

20171219 補充@肖寒的論文列表,見https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/32095451

感謝 @方亮 的邀請。


  • 經濟學明星夫妻檔 + 師生戀 Abhijit Banerjee 和 Esther Duflo 合著的 Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty (2011);
  • 超級明星經濟學家 Daron Acemoglu 和政治經濟學家 James Robinson 合著的 Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty (2012);
  • 去年「諾」獎得主 Angus Deaton 的 The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality (2013)


出於銷量的考慮,暢銷書的深度和嚴謹度肯定是不及學術論文和專著的。因此,如果想進一步了解這個領域,那就得去讀最近 20 年的學術論文了。至於流派什麼的不是很清楚,因為當代經濟學只分主流和非主流。若想要了解發展經濟學更早以前的歷史和方法論,可以去讀 Paul Krugman 的文章 The Fall and Rise of Development Economics。若想要了解發展經濟學近年來的方法論之爭,可以去讀 Journal of Economic Perspectives (JEP) 在 2010 年的一期專題 Symposium: The Agenda for Development Economics。

下面按研究主題稍微列幾篇論文,主題之間或多或少有聯繫。入門可以從 JEP 上的文章讀起,至於其他期刊,讀者須有中級以上的理論知識儲備,教材可參考經濟學入門讀物哪本比較好? - 知乎用戶的回答和計量經濟學最好的教材是什麼? - 知乎用戶的回答這兩個回答。


  • Binswanger, H.P. and Deininger, K., 1997. Explaining Agricultural and Agrarian Policies in Developing Countries. Journal of Economic Literature, 35(4), pp.1958-2005.


  • Besley, T., 1995. Property Rights and Investment Incentives: Theory and Evidence from Ghana. Journal of Political Economy, 103(5), pp.903-937.
  • Banerjee, A.V., Gertler, P.J. and Ghatak, M., 2002. Empowerment and Efficiency: Tenancy Reform in West Bengal. Journal of Political Economy, 110(2), pp.239-280.


  • Morduch, J., 1999. The Microfinance Promise. Journal of Economic Literature, 37(4), pp.1569-1614.

  • Burgess, R. and Pande, R., 2005. Do Rural Banks Matter? Evidence from the Indian Social Banking Experiment. American Economic Review, 95(2), pp.780-795.

  • Cull, R., Demirgü?-Kunt, A. and Morduch, J., 2009. Microfinance Meets the Market. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23(1), pp.1-30.


  • Townsend, R.M., 1995. Consumption Insurance: An Evaluation of Risk-bearing Systems in Low-Income Economies. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9(3), pp.83-102.

  • Ligon, E., Thomas, J.P. and Worrall, T., 2002. Informal Insurance Arrangements with Limited Commitment: Theory and Evidence from Village Economies. Review of Economic Studies, 69(1), pp.209-44.


  • Foster, J.E. and Sen, A.K., 1997. On Economic Inequality: After a Quarter Century. Annex to the Enlarged Edition of On Economic Inequality. Oxford University Press.

  • Davidson, R. and Duclos, J.Y., 2000. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Dominance and for the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality. Econometrica, 68(6), pp.1435-1464.

  • Banerjee, A., Mookherjee, D., Munshi, K. and Ray, D., 2001. Inequality, Control Rights, and Rent Seeking: Sugar Cooperatives in Maharashtra. Journal of Political Economy, 109(1), pp.138-190.

  • Besley, T. and Burgess, R., 2003. Halving Global Poverty. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 17(3), pp.3-22.


  • Udry, C., 1996. Gender, Agricultural Production, and the Theory of the Household. Journal of Political Economy, 104(5), pp.1010-1046.

  • Pitt, M.M. and Khandker, S.R., 1998. The Impact of Group‐based Credit Programs on Poor Households in Bangladesh: Does the Gender of Participants Matter?. Journal of Political Economy, 106(5), pp.958-996.

  • Mammen, K. and Paxson, C., 2000. Women"s Work and Economic Development. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 14(4), pp.141-164.

