去去公司做實習。還有前些日子一群學生搭帳篷住在main quad好幾天,抗議學校在非清潔能源方面的投資。校園裡也有不少關於一些公益項目的跟蹤報道等。大概和地處矽谷有關,創業者也都是實踐者,這的學生們也都知道「去做」的重要性。所以如果你高中三年,也有什麼你覺得是想做的事情,那就去做,讓自己也成為一個實踐者。

3. 演講者。他們的課里,經常需要分享你的見解。我經常看到上課的時候,一個同學站在前面,分享自己的見解。有不少課堂都是討論式課堂,學生討論和發表見解是課程的一部分。這要求你有見解和要有好的英語表達的能力

4. 個體獨特但集體活動多。每個學生都有自己的個性,他們知道他們自己喜歡什麼而不是隨大流,11、自行車、滑板、滑板車、還有電動滑板或滑板車等;雖然都用蘋果電腦,但上面會有不同的電腦貼。活動、比賽等經常都是以團隊的方式參與(可能和從小的體育運動中的團隊協作有關)。所以,你在形成自己獨特的同時,也儘早體會和學會如何更好地團隊合作。






GPA,toefl,Personal Vitae,RL,或許還有WE,最好都準備。我一個同學GPA3.7,但是被Rej了。多利用假期去做一些實踐或者參加一下活動什麼的,不然PS/CV就沒什麼寫的。RL也比較重要吧,而且校友的RL會有很多加分的。最後最重要的還是你的GPA和toefl


同是理工名校,斯坦福和 MIT 的風格有什麼區別?

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