如何看待 11 月 5 日涉及希拉里案的 FBI 探員之一死亡?
FBI Agent Suspected in Hillary Email Leaks Found Dead in Apparent Murder-Suicide
Hillary, the Clinton Foundation, Soros, the DNC, Obama, and much of the US government is so corrupt that it"s hard to fabricate a conspiracy more corrupt than reality. Truth is stranger than fiction. Stories like this detract from their real crimes and set up a straw-man argument: If this murder-suicide story is false, then all the reports against the Clintons must also be false. Perhaps this is why someone made up this story.
Wikileaks has exposed corruption in our government at historic levels, even though only a tiny fraction has been exposed. It is shameful to even mention what these wicked people have done in secret. A story like this murder-suicide is understandably believable because it"s nothing compared with their other crimes. Even though all this corruption is a disgrace, we want to see it exposed so these crimes come to justice. We owe it to the victims and their families. If these crimes are not punished by death, then we as a civilization have no respect for human life. If justice does not prevail, we deserve nothing but destruction and annihilation. If we fail, wipe the memory of our Republic from the earth.
尤其是這種看起來亦假亦真的謠言,傳的神乎其神的謠言,一併算上什麼蘿莉啊,孌童啊。第一說明有市場,第二有針對性。這個針對性和相信川普是強姦犯的是一類人。在這個群里有意義非凡的效果。fbi今天已經宣布繼續不起訴希拉里了,不改變7月份決定。 這裡面沒事情是不可能的,只能說死兩個探員都不算什麼
目前很多消息都說這個是謠言。最早發出這個新聞的 Denvor Guardian 今年7月份才註冊,幾乎就是個空殼子,很多頁面都顯示Error。到底是主流媒體集體失語,還是小報造謠言,這個大家自己要有判斷。
UPDATE: There is no such thing as the Denver Guardian, despite that Facebook post you sawFBI Agent Suspected in Hillary Email Leaks Found Dead in Apparent Murder-Suicide : snopes.com我記得這個source有問題,很可能是謠言
Reddit 有人列了個表,
This story straight up links to the Clinton Body Count webpage. This one
希大媽不當總統就等著被查吧。聯邦監獄見。除了調查柯林頓基金會涉嫌參與販賣海地受災兒童而在近日離奇死亡的獨立記者Monica Petersen外,下列這些人也因涉及柯林頓希拉里而死的不明不白:
揭露希拉里搞掉桑德斯的那個民主黨資料庫主管Seth Rich7月10日凌晨在家附近被「劫匪」槍殺,錢包,手機等等完好無損。
8月2日,代表桑德斯起訴民主黨大會的主控律師Shawn Lucas在家中「非正常死亡」。
專門調查柯林頓一家,曾著書「為什麼希拉里不該入主白宮」的調查記者Victor Thorm,8月1日在家「自殺」身亡。
6月22日,前聯合國官員John Ashe,在因受賄罪將要出庭指證柯林頓一家的出庭前遭襲擊身亡。
作家和編輯Mike Flynn,6月23日發表揭露柯林頓基金會黑幕的文章,當晚在家死亡。想知道是不是假新聞,又不想去驗證,怎麼辦呢? @胡不知
口號:【投票拯救美國!快!】拍成MTV,加上不能忍受希拉里的黑點和後果的畫面!也許會創造單曲救美國的奇蹟!為了奇蹟拼了!如何總結 2016 年美國總統大選? - 回答如果是真的——貴國藥丸
如果是假的——把水攪渾?我反正是不信共和黨會蠢到在輿論里摻雜劣質謠言。1. 看看Google新聞:
2. 看看新聞原文:
THIS IS A DEVELOPING STORY.3. 看看闢謠怎麼說的:http://www.denverpost.com/2016/11/05/there-is-no-such-thing-as-the-denver-guardian/
a. 這個網站資質有問題,註冊時間不到半年;
b. 這個網站的「新聞」專欄,只有這一篇新聞(呵呵);c. 文中地址是一片空地,可以用谷歌街景查看。結論:謠言。
PS: 去Twitter上看了一眼,已經各種傳開了。藥丸。
PPS: 這種問題在知乎果然能輕易釣來許多中華田園川普粉……希拉里是不是揀到了天上掉下來的小本本。。
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