
可以譯成Youth is for losing face.嗎?是不是不地道啊?

Being a fool makes youth full.


Folly is a privilege of the young. Folly = (做)傻事。「做傻事是年輕人的特權。」

也可說 youth is meant to be wasted on the young. 青春就是被年輕人用來糟蹋的。

Just keep it clear and simple: You are too young to lose your face.

You are too young to embarrass yourself


Youth could mean to face humiliation.

Stay hungry, stay foolish.

no more foolish,no more youth.

Young and nothing to lose.

When you are young, rock anything you want to rock.不必盯著丟臉二字來翻譯,因為中文本意就是鼓勵大家趁年輕要敢闖不要怕犯錯。

Losing dignity of oneself is the privilege for youth.

Youth is for making mistakes.

It"s good to be young and stupid.


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