

可以參考:Chronology of Game Theory


  1. 1838, the book Researches into the Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth by Antoine Augustin Cournot
  2. 1913, Zermelo"s theorem (game theory)
  3. 1928, Zur Theorie der Gesellschaftsspiele (團隊遊戲之理論) by John von Neumann
  4. 1944, the book Theory of Games and Economic Behavior by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern.
  5. 1950, Nash"s equilibrium points
  6. 1950, Nash bargaining solution (Bargaining problem)
  7. 1950--1953, Formulation of extensive games by Harold W. Kuhn
  8. 1953, Shapley value
  9. 1953, Stochastic game by Lloyd Shapley
  10. 1960, Mechanism design by Leonid Hurwicz
  11. 1961, Vickrey auction

  12. 1962, Deferred-acceptance algorithm by David Gale and Lloyd Shapley
  13. 1965, Subgame perfect equilibrium by Reinhard Selten
  14. 1967, Bayesian game by John Harsanyi
  15. 1967, Rent-seeking by Gordon Tullock
  16. 1972, Incentive compatibility by Leonid Hurwicz
  17. 1970s, Revelation principle
  18. 1970s, Implementation theory by Eric Maskin
  19. 1974, Correlated equilibrium by Robert Aumann
  20. 1975, Trembling hand perfect equilibrium by Reinhard Selten
  21. 1976, Common knowledge by Robert Aumann
  22. 1982, Rubinstein bargaining game by Ariel Rubinstein
  23. 1982, Sequential equilibrium by David M. Kreps and Robert B. Wilson
  24. 1985, the existence of universal type space by Jean-Fran??ois Mertens and Shmuel Zamir

  25. 1991, Perfect Bayesian equilibrium (Bayesian game) by Drew Fudenberg and Jean Tirole

在 Handbook of Game Theory 中,從不知多少年前的第一卷里就有一個屬於 General 的尚未寫但準備寫的 History of Game Theory 章節,然而我從第一卷一直翻到前兩年剛出的第四卷還是沒有找到這篇……而且連 planned 都沒有了。。本來想投機大概翻譯一下就好結果發現沒有現成的資料。




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