  • Chattopadhyay, R. and Duflo, E., 2004. Women as Policy Makers: Evidence from a Randomized Policy Experiment in India. Econometrica, 72(5), pp.1409-1443.


  • Jacoby, H.G. and Skoufias, E., 1997. Risk, Financial Markets, and Human Capital in a Developing Country. Review of Economic Studies, 64(3), pp.311-335.

  • Duflo, E., 2001. Schooling and Labor Market Consequences of School Construction in Indonesia: Evidence from an Unusual Policy Experiment. American Economic Review, 91(4), pp.795-813.

  • Glewwe, P., 2002. Schools and Skills in Developing Countries: Education Policies and Socioeconomic Outcomes. Journal of Economic Literature, 40(2), pp.436-482.
  • Rosenzweig, M.R., 2010. Microeconomic Approaches to Development: Schooling, Learning, and Growth. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 24(3), pp.81-96.


  • Strauss, J. and Thomas, D., 1998. Health, Nutrition, and Economic Development. Journal of Economic Literature, 36(2), pp.766-817.

  • Dercon, S. and Krishnan, P., 2000. In Sickness and in Health: Risk Sharing within Households in Rural Ethiopia. Journal of Political Economy, 108(4), pp.688-727.
  • Miguel, E. and Kremer, M., 2004. Worms: Identifying Impacts on Education and Health in the Presence of Treatment Externalities. Econometrica, 72(1), pp.159-217.

  • Das, J., Hammer, J. and Leonard, K., 2008. The Quality of Medical Advice in Low-income Countries. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22(2), pp.93-114.


  • Burnside, C. and Dollar, D., 2000. Aid, Policies, and Growth. American Economic Review, 90(4), pp.847-868.

  • Hansen, H. and Tarp, F., 2001. Aid and Growth Regressions. Journal of Development Economics, 64(2), pp.547-570.

  • Reinikka, R. and Svensson, J., 2004. Local Capture: Evidence from a Central Government Transfer Program in Uganda. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 119(2), pp.679-705.


  • Acemoglu, D.K., Robinson, J. and Johnson, S., 2001. The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation. American Economic Review, 91(5), pp.1369-1401.

  • Acemoglu, D., Johnson, S. and Robinson, J.A., 2002. Reversal of Fortune: Geography and Institutions in the Making of the Modern World Income Distribution. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117(4), pp.1231-1294.

  • Levine, R., 2005. Law, Endowments and Property Rights. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19(3), pp.61-88.


  • Shleifer, A. and Vishny, R.W., 1993. Corruption. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108(3), pp.599-617.
  • Mauro, P., 1995. Corruption and Growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(3), pp.681-712.


  • Lin, J.Y., 1992. Rural Reforms and Agricultural Growth in China. American Economic Review, 82(1), pp.34-51.

  • Li, W., 1997. The Impact of Economic Reform on the Performance of Chinese State Enterprises, 1980–1989. Journal of Political Economy, 105(5), pp.1080-1106.

  • Jacoby, H.G., Li, G. and Rozelle, S., 2002. Hazards of Expropriation: Tenure Insecurity and Investment in Rural China. American Economic Review, 92(5), pp.1420-1447.

除了 JEP 上的文章,這裡故意忽略了最近 10 年裡產生的前沿研究。這些文章已經超出了題目中「進階」的範圍,而且實在太多,一下子也列不過來。此外,宏觀經濟增長方面的論文也沒有列出來。寫到這裡,即使作為一個入坑有一段時間的學員,也不得不感嘆經濟學的博大精深。





這樣的例子很多,簡單地說對發展經濟學入門,首先就要對其他經濟學領域入門。在有其他經濟學基礎後(宏微觀和增長理論是必須的),建議讀讀人大、清華、機械等出版社的各種發展經濟學教程,瑟爾沃、波金斯 、托達羅的都可以。不過不建議讀速水佑次郎等日本學者的書,因為他們都是側重誘致性變遷領域的,教材不是很全面。




入門書: 《發展經濟學》 作者: 邁克爾·P·托達羅






